Police dog names are tough, bold, and fearless, making them the perfect option for dogs like German Shepherds and the Belgian Malinois. If you’ve recently adopted one of these dogs, you might be considering giving them a police dog name.
Of course, these names are going to be most useful for dogs who are actual police dogs. But, even if your dog is only a pet, these tough names can still be very fitting. Here are some of our favorite names inspired by police officers:

Tough Police Dog Names Male
Male dogs have countless options for tough, police-inspired names. Use this list as a jumping point for coming up with your own names or just select one of these for your pooch. Many of these names are fitting for both large and small dogs. However, because police dogs are often larger in size, some of these names only make sense for large dogs – unless, of course, you use them ironically.
- Agent
- Apache
- Archer
- Argos
- Aslan
- Atlas
- Augustus
- Avalanche
- Axel
- Azlan
- Badge
- Bart
- Baton
- Bernard
- Bolt
- Boomer
- Boris
- Brett
- Brigadier
- Bronson
- Bronx
- Bruiser
- Bruno
- Buckeye
- Bud
- Bully
- Buzz
- Cain
- Captain
- Carlito
- Ceasar
- Cerberus
- Chavez
- Chaz
- Chevy
- Chief
- Chopper
- Churchill
- Clint
- Cobb
- Colonel
- Colt
- Crash
- Cujo
- Cy
- Czar
- Damien
- Darth Vader
- Debo
- Denver
- Deputy
- Detective
- Dickens
- Diego
- Digger
- Ditka
- Dre
- Edgar
- Enforcer
- Escobar
- Flash
- Gonzo
- Governor
- Griffin
- Hamlet
- Harry
- Hawkeye
- Hendrix
- Highlander
- Holster
- Honor
- Hooch
- Hudson
- Hunter
- Hyde
- Ice
- Igor
- Indiana
- Inspector
- Ivan
- Jax
- Jekyll
- Jesse
- Joker
- Judge
- Jupiter
- Justice
- K-9
- Khan
- Killer
- Kodiak
- Kong
- Koopa
- Laika
- Lancelot
- Lennox
- Leo
- Lieutenant
- Macbeth
- Maddox
- Marksman
- Marshall
- Maverick
- Maximus
- McGruff
- Moose
- Neo
- Nero
- Noble
- Officer
- Osiris
- Ozzy
- Pablo
- Paco
- Parker
- Partner
- Petey
- Pistol
- Protector
- Quixote
- Ram
- Rambo
- Ranger
- Reagan
- Rebel
- Recruit
- Remington
- Riggs
- Rogue
- Rookie
- Rudder
- Samson
- Sarge
- Sergeant
- Shadow
- Shepherd
- Sherman
- Smokey
- Snake
- Spike
- Standby
- Sylvester
- Tank
- Taz
- T-Bone
- Thor
- Tiberius
- Tiger
- Tito
- Triton
- Trooper
- Tugg
- Vice
- Vinnie
- Vlad
- Vulcan
- Wario
- Wrigley
- Yukon
Learn More: Top 325+ Doberman Dog Names

Female Police Dog Names
There is a fine line to walk between tough and dainty when you’re naming a female police dog. Of course, many male names are acceptable for female dogs. And, you don’t have to consider gender at all when naming your pooch if you don’t want to.
However, if you’re looking for something that is both tough and feminine, it can be difficult. Here were some of our favorites:
- Acadia
- Akita
- Alaska
- Alexis
- Ambrosia
- Amethyst
- Andromeda
- Angelina
- Astra
- Avril
- Bandit
- Blaze
- Blitz
- Blizzard
- Bones
- Brooklyn
- Callisto
- Cleopatra
- Codex
- Courage
- Diva
- Duchess
- Ebony
- Echo
- Elektra
- Frannie
- Freya
- Ghost
- Harley
- Hecuba
- Huntress
- Jedi
- Jersey
- Jinx
- Joan of Arc
- Jojo
- Joplin
- Kaia
- Koda
- Lakin
- Leia
- Leisel
- Liberty
- Lola
- Lolita
- Medusa
- Mercy
- Midnight
- Montana
- Ninja
- Norma
- Nyx
- Olga
- Olympia
- Porkchop
- Punky
- Pyro
- Queenie
- Raven
- Rocky
- Roxy
- Ryder
- Sable
- Samus
- Sassy
- Sheba
- Sissy
- Squat
- Starbucks
- Steffi
- Teegan
- Timber
- Ursa
- Willow
- Winter
- Xena
- Yuna
Learn More: Top 800+ Mexican Dog Names

German Shepherd Police Dog Names
German Shepherd are one of the most common dogs used by police, and for good reason. These dogs are known for being exceedingly loyal and dedicated. They’re intelligent enough to train easily without being so intelligent that they’ll figure out they really don’t HAVE to listen to you.
Plus, they’re also very common within the United States according to the AKC. This popularity makes them easy for any prescient to find and adopt.
If you’re recently adopted a German Shepherd yourself, you might want to consider some of these names:
- Abner
- Ajax
- Ammo
- Angelo
- Ares
- Arya
- Asa
- Athena
- Attila
- August
- Bama
- Bane
- Beast
- Becca
- Bernie
- Blade
- Boss
- Brady
- Brewer
- Brinley
- Brittany
- Bruiser
- Brutus
- Bryn
- Bug
- Bullet
- Butch
- Carlton
- Carrie
- Cash
- Cersei
- Chauncey
- Chewbacca
- Chocolate
- Chrissy
- Daenerys
- Dagger
- Damon
- Danger
- Derby
- Duck
- Elton
- Emmylou
- Ethan
- Evelyn
- Fang
- Gamora
- Genevieve
- Goliath
- Gretta
- Gunner
- Hades
- Haven
- Hera
- Hercules
- Janeway
- Jed
- Jody
- Jonah
- Joni
- Julius
- June Bug
- Kal-El
- Katniss
- King
- Kinsey
- Maeve
- Magic
- Malia
- Marge
- Marie
- Maurice
- Memphis
- Midas
- Ming
- Miranda
- Miska
- Molly
- Mystique
- Nami
- Nell
- Nevaeh
- Nitro
- Norm
- Olly
- Pumpkin
- Randall
- Randy
- Riddick
- Riptide
- Rodney
- Ruben
- Scooter
- Selena
- Shannon
- Shirley
- Sloane
- Sox
- Sparky
- Sprinkles
- Titan
- Tom
- Trapper
- Trinity
- Tyrion
- Una
- Ursula
- Vader
- Viper
- Virgil
- Vixen
- Yeti
- Yumi

K9 Dog Names
In some countries, a police dog is simply referred to as “K9”. A K9 unit is a handler and his trained dog partner. Often, the dog will live at his handler’s house and is his complete responsibility. He has to feed him and ensure that his health is taken care of.
If you’re becoming a K9 handler yourself, or just want some tough name ideas for your dog, here are some to try:
- Abe
- Abigail
- Adams
- Admiral
- Anna
- Barack
- Barbara
- Betty
- Brick
- Brock
- Buchanan
- Buck
- Bush
- Caesar
- Caroline
- Carter
- Champ
- Charger
- Chester
- Chino
- Claudia
- Clinton
- Cobra
- Coolidge
- Dane
- Dempsey
- Diamond
- Diesel
- Dolley
- Donald
- Dozer
- Dredd
- Duke
- Dutch
- Edith
- Eisenhower
- Eleanor
- Eliza
- Elizabeth
- Ellen
- Emily
- Evander
- Faber
- Fedor
- Flair
- Florence
- Floyd
- Frances
- Garfield
- Giant
- Glory
- Grace
- Gracie
- Grover
- Hannibal
- Harriet
- Harrison
- Hawk
- Helen
- Hillary
- Hoover
- Hulk
- Ida
- Jab
- Jackie
- Jackson
- Jane
- Jaws
- Jericho
- Jett
- Julia
- Kitana
- Knox
- KO
- Laura
- Letitia
- Liddel
- Lincoln
- Lucy
- Lyndon
- Machida
- Mack
- Madison
- Major
- Mamie
- Margaret
- Marshal
- Martha
- Mary
- Mauser
- Max
- Mayweather
- McKinley
- McMahon
- Melania
- Michelle
- Mick
- Millard
- Monroe
- Nancy
- Nixon
- Obama
- Odin
- Ozzie
- Pierce
- Polk
- Porter
- Quincy
- Rampage
- Razor
- Rex
- Rogue
- Ronald
- Rose
- Rousey
- Rowdy
- Roxie
- Rutherford
- Ryder
- Sarah
- Silva
- Sonny
- Taft
- Taylor
- Thelma
- Tito
- Tonka
- Trigger
- Trixie
- Truman
- Trump
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Ulysses
- Van Buren
- Venom
- Victory
- Warren
- Washington
- Woodrow
- Zander
- Zelda

Cute Police Dog Names
Not all police dog names have to be rough and tough, here are some cuter options you might be fond of:
- A.J.
- Alfie
- Ali
- Ames
- Amos
- Angel
- Angus
- Ansel
- Applejack
- Archie
- Argo
- Arlo
- Artie
- Avery
- Babe
- Bacon
- Bailey
- Balto
- Banjo
- Barkley
- Barney
- Bear
- Benjamin
- Benji
- Bingo
- Biscuit
- Blue
- Bobby
- Boo
- Boots
- Bosco
- Bowie
- Brain
- Brewster
- Brian Griffin
- Brodie
- Brownie
- Bubbles
- Bucky
- Buddy
- Bugsy
- Bullseye
- Buttons
- Cappuccino
- Carmel
- Casper
- Charlie
- Chewie
- Coby
- Coco
- Cookie
- Copernicus
- Copper
- Corky
- Cupid
- Digby
- Dino
- Doonesbury
- Duffy
- Earnest
- Eddie
- Edison
- Elf
- Elmo
- Ernie
- Ewok
- Fergus
- Finn
- Fonzie
- Fuzzy
- Gabe
- Gizmo
- Gulliver
- Hansel
- Hershey
- Hobbit
- Izzy
- Jacques
- Jasper
- Java
- Jawa
- Jerry Lee
- Jordi
- Jude
- Kenji
- Kennedy
- Kipling
- Kirby
- Lad
- Louie
- Lucky
- Madden
- Maple
- Marley
- Marshmallow
- Meeko
- Miles
- Milo
- Mitch
- Monet
- Monty
- Moon
- Mowgli
- Nemo
- Newton
- Nikita
- Nugget
- Odie
- Old Yeller
- Opie
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Otis
- Patches
- Peanut
- Peanut Butter
- Pebbles
- Pee Wee
- Pepper
- Percy
- Picasso
- Pluto
- Poochie
- Porkchop
- Pugsley
- Quinsy
- Rascal
- Reggie
- Reuben
- Ridley
- Rigby
- Ripley
- Roosevelt
- Rylee
- Scottie
- Scout
- Scrappy
- Sebastian
- Seuss
- Sheldon
- Simba
- Sinclair
- Skip
- Slink
- Snowball
- Spencer
- Spot
- Spud
- Squirt
- Stewie
- Stinky
- Teddy
- Toto
- Waffles
- Wagner
- Waldo
- Wallace
- Wally
- Walter
- Widget
- Willie
- Winn-Dixie
- Wishbone
- Wrigley
- Wyatt
- Yogi
- Yoshi
- Ziggy

Famous Police Dog Names
Here are some of the more famous police dogs. Consider taking a cue for these dog names and giving your dog a similar moniker.
- Apollo: a police dog who worked on Ground Zero in 2011. He was one of the first dogs on the site after the attacks and was awarded the Dickin Medal.
- Cloud II: one of the most famous dogs in Canadian history, who apprehended 123 fugitives and located countless lost children and hunters.
- Koton: a drug-sniffing police dog who played in movies on top of being a real-life police dog.
- Mattie: Mattie was the first accelerant detection dog in the U.S. when she started working in 1986. She could find tiny drops of gasoline after an arson.
- Rin Tin Tin: a newborn puppy that was rescued by Corporal Lee Duncan in Flirey. France. Rin Tin Tin was brought back to the United States, where he was trained for police work.
- Strongheart: this canine worked as a police dog and played in moves. He was born in Poland and spend much time working for the German Red Cross. When he was later brought to the United States, he became a film star and began playing in movies.
Time to Choose a Name!
Hopefully, there were plenty of names on this list to strike some inspiration and help you name your new pooch. There aren’t terribly many rules you should follow when naming your K9. Perhaps most importantly, you should like your dog’s name. After all, you are the one that is going to have to use it.
If you plan on training your pooch lots of training, you should consider giving them a shorter name or at least providing them with a nickname. Shorter names are easier for dogs to remember, which is essential for training purposes. This is especially true for dogs working in dangerous situations, where saying a command quickly can be vital.
You should also ensure that the name doesn’t sound like any commands you’re planning on them learning. The last thing you need is for them to get their name and a command confused.
Lastly, you should ensure that the name is easily pronounceable by anyone who is going to be using it. Obviously, this means you. But, if you also have children in your household or your dog is going to be involved in public service, be sure others can pronounce it as well.