There are many different dog breeds that come in black-and-white colorations. From Dalmations to Border Collies, a dog with this unique coat pattern deserve a unique, fitting name.
We’ve collected a variety of different themed names for black-and-white dogs. On this list, you’ll find everything from popular, English names like “Oreo” to exotic names in other languages.
Of course, when choosing a name for your dog, you should also consider their personality and size on top of their coat color. To help you find the perfect name for your pup, we’ve included the meaning of each name where necessary.

Black and White Male Dog Names
Here are some classical and oh-so-unique names that are suitable for dogs with black and white coats. Many of these names include the meanings with them, so be sure to check those out too.
- Abrax: Greek name meaning “shining one.” In mythology, this was the name of the steed of Aurora.
- Adastor: Greek name meaning “away from the stars.”
- Adham: Arabic name meaning “black”
- Aithbhreac: Old Scottish name meaning “speckled one.”
- Alder: after the Alder Borer, a type fo black and white insect.
- Almond Joy
- Aquiline: Roman Latin name that means “like an eagle”, which is an animal that sometimes comes with a black and white coloration.
- Arvak: a steed who pulls the sun goddess’s chariot in Norse mythology. Light was said to come from his mane, while the sun itself only gave off heat.
- Balios: Greek name meaning “dappled.” This was one of the immortal horses who pulled the chariot of Achilles in the Trojan war. He was the offspring of a harpy and west wind.
- Barcode
- Bat: a couple of different bat species are black and white
- Blake: English name meaning both “black” and “white”
- Blot
- Brictius: Latin name meaning “spotted.”
- Brigliadoro. Pronounced bril-ya-doro, this was the name of a French horse who had a single black spot in their mouth. This would make a great name for a mostly white canine with just a few black spots.
- Bryce: Welsh name meaning “spotted.”
- Brychan: Welsh name meaning “pied” and “speckled.”
- Bulls-eye
- Butler
- Caedmon: Anglo-Saxon name meaning “battle spot”
- Carran: Irish name meaning “little black one”
- Catahecassa: Native American Shawnee that means “black hoof.”
- Chanel
- Charlie
- Cheetah: the fast, spotted cat. The word directly translates to “spotted.”
- Chess
- Clark: after the Clark Nutcracker, which is a black and white bird
- Clown: after the black and white clownfish
- Coke
- Colobus: a type of monkey that is black and white. They have strangely long hair for a monkey.
- Cow
- Dachs: the German word for “badger”
- Dall: a dolphin species names after a famous naturalist.
- Dalmation: a potentially funny name for your non-Dalmation canine
- Delaney: “black challenger” in Irish.
- Dessert
- Dolphin: a couple of different dolphin species are black and white.
- Droopy
- Duck: some types of ducks are black and white
- Dusty
- Ermine: a cute, black and white animal
- Ewok: the fuzzy, little, bear-things from Star Wars.
- Felix
- Fish: as in “fish hawk” – another name for the Osprey
- Fox: arctic foxes and a couple of other species are black and white.
- Goofy: from Mickey Mouse. While we aren’t sure whether Goofy has white hands or is just wearing gloves, we’re pretty sure this counts.
- Grizzly: a grizzly bear and “gray.”
- Hawk: many hawk species are black and white.
- Holstein: the white and black breed of dairy cow
- Hornet: the bald-faced hornet is black and white.
- Jasper
- Jazz
- Jiggy: means “pieces of a puzzle”
- Junior Mint
- Keys
- Lemur: many species are black and white
- Li: Chinese name meaning “beautiful”, “dawn”, “black”, and “plum”, among other things.
- Liwanu: “growl of a bear” in Native American Miwok
- Lucky
- Macaroni
- Magic
- Magician
- Makya: Native American Hopi name for “eagle hunter”. Many different species of eagles are black and white.
- Marble
- Maverick
- Merle: Englis name meaning “blackbird.”
- Mickey
- Mittens
- Moon
- Moony: “of the moon”. Also spelled “Moonie.”
- Moth: we can think of a few species of moths that are black and white
- Motley
- Mottle
- Nadir: “rare” in Arabic, which we can all agree black and white canines are.
- Nigel
- Noir
- Obsidian
- Octopus: because octopuses can change colors, they can appear black and white.
- Odile
- Oighrig: modern name that means “new speckled one.” It is likely derived from a similar, Old Scottish name.
- Onyx
- Orca
- Oreo
- Osprey: a black and white hawk
- Panda
- Panda
- Pandaros: Greek name meaning “all-hunter” and “panther”. It is also the name of the betrayer of the Greeks who threw the lance at Menelaus.
- Pantera: word for “panther” and “all-hunter” in Greek.
- Parfait
- Patches
- Peanuts
- Penguin
- Pepper
- Petey: the black and white American Staffordshire Terrier from Little Rascals
- Piano
- Pinwheel
- Pixel
- Polecat: an adorable skunk-like animal that is black and white. They are from Africa.
- Pongo: from the 101 Dalmations
- Puck: the disc used in hockey as well as a mischievous spirit in some Europeans mythologies.
- Puffin
- Puzzels
- Raccoon
- Raven
- Rebel
- Retro
- Rocky
- Rootbeer Float
- Salt n’ Pepper
- Scrabble
- Sea: many, many different marine animals are black and white.
- Seal
- Shade
- Shadow
- Shady
- Shamu
- Silhouette
- Skunk
- Skunk
- Smudge
- Snake
- Snoopy
- Spider: quite a few spiders are black and white
- Stripes
- Sundae
- Tapir: some species are white and black
- Trooper: like a Storm Trooper from Star Wars
- Vintage: because vintage pictures are often black and white.
- Woodpecker: many species have black and white markings
- Yayauhhqui: Nahuatl name meaning “black smoke.”
- Zigzag
- Zorro
Learn More: Top 600+ Brown Dog Names

Black and White Female Dog Names
We’ve collected plenty of names for your adorable, black and white pup. These elegant and graceful names for females range from traditional names to those that are one-of-a-kind.
- Amaterasu: Japanese name meaning “shining over heaven.”
- Audrey
- Aurora
- Bessie
- Betty
- Butterfly
- Coco
- Cookie
- Cookies and Cream
- Cupcake
- Daiyu: Chinese name meaning “black jade,” which is a precious stone.
- Diana: Roman goddess of the moon and hunting.
- Dot
- Hemera: Greek goddess of both day and night
- Ibis: a type of crane that is back and white.
- Inanna: Sumerian name meaning “lady of heaven”. This is the name of the goddess of the sky, earth, love, and war in Babylonian mythology.
- Kailani: Hawaiian for “sea and sky.”
- Kali: wife of the God Shiva in Hindi mythology. The name translates both to “the black one” and the “devourer of time.”
- Kanika: Egyptian name meaning “black.”
- Lucina: the Roman goddess of childbirth. This is also the name of an asteroid.
- Malinda: “sweet serpent” and “dark serpent.”
- Melaina: name of a nymph in Greek mythology, translates roughly to “black” or “dark.”
- Merla: English name meaning “blackbird”
- Minnie
- Mittens
- Moo Moo
- Moon
- Noir
- Nyx: Greek goddess of the night
- Odette
- Parfait
- Pepper
- Perdita: the mother dalmatians in 101 Dalmations
- Polka dot
- Sable: another word for “black.”
- Siv: the word for “mix of black and white” in a couple of different languages, including Serbian and Bosnian.
- Star
- Swan: there are some white and black swan species out there.
- Swirl
- Tigra: from the word “tiger.”
- Venus: the second planet from the sun in our solar system.
- Yin: from the yin-yang symbol in Chinese culture.
Learn More: Top 350+ Russian Dog Names

Cute Names for Black and White Dogs
For the smaller puppy or incredibly fluffy dog, a cuter name could be very fitting. Out of all the names we came up with, here are some of the cutest:
- Ace
- Arrow
- Axle
- Bean
- Bear
- Blue
- Bodhi
- Bone
- Braith: Welsh name meaning “diversely colored”, specifically in reference to black and white coloring.
- Buddy
- Buster
- Cash
- Cham: Hebrew name meaning “heat”, which refers to both black and white things.
- Chaplin
- Chester
- Cliff
- Cookie
- Dabble
- Dapple
- Dice
- Domino
- Domino
- Dotty
- Drake
- Elvis
- Forest
- Freckles
- Greta
- Groucho
- Gunner
- Gwyn: name of a Welsh God often depicted as black and white.
- Ice
- Inkblot
- Inky
- Jack
- Jude
- Junior Mint
- King
- Koda
- Kona
- Leopard
- Magic
- Maverick
- Mickey
- Ninja
- Oakley
- Oreo
- Panda
- Pepper
- Pickle
- Pinto
- Pongo
- Puffin
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Rocky
- Rollo
- Salt
- Slate
- Snoopy
- Socks
- Space
- Spade
- Spade
- Spot
- Spot
- Sprinkles
- Storm
- Stormy
- Sundae
- Swirl
- Tanner
- Teddy
- Thor
- Tiger
- Titus
- Tracker
- Trooper
- Tux
- Tux
- Tyler
- Vega
- Whale
- Ying-Yang
- Zebra
- Zinc
Learn More: Top 500+ Bulldog Names

Now It’s Time to Pick One!
Your dog can only have one name. After browsing through our list, it’s time for you to choose just one name for your canine. Obviously, this can be very difficult. Give yourself plenty of time to sort through all these names before settling on your favorite.
You should include your family in the decision making as much as possible. Everyone is going to have to use your dog’s name, so they should all be included as much as possible. Of course, smaller children are going to be able to take less stake in the process than others.
On that same note, be sure everyone can pronounce the name you choose, especially the smaller kids. Mis-pronounced names are how some dogs end up with not-so-fitting nicknames. Of course, most toddlers do can not pronounce any name very well, but this is an important factor to keep in mind nevertheless.