There are many dog breeds out there that come in reddish tints. From the Irish red and white setter to the Redbone Coonhound, you can find just about every shade of ginger and orange on some dog’s coat out there.
If you’ve adopted one of these unique-looking canines, you’re probably looking for a fitting name that really matches their coat coloration. Luckily, there are plenty of names out there that are fitting for red dogs.

Red Female Dog Names
Every red dog deserves a name that shows off its coat color. If you’ve adopted a new, adorable red dog, here are some names you might want to consider:
- Adamina: Scottish feminine name that means “earth” and “red”
- Akane: Japanese name that means “brilliant red”
- Alani: Hawaiian name that means “orange tree”
- Annie
- Apple
- Ariel
- Autumn
- Bandit
- Berry
- Blaze
- Bloom
- Blush
- Braith: Welsh unisex name that means “diversely-colored”.
- Brandy
- Bridget
- Burgundy
- Cabernet
- Cam: Vietnamese name that means “orange”
- Carmine
- Cayenne
- Cherry
- Cinnamon
- Coral
- Cranberry
- Dahlia
- Eclipse
- Ember
- Flannery
- Foxy
- Fuchsia
- Garnet
- Ginger
- Gloss
- Goldie
- Gorria: Basque word that means “red”
- Haze: Old English word meaning “reddish-brown” or “hazel tree”
- Hazel: Old English name meaning “hazel tree” and “reddish-brown”
- Henna
- Hibiscus
- Honey
- Huong: Vietnamese name meaning “rose”
- Jelly
- Jessica
- Kamala: Hindi name that means “red”
- Ladybug
- Lolo
- Lucille Ball
- Magenta
- Maraschino
- Meoquanee: American Indian name that means “wears red”
- Miss Frizzle
- Molly
- Oakley
- Paprika
- Pembe: Turkish name that means “pink”
- Peony
- Pepper
- Peppermint
- Phoenix: Latin form of the Greek name Phoinis, which means “crimson”. It is also the name of an immortal bird who would rise from their ashes after being consumed by fire every 500 years.
- Pippi
- Poppy
- Raspberry
- Refina: Roman name that means “red-haired”
- Rhubarb
- Robin
- Rose
- Rosebud
- Rosie
- Rouge
- Ruby
- Ruby: a red stone
- Rubye: English name meaning “red” and “ruby”
- Salsa
- Sangria
- Scarlet
- Scarlet: English name meaning “scarlet red”
- Scarlett: English occupational word that means “dyer” or “seller of fabrics”
- Scully
- Shani: Hebrew unisex name that means “crimson red”
- Shihong: Chinese name that means “the world is red”
- Shiraz
- Siena: English name meaning “reddish-orange”
- Sienna
- Som: Thai name that means “orange”
- Strawberry
- Sundance
- Sunny
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Talutah: American Indian Sioux name that means “blood-red”
- Terra
- Tulip
- Valentina
- Wilma
- Xiao-Hong: Chinese name that means “red dawn”
- Yeghnig: Armenian name that means “red deer”
- Zinnia
Learn More: Top 900+ Yorkie Dog Names

Red Male Dog Names
In the case that you’ve adopted a red male dog and are in need of a name, here is a long list of options:
- Akamu: Hawaiian name that means “earth” and “red”
- Apollo
- Archie
- Arizona
- Arun: Hindi name that means “redness of the rising sun”. In Hindi mythology, this is the name of the charioteer of the rising sun.
- Atam: Armenian name that means “red earth”
- Auburn
- Bandit
- Bayard: Old French name that means “reddish-brown” and “bright bay color”. In some medieval romances, this is the name of a magical horse that was given to Renaud.
- Beets
- Big Red
- Bordeaux
- Brick
- Brighton
- Broderick: Welsh name that means “reddish-brown”
- Burgundy
- Carrot Top
- Chesnut
- Chester
- Cider
- Clancy: Irish name that means “red warrior”
- Clifford
- Comet
- Conan
- Copper
- Crimson
- Currant
- Curry
- Dynamite
- Eade: Middle English pet form of the Hebrew name for Adam, meaning “earth” and “red”
- Edom: Hebrew name that means “red”.
- Elmo
- Fennec
- Finch
- Firecracker
- Flame
- Flann: Traditional Irish name that means “red” and “ruddy”
- Flannabhra: Gaelic name that means “red eyebrows”
- Flannchadh: Irish Gaelic name that means “red warrior”
- Flannery: Irish surname that means “red eyebrows”
- Flannghal: Irish Gaelic name that means “red valor”
- Floin: Old Gaelic name that means “red” and “ruddy”
- Flynn
- Flynn: Irish surname that means “descendant of Flann”, which means “red”
- Fox
- Freckles
- Fuego
- Fuji
- Golroy: Irish surname that means “son of the Ruadh”, which means “red”
- Harvest
- Heinz
- Hunter
- Idouma: Greek name that means “red”
- Iduma: Latin form of the Greek name “Idouma”, which means “red”
- Jam
- Jasper
- Kamal: Hindi name that means “red”
- Kapil: Hindi name that means “reddish-brown”
- Keegan
- Ketchup
- Laser
- Lava
- Leif
- Lobster
- Loki
- Lootah: Sioux name that means “red”
- Mahogany
- Malbec
- Maroon
- Mars
- Merlot
- Miltiades: Old Greek name that means “red earth”
- Ogaleesha: Sioux name that means “wears a red shirt”
- Pepperoni
- Phoenix
- Radcliff: English surname that means “red cliff”
- Radley: English name that means “red meadow”
- Raleigh: English surname that means “red meadow”
- Read: English name that means “red-headed” or “ruddy-complexioned”
- Red
- Rhydderch: Welsh name that means “reddish-brown”
- Roddy: English pet name that means “famous power”, “reddish-brown”, or “red king”
- Roderick: Old Welsh name that means “reddish-brown” or “red king”
- Rohan: Gaelic name that means “little red one”
- Rorie: Variant spelling of the name “Rory”, which means “red king”
- Rory: Irish Gaelic name means “red king”
- Rossi
- Rowan
- Rudy
- Rufus
- Rufus: Latin name that means “red-haired”
- Russet
- Rusty
- Rusty: Name derived from the English word “rust”
- Shiva: Hindi myth name that means “the destroyer” and “red”.
- Sol
- Sorrell
- Spark
- Tree
- Twizzler
- Valentine
- Vermillion
Learn More: Top 1000+ Poodle Dog Names
Clifford The Big Red Dog Character Names
Perhaps the most famous red dog is Clifford, who starred in many animated children’s shows. Here are Clifford-inspired names:
- Bob
- Buzz
- Carolyne
- Charlene
- Charley
- Chester
- Chaz
- Cleo
- Clifford
- Cosmo
- Daffodil
- Doomy
- Dorothy
- Emily
- Evan
- George
- Horace
- Violet
- Irving
- Jetta
- Jorge
- Joseph
- KC
- Larry
- Liza
- Mac
- Madison
- Mary
- Miles
- Bleakman
- Nina
- Oscar
- Plank
- Regina
- Samuel
- Shackelford
- Sheriff
- Skyscraper
- T-Bone
- Tanzeen
- Timmy
- Tonya
- Vaz
- Zenith
Where the Red Fern Grows Dog Names
Where the Red Fern Grows is a popular novel for kids. The main character is Billy, who loves his dogs and coon hunting. Because of the role dogs play in this novel, it is only natural to look to it for some naming inspiration.
- Billy
- Little Ann
- Old Dan
- Rainie
- Rubin

Good Red Dog Names
There are countless red dog names out there that you can select. Here were some of our favorites:
- Aatami: Finnish name that means “earth” or “red”
- Adam: Hebrew name that means “the red earth”
- Alani
- Amber
- Anne
- Peaches
- Pebbles
- Penny
- Pinot
- Prince Harry
- Pumpkin
- Radish
- Redford
- Reed
- Rogue
- Rojo
- Rooibos
- Rooney
- Rory
- Rosso
- Sanuye: Miwok name that means “red cloud at sundown”
- Sparky
- Tomato
- Topaz
- Vulcan
Learn More: Top 400+ Funny Dog Names

Small Red Dog Names
Surprisingly, there are quite a few names out there that mean both “little” and “red”.
- Ariel: protagonist from the Little Mermaid
- Beet: a small veggie that is red
- Cardinal: a small, red bird
- Cherry: a small fruit that is a bright red color
- Eric: the prince from the Little Mermaid
- Flannan: Irish Gaelic name that means “little red one”
- Panda: as in the small Red Panda
- Pepper: another small, red veggie
- Radish: a small, red vegetable
- Raspberry: a small fruit
- Rousel: French byname that means “little red one”
- Rowan: Irish surname that means “little red one”
- Roy: Scottish name that means “red”
- Ruadh: Old Irish name that means “red”
- Russ: English name that means “little red one”
- Wapasha: Dakota name that means “red leaf”

Ginger Colored Dog Names
Perhaps your dog isn’t exactly red but is more of a ginger color. In this case, there are many dog names to choose from for them as well.
- Ace
- Adam
- Agni
- Alroy
- Amber
- Apollo
- Apple
- Apricot
- Aspen
- Autumn
- Bayard
- Bear
- Beau
- Blaine
- Bono
- Bowie
- Boyd
- Brittany
- Broderick
- Bryni
- Carmine
- Carnelian
- Cinnamon
- Clementine
- Copernicus
- Crimson
- Echo
- Edom
- Figaro
- Fiona
- Gargoyle
- Garnet
- Gideon
- Gilroy
- Gorri
- Guinness
- Harkin
- Ignatius
- Kamala
- Kira
- Leroux
- Luna
- Maple
- Mauve
- Monroe
- Nitro
- Octavia
- Patricia
- Peach
- Phineas
- Poppy
- Quincy
- Radburn
- Rain
- Ralph
- Raoul
- Rocket
- Roderick
- Rohan
- Rosie
- Roux
- Rubina
- Ruby
- Rufio
- Russell
- Russell
- Saffron
- Saturn
- Saul
- Shona
- Shula
- Sienna
- Slash
- Spike
- Thor
- Venus
- Watson
- Whiskey
- Wren
- Xavier
- Zander
- Zeus
- Zoe
Now You Need to Pick Just One Name!
After browsing through our long list of dog name options, you need to select just one for your canine. Often, this can be easier said than done. It isn’t uncommon to fall in love with a few different names and then have difficulty narrowing it down to just one option.
Because choosing more than one name or going back between a few can be confusing for your dog, we really recommend that you just select one. Narrow down your list as far as you can and then try each one out for an hour or so. Sometimes, we absolutely fall in love with a name, but it doesn’t fit our new canine’s personality very well.
If you’ve just adopted your dog, you might want to consider getting to know them for a few days before settling on a name. It is important for a name to fit your dog’s personality as well as their appearance.
If you have other members in your family or household, be sure to include them in the naming decision. After all, they will have to use your dog’s name too. It is also important to have everyone on the same page, since calling one dog multiple names can be very confusing.