Boxers are pretty popular in the United States. They’re alert, silly, and full of personality. They’re one of the most popular breeds in the United States and rank number ten in popularity according to the American Kennel Club.
While these dogs are mostly just companions today, they are still quite athletic. When well-toned, one of these dogs is an impressive sight.
Do to their upbeat and playful nature, these dogs make good family pets. They’re pretty good with other animals and great with children.
Because of their popularity, it can be difficult to find a unique name for your Boxer. To help you on this quest, we’ve created this huge list of Boxer names.

Girl Boxer Dog Names
Female Boxers are significantly smaller than their male counterparts. However, that doesn’t mean that these dogs aren’t athletic. Walking the fine line between athletic and feminine can be difficult, but here are some of our favorite names:
- Addie
- Alexis
- Alice
- Allie
- Alyssa
- Amari
- Amber
- Amelia
- Amelie
- Amina
- Angel
- Angelica
- Angie
- Aspen
- Athena
- Aubrey
- Bessie
- Betsy
- Betty
- Birdie
- Biscuit
- Blair
- Blakely
- Blanche
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Bonnie
- Brandy
- Brielle
- Brooklyn
- Cadence
- Callie
- Cameron
- Camilia
- Camille
- Candy
- Carla
- Carly
- Carmela
- Carmen
- Carolina
- Carolyn
- Casey
- Cassie
- Cecelia
- Chance
- Cleo
- Clover
- Coco
- Cookie
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Demi
- Destiny
- Diamond
- Diva
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Dolores
- Dora
- Dorothy
- Dory
- Dot
- Dottie
- Duchess
- Eden
- Edie
- Edith
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Ember
- Erin
- Esmerelda
- Estelle
- Esther
- Etta
- Fannie
- Fantasia
- Faye
- Felecity
- Fern
- Frida
- Gabby
- Gemma
- Genesis
- Geneva
- Georgia
- Geraldine
- Gia
- Gidget
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Giselle
- Gloria
- Goldie
- Grace
- Greta
- Gretchen
- Gwen
- Gypsy
- Hadley
- Haley
- Halle
- Hallie
- Hannah
- Heidi
- Henley
- Hershey
- Holly
- Honey
- Hope
- Ibby
- Ida
- Imani
- Indigo
- Inez
- Ingrid
- Irene
- Iris
- Isabella
- Isla
- Ivory
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jackie
- Jada
- Jade
- Jamie
- Jane
- Janelle
- Jasmine
- Jenna
- Jersey
- Jessie
- Jewel
- Joan
- Jolene
- Jordan
- Josie
- Karina
- Karla
- Karma
- Kate
- Kay
- Kayla
- Kelly
- Kelsey
- Kiara
- Kiki
- Kimmie
- Kinley
- Kinsley
- Lassie
- Layla
- Leia
- Lena
- Leona
- Leslie
- Lexy
- Liana
- Libby
- Liberty
- Lila
- Lily
- London
- Lorelai
- Loretta
- Lorraine
- Louise
- Lovely
- Lucia
- Madison
- Mae
- Maeve
- Malia
- Mallory
- Mandy
- Mango
- Maple
- Mara
- Margaret
- Margot
- Marianna
- Marilyn
- Mia
- Mika
- Mila
- Miley
- Miriam
- Missy
- Mitzi
- Mocha
- Molly
- Morgan
- Moxie
- Muffin
- Mya
- Myra
- Nadia
- Nala
- Nanette
- Naomi
- Nia
- Nikita
- Nikki
- Nina
- Noel
- Pandora
- Paris
- Parker
- Patsy
- Pebbles
- Phoebe
- Piper
- Pippa
- Pippy
- Pixie
- Polly
- Poppy
- Portia
- Raven
- Reese
- Regina
- Remy
- Riley
- Rio
- Rita
- River
- Roxy
- Sadie
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Savannah
- Sawyer
- Scarlet
- Serenity
- Shadow
- Sheba
- Silvia
- Sissy
- Snookie
- Snowball
- Sookie
- Sue
- Sugar
- Suki
- Sydney
- Sylvia
- Tabitha
- Talia
- Taylor
- Tessa
- Thea
- Valentine
- Vera
- Victoria
- Viola
- Violet
- Virginia
- Vivi
- Vivienne
- Vixen
- Whitney
- Zara
- Zelda
- Zia
- Zola
Learn More: Top 900+ Shih Tzu Dog Names

Male Boxer Dog Names
Male Boxers are often larger and more muscular than females. They make suitable guard dogs and watch dogs when appropriately trained. If you’re naming one of these athletic dogs, here are some names you might want to consider:
- Angus
- Apollo
- Augustus
- Austin
- Axel
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Barkley
- Barney
- Baron
- Barry
- Barton
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bryce
- Bubba
- Buck
- Bucky
- Buddy
- Buster
- Butch
- Buzz
- Captain
- Chewy
- Chico
- Chief
- Colby
- Coleman
- Colin
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corky
- Cornelius
- Cosmo
- Crawford
- Damien
- Dane
- Daniel
- Dante
- Darby
- Darius
- Davis
- Davy
- Denver
- Dexter
- Diego
- Diesel
- Donovan
- Drew
- Dudley
- Duffy
- Duke
- Dusty
- Dylan
- Earl
- Easton
- Eli
- Eliot
- Elmer
- Elvis
- Elway
- Emerson
- Emmett
- Evander
- Everett
- Ezra
- Fabio
- Fang
- Farley
- Felix
- Felton
- Fenton
- Fido
- Finley
- Finn
- Fisher
- George
- Gerald
- Ghost
- Gilbert
- Gizmo
- Goose
- Gordy
- Grady
- Graham
- Griffin
- Harold
- Harrison
- Harry
- Hart
- Harvey
- Hawkeye
- Hayes
- Heath
- Hector
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hilton
- Hogan
- Hudson
- Hugh
- Hunter
- Hyatt
- Iggy
- Igor
- Ike
- Indy
- Ira
- Irving
- Ivan
- Ives
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jag
- Jake
- James
- Jameson
- Jasper
- Java
- Jax
- Jefferson
- Jerry
- Jesse
- Jet
- Jethro
- Joey
- John
- Johnny
- Jonas
- Joseph
- Judge
- Junior
- Kane
- Kendrick
- Kent
- Kilo
- King
- Kobe
- Koda
- Kona
- Lambert
- Lance
- Lane
- Langston
- Lars
- Lawrence
- Lemuel
- Lenny
- Leo
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levi
- Lewis
- Liam
- Lucky
- Marty
- Mason
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximillian
- Maximus
- Maxwell
- Mccoy
- McKinley
- Mercer
- Meyer
- Michael
- Mickey
- Milburn
- Miles
- Miller
- Moose
- Morris
- Mort
- Morton
- Murphy
- Nelson
- Nero
- Newton
- Nico
- Niles
- Orson
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Overton
- Owen
- Ozzy
- Pablo
- Paco
- Parker
- Parley
- Patch
- Peanut
- Pepper
- Percival
- Percy
- Petey
- Phillip
- Pierce
- Piper
- Pogo
- Pongo
- Porter
- Prince
- Quincy
- Quinton
- Radar
- Ralph
- Rambo
- Randall
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Raymond
- Rebel
- Reed
- Reese
- Reggie
- Remy
- Reuben
- Rex
- Richard
- Ricky
- Rider
- Riley
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Robert
- Rocco
- Rockwell
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Roy
- Russell
- Rusty
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Sarge
- Saul
- Sawyer
- Sebastian
- Sedrick
- Shadow
- Shamus
- Sheldon
- Shelton
- Sherman
- Sherwood
- Shiloh
- Sigmund
- Silas
- Simba
- Simon
- Skip
- Smokey
- Snoopy
- Socks
- Sparky
- Spencer
- Spike
- Spot
- Stanley
- Stewie
- Stitch
- Teddy
- Tesla
- Thaddeus
- Theo
- Theodore
- Thor
- Thornton
- Tiller
- Titus
- TJ
- Tobias
- Toby
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Ulysses
- Vaughn
- Vernon
- Victor
- Vince
- Vincent
- Vinnie
- Virgil
- Wade
- Wallace
- Wally
- Walter
- Warren
- William
- Wilson
- Winston
- Woody
- Wyatt
- Yoshi
- Yukon
- Zane
- Zeus
- Ziggy
Learn More: Top 250+ Italian Dog Names

White Boxer Names
White Boxers are somewhat uncommon, but they are becoming more and more popular. White is not in the breed standard, so in earlier years it wasn’t uncommon for breeders to euthanize white puppies. These dogs are not albino, but the result of genetics.
- Akos
- Alaska
- Alban
- Albert
- Alby
- Alva
- Angel
- Anjo
- Arjun
- Artemis
- Aspen
- Aubin
- Avalanche
- Bai
- Bardhyl
- Bela
- Belbog
- Beluga
- Belun
- Bianca
- Blake
- Blanco
- Blizzard
- Bolt
- Brie
- Bubbles
- Casper
- Cloud
- Coconut
- Coffee
- Daisy
- Dove
- Echo
- Egret
- Everest
- Faith
- Finn
- Finola
- Fion
- Flora
- Gardenia
- Gavin
- Gawain
- Genna
- Ghost
- Gidget
- Glacier
- Grizzly
- Gwyn
- Harmony
- Hotah
- Ice
- Igloo
- January
- Knight
- Kodiak
- Leban
- Lotus
- Luna
- Misty
- Moon
- Nimbus
- Oreo
- Peony
- Phantom
- Polar
- Polar
- Rim
- Salt
- Sirius
- Skah
- Starbucks
- Sugar
- Tulip
- Tuyet
- Vanilla
- Whisper
- Whitney
- Winter
- Wit
- Wyn
- Yeti
- Yukon
- Zuri

Famous Boxer Dog Names
There have been quite a few famous boxers over the years. Take a little inspiration for history and consider naming your pooch after them.
- Baby: owned by Humphrey Bogart
- Bear: JLo
- Bernard Hopkins: Khloe Kardashian
- Bonny: Alan Langer
- Brennan: Justin Timberlake
- Brindie: Alan Ladd
- Buckley: Justin Timberlake
- Caesar: Shirley Maclaine
- Charlie: Rick Ehrenberg
- Foster: Greg Biffle
- George: owned by Humphrey Bogart
- Gracie: Greg Biffle
- Gruden: Misty-May Traynor
- Harvey: owned by Humphrey Bogart
- Jax: Chelsea Handler
- Jezebel: Alan Ladd
- JJ: Hugh Jackman
- Judy: dog awarded the Dicken Medal for devotion to duty during a military conflict
- Killer: Dale Earnhardt, Jr.
- Lizzie: Nick Saban
- Mona: Jennifer Love-Hewitt
- Orphan: Dedee Pfeiffer
- Penny: Luke Perry
- Presley: Travis Brorsen
- Punch: dog awarded the Dicken Medal for serving in a military conflict
- Rocky: Kim Kardashian
- Roxy: JLo
- Shane: Jordan Knight
- Sunshine: Aishwarya Rai
- Wendell: Dian Fossey
- Willy: Gisele Bunchen

Popular Boxer Names
Not everyone wants an incredibly unique, one-of-a-kind name. Sometimes, a popular name suits your dog perfectly. While you might run into a dog named something similar at the dog park, everyone will be able to pronounce their name and be able to spell it!
- Abbott
- Abe
- Ace
- Agate
- Agnes
- Alexia
- Alexis
- Alice
- Amazon
- Amethyst
- Annabell
- Annie
- Anya
- Ariel
- Artie
- Ash
- Ashby
- Ashley
- Asia
- Atlas
- Autumn
- Ava
- Avery
- Baby
- Bailey
- Bambi
- Basil
- Bea
- Bean
- Bella
- Bertha
- Bianca
- Billie
- Bindi
- Bing
- Biscuit
- Bitsy
- Blair
- Blakely
- Blanche
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Bonsai
- Carly
- Carmela
- Carmen
- Carolina
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Chloe
- Clarissa
- Clementine
- Cora
- Coraline
- Courtney
- Cricket
- Crystal
- Cuddle
- Dixon
- Doc
- Dodge
- Domingo
- Domino
- Donnie
- Doodle
- Fifi
- Fiona
- Flo
- Foxy
- Frances
- Frankie
- Freeman
- Fritz
- Gage
- Gracie
- Journey
- Joy
- Kamila
- Kendall
- Kennedy
- Kenya
- Louise
- Lovely
- Lucia
- Lucille
- Lucinda
- Lucky
- Lucy
- Lula
- Lulu
- Luna
- Madison
- Mae
- Maeve
- Maggie
- Maisie
- Makayla
- Marley
- Midget
- Munchkin
- Murray
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Nash
- Ned
- Nipper
- Ollie
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Perdia
- Petunia
- Phoenix
- Siti
- Skye
- Skylar
- Smokey
- Snickers
- Storm
- Stuart
- Summer
- Sylvan
- Taco
- Tank
- Taylor
- Taz
- Trixie
- Trudy
- Twinkie
- Ursula
- Xena
- Yasmin
- Yvonne
- Zara

Cool Boxer Dog Names
Boxers are just cool dogs. They’re athletic, without being absolutely huge like some athletic dogs are. Furthermore, they make good family dogs and good watchdogs, which isn’t a combination you find often.
- Abby
- Achilles
- Ada
- Adelaide
- Agnes
- Alexander
- Alexia
- Alfie
- Alford
- Ali
- Alistar
- Brownie
- Brynn
- Buffy
- Chanel
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Clarissa
- Clementine
- Edward
- Edwin
- Eldon
- Emory
- Ernest
- Eugene
- Evan
- Lincoln
- Linus
- Logan
- Loki
- Louie
- Nola
- Opal
- Oreo
- Paige
- Paisley
- Ruby
- Ruth
- Ruthie
- Rylie
- Scout
- Selena
- Selma
- Serena
- Tripp
- Tristan
- Truman
- Tucker
- Valeria
- Velma
- Venus
- Wylie
- Yogi
- Zelda
- Zia
- Zoey
Choosing a Name for Your Dog
There really isn’t much that you have to account for when selecting a name for your pooch. The most important factor is that it’s a name that you like. If you have others in your household, you should ensure that they like the name as well.
Older children should be involved in selecting the name directly if at all possible. While younger children likely can’t be of much help in the naming process, you should still ensure that they can pronounce the name at least somewhat well.
If you have trouble choosing a name for your canine, we recommend trying out a few different names to see which one fits best. Some dogs are just made for certain names. Even if there is a name that you absolutely love, it might not match your dog’s personality.
With that said, most dogs don’t come out of their shell for a few months. So, trying to find a name that exactly fits their personality probably won’t work out!