Whether your heritage is Greek or you just love Greek mythology, naming your dog after an ancient Greek name or Greek cuisine is a wonderful way to celebrate your heritage and love of Greek culture. Plus, Greek names are relatively uncommon, so they’re a great option for those looking for a more unique moniker for their dog.
As you would probably imagine, there are literally hundreds of possible Greek dog names out there. After all, this culture has been around for thousands of years, providing plenty of time for the development of unique names.
To help you with your search of the perfect Greek dog name, we gathered the best naming options onto this list. From traditional dog names to unique monikers, we pulled out all the stops to provide you with a huge number of options.

Greek Female Dog Names
Greek culture has created a variety of beautiful, feminine names that are relatively fitting for many canines. If you’re looking for a Greek name, try some of these traditional names as a start.
- Achima: “Jehovah raises up”
- Adelfa: “sibling”
- Adelpha: “born of the same womb”
- Adonia: “my lord”
- Adrasteia: “inescapable”
- Aella: “storm wind”
- Aellai: “whirlwinds”
- Aello: “storm wind”
- Agape: “divine love”
- Agathe: “good”
- Agaue: “noble”
- Agave: “illustrious”
- Aglaia: “beauty”
- Aigle: “radiance.” This is also the name of several characters throughout Greek mythology.
- Aikaterina: “pure”
- Akakallis: “daffodil”
- Akantha: “thorn”
- Akeldama: “field of blood”
- Alala: “war-like”
- Alekto: “unceasing”
- Amaltheia: “to sooth”
- Ambrosia: “immortal”
- Amethea: “no loiterer”
- Aminta: “defender”
- Amphitrite: “sea”
- Amynta: “defender”
- Anaitis: “immaculate”
- Anastasia: “resurrection”
- Andromache: “warrior battle”
- Andromede: “thinks like a warrior”
- Andronika: “victory of a warrior”
- Anemone: “wind”
- Antheia: “flower”
- Anthousa: “flower”
- Antigone: “counter-generation.” This is also the name of the sister of kind Priam in Greek mythology.
- Antiope: “turned eyes.” This is the name of the daughter of Ares and the Queen of the Amazons.
- Aoede: “to sing”
- Aphrodisia: “risen from the foam”
- Apollonia: “of Apollo”
- Apphia: “fruitful”
- Arachne: “spider”
- Arethousa: “the waterer”
- Ariadne: “utterly pure”
- Aristodeme: “excellence of the people”
- Aristomache: “excellent battle”
- Artemis: “safe and sound.” This is the name of a Goddess in Greek mythology.
- Aspasia: “welcome”
- Astarte: “star”
- Astraia: “starry one”
- Atalante: “equal in weight”
- Athanasia: “immortal”
- Athene: The Greek Goddess of Wisdom. Likely means “mind of God.”
- Atropos: “inflexible”
- Barbara: “stranger”
- Berenike: “bringer of victory”
- Bethania: “house of dates”
- Bethesda: “flowing water”
- Bethzatha: “house of olives”
- Callidora: “gift of beauty”
- Chara: “joyful”
- Chariklo: “graceful spinner”
- Chloe: “green shoot”
- Chrysanthe: “golden flower”
- Damali: “calf”
- Damaris: “heifer”
- Danae: “parched”
- Daphne: “laurel”
- Dareia: “wealthy”
- Delia: “of Delos”
- Delphinia: “of the dolphins”
- Demeter: “earth mother”
- Desdemona: “ill-starred”
- Despoina: “mistress”
- Eione: “beach strand”
- Eirene: “peace”
- Ekho: “echo”
- Elektra: “bright”
- Elene: “torch”
- Elisabet: “God is my oath”
- Elissa: Mythical name for the queen of Carthage.
- Elpida: “hope”
- Elpis: “expectation”
- Elysia: “lightening struck”
- Enyo: “warlike”
- Eos: “dawn”
- Erato: “lovely”
- Erika: “work power”
- Eris: “strife”
- Euadne: “good and holy”
- Eudokia: “good seeming”
- Eudora: “good gift”
- Eudzia: “good glory”
- Eugeneia: “well-born”
- Eumelia: “melody”
- Eunike: “good victory”
- Eupheme: “I speak”
- Euphroyne: “joy”
- Eupraxia: “good conduct”
- Europe: “wide-faced”
- Eurybia: “wide force”
- Eurydike: “wide justice”
- Eurynome: “far-ruling”
- Eurerpe: “delight”
- Euthalia: “flourishing”
- Eva: “life”
- Evdokia: “good seeming”
- Foteini: “light”
- Frona: “self-controlled”
- Gaia: “earth”
- Galene: “calm seas”
- Ge: “earth”
- Glykeria: “sweet”
- Golgotha: “place of the skull”
- Gorgophone: “grim slayer”
- Hagne: “holy”
- Halkyone: “kingfisher”
- Hanna: “grace”
- Harmonia: “harmony”
- Hathor: Greek form of the Egyptian Het-Heru, who is an Egyptian Goddess.
- Hebe: “young”
- Hekabe: “worker from far off”
- Hekate: “worker from far off.” This is the name of the Greek Goddess of the underworld, divination, graves, and witchcraft.
- Helene: “torch”
- Helle: “of the Hellespont”
- Hemera: “day”
- Hera: “vital force”
- Hermione: “of the earth”
- Hero: “hero”
- Herodias: “heroic”
- Hestia: “fireside”
- Hippolyte: “horse freer”
- Hosanna: “deliver us”
- Hydra: “water”
- Hypatia: “supreme”
- Ianthe: “violet flower”
- Iezabel: “chaste”
- Ilithyia: “relieve”
- Io: “the moon”
- Ioanna: “God is gracious”
- Iokaste: “violet tinted clouds”
- Iolanthe: “violet flower”
- Iole: “violet”
- Ioulia: “descended from Jupiter”
- Iphigeneia: “strong born”
- Iris: “rainbow”
- Isidora: “gift of Isis”
- Isis: “female of the throne” or “Queen of the throne”
- Ismene: “knowledge”
- Iva: “life”
- Jocaste: “violet tinted clouds”
- Kalligeneia: “beauty-born”
- Kalliope: “most beautiful”
- Kalliste: “most beautiful”
- Kallisto: “most beautiful”
- Kalypso: “she who conceals”
- Kandake: “prince of servants”
- Karme: “to shear”
- Kassandra: “she who entangles men”
- Kassiopeia: “she whose words excel”
- Keres: “death spirits”
- Khariklo: “graceful spinner”
- Kharis: “charm”
- Khloe: “green shoot”
- Khloris: “green buds”
- Khryseis: “golden”
- Khthonia: “of the earth”
- Kleio: “glory”
- Kleopatra: “glory”
- Klotho: “spinner”
- Klymene: “praiseworthy might”
- Klytie: “famous”
- Kora: “maiden”
- Kore: “maiden”
- Lalage: “to babble”
- Lamia: “large shark”
- Larisa: “fortified town”
- Lavra: “an alley”
- Leda: “woman”
- Lysandra: “freer”
- Lysimache: “freedom fighter”
- Maia: “nursing mother”
- Margarites: “pearl”
- Maria: “rebelliousness”
- Mariam: “their rebellion”
- Martha: “lady”
- Madeia: “cunning”
- Medousa: “guardian”
- Minthe: “mint”
- Mneme: “memory”
- Myrine: “swiftly bounding”
- Myrrine: “myrrh”
- Nana: “God is gracious”
- Narkissa: “numbness”
- Natasa: “resurrection”
- Nemesis: “retribution”
- Nephele: “cloud”
- Nephthys: “lady of the enclosure”
- Nerine: “sea spirit”
- Nike: “victory”
- Nikephoros: “victory bearer”
- Nyx: “night”
- Oinone: “wine”
- Paraskeve: “preparation”
- Pelagia: “of the sea”
- Penelopeia: “spool”
- Phaidra: “bright”
- Phanessa: “bring to light”
- Phile: “to love”
- Phillida: “foliage”
- Philomel: “sweet singer” or “nightingale”
- Philomela: “song” or “dear sweet”
- Philyre: “lime tree”
- Phoibe: “shining one”
- Photine: “light”
- Phyllis: “foliage”
- Pleinoe: “plenty”
- Podarge: “fleet-foot”
- Polymnia: “musical”
- Priska: “ancient”
- Prokris: “dew”
- Ptolema: “aggressive”
- Reah: “ease”
- Rhaab: “ample” and “broad”
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Greek Male Dog Names
There are hundreds and hundreds of Greek names out there. Literally. We narrowed down our findings to those we thought would work best for a dog.
- Aaron: “light-bringer”
- Abrax: “shining one”
- Adam: “the red earth”
- Aeolos: “quick moving”
- Aeton: “swift as an eagle”
- Agrippas: “wild horse”
- Aigidios: “shield of goatskin”
- Aither: “bright”
- Akakios: “not evil”
- Akrisios: “locust”
- Akylas: “eagle”
- Alastor: “avenging spirit”
- Alkaios: “strength”
- Alkimos: “valiant”
- Amenophis: “serpent”
- Ammon: “the hidden one”
- Amosis: “child of the moon”
- Ampelios: “vine”
- Anargyros: “not silver”
- Anatolios: “east”
- Andreas: “warrior”
- Aram: “high”
- Argyris: “silvery”
- Aridaios: “strong”
- Artaxes: “great warrior”
- Athamas: “rich harvest”
- Atlas: “endures”
- Atreus: “fearless”
- Balios: “dappled”
- Barak: “flash of lightning”
- Bion: “life”
- Chrariton: “grace”
- Cronos: “time”
- Damon: “to tame”
- Dauid: “beloved”
- Deimos: “fear”
- Doros: “gift”
- Drakon: “dragon”
- Dysmas: “sunset”
- Ektor: “defend”
- Elpidios: “hope”
- Erasmos: “beloved”
- Erebos: “darkness”
- Eros: “love”
- Errikos: “work power”
- Esau: “hairy”
- Galen: “calm seas”
- Gog: “mountain”
- Habel: “vanity”
- Haemon: “bloody”
- Hektor: “defend”
- Heli: “ascending”
- Helios: “sun”
- Homer: a famous Greek poet.
- Ianos: “door”
- Iaret: “descent”
- Ioudas: “praised”
- Ioustos: “fair”
- Kadmos: “the east”
- Kain: “smith”
- Kaisar: “severed”
- Kallias: “beauty”
- Karpos: “fruit”
- Kastor: “beaver”
- Kaphalos: “head”
- Kephas: “rock”
- Kapheus: “gardener”
- Keyx: “kingfisher”
- Kharon: “fierce brightness”
- Kheiron: “surgeon”
- Khrysaor: “golden sword”
- Kimon: “sleepy”
- Kleitos: “famous”
- Kosmas: “beauty”
- Kreios: “master”
- Kronos: “time”
- Lapidos: “torches”
- Leon: “lion”
- Leonidas: “lion’s son”
- Linos: “cry of grief”
- Lot: “covering”
- Loup: “wolf”
- Lykaon: “wolf”
- Markos: “defense” or “the sea”
- Matthan: “a gift”
- Mentor: “a spirit”
- Miltiades: “red earth”
- Nachor: “snoring”
- Naos: “temple”
- Nikias: “victory”
- Noe: “rest”
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Greek God and Mythology Names for Dogs
There are countless deities in Greek mythology. From Zeus dog names to Hades dog names, we’ve made a list of many different Greek deities so you can choose one fitting for your dog.
- Achelous
- Aeolus
- Aether
- Alastor
- Apollo
- Ares
- Aristaeus
- Asclepius
- Atlas
- Attis
- Boreas
- Caerus
- Castor
- Cerus
- Chaos
- Charon
- Cronos
- Crios
- Cronus
- Dinlas
- Daimos
- Dionysus
- Erebus
- Eros
- Eurus
- Glaucus
- Hades
- Helios
- Hephaestus
- Heracles
- Hermes
- Hesperus
- Hymenaios
- Hypnos
- Kratos
- Momos
- Morpheus
- Nereus
- Notus
- Oceanus
- Oneiroi
- Paean
- Pallas
- Pan
- Phosphorus
- Plutus
- Pollux
- Pontus
- Poseidon
- Priapus
- Pricus
- Prometheus
- Primordial
- Tartarus
- Thanatos
- Triton
- Typhon
- Uranus
- Zelus
- Zephyrus
- Zeus
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Roman Dog Names
Roman and Greek dog names are fairly similar. After all, Roman culture developed directly out of Greek culture.
- Alexandra: “defender of mankind”
- Alkestis: “might of the home”
- Alkippe: “mighty mare”
- Alkmene: “might of the moon”
- Alkyone: “kingfisher”
- Althaia: “healing”
- Dianthe: “god flower”
- Dido: “wanderer”
- Dione: “the goddess”
- Dionysia: “follower of Dionysos”
- Doris: “bounty”
- Dorkas: “gazelle”
- Dorothea: “gift a God”
- Efrosyni: “joy”
- Efthalia: “blooming”
- Eidothea: “knowing goddess”
- Eileithya: “relieve”
- Esdras: “help”
- Eton: “swift as an eagle”
- Fotios: “light”
- Gabriel: “warrior of God”
- Gad: “troop”
- Iason: “to heal”
- Idouma: “red”
- Iericho: “city of the moon”
- Ikaros: “follower”
- Ionas: “dove”
- Kuma: “wave”
- Kuria: “lady”
- Kybele: “she of the hair”
- Kyme: “sprout”
- Kyra: “like the sun”
- Lakhesis: “apportioner”
- Leokothea: “white goddess”
- Leto: “the hidden one”
- Ligeia: “shrill whistling voice.” This is the name of a Siren in Greek mythology.
- Lois: “agreeable”
- Lydia: “of Lydia”
- Megaira: “grudge”
- Melaina: “black” or “dark”
- Melete: “practice”
- Melina: “honey”
- Melissa: “honey-sap”
- Melpomene: “choir”
- Okyrhoe: “fast-flowing”
- Ophelia: “help”
- Ourania: “heavenly”
- Pallas: “to brandish a weapon”
- Panagiota: “all-holy”
- Pandora: “all-gift”
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Mythology Pitbull and other Dog Names
This list includes a variety of mythological creatures you can use as inspiration to name your dog:
- Agreus
- Almops
- Aloadae
- Arges
- Argus
- Arion
- Azeus
- Briareus
- Brontes
- Centaur
- Cerastes
- Cerberus
- Cetus
- Charon
- Charybdis
- Chimera
- Chiron
- Circe
- Crocotta
- Cyclops
- Damysus
- Dryad
- Echion
- Eidolon
- Empousa
- Empusa
- Erinyes
- Eurynomos
- Eurytus
- Geryon
- Gigantes
- Gorgons
- Graeae
- Griffin
- Harpies
- Hippogriff
- Hydra
- Kobaloi
- Ladon
- Lamia
- Lycan
- Medea
- Medusa
- Mimas
- Minotaur
- Nemean
- Nomios
- Ocypete
- Orion
- Orthrus
- Pallas
- Panes
- Pegasus
- Phoenix
- Polybotes
- Polyphemus
- Pterippi
- Satyrs
- Scylla
- Silenus
- Siren
- Sphinx
- Steropes
- Thoon
- Tityos
- Unicorn
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Let’s Choose a Name!
After taking a look through our ultimate list, it is time to choose one for your dog! Of course, there is no need to rush through this process. You will likely need a day or two to pick out a name that you love and this is fitting for your canine.