Harry Potter is one of the most popular book series of all time. If you have a small (or not so small) obsession with Harry Potter, you might consider naming your newly adopted dog after the series.
There are countless Harry Potter names you can choose from. This series contains dozens of characters and other bits of naming inspiration, so you’re sure to find something you like.
We’ve gathered some of the best and most popular Harry Potter dog names out there, giving you dozens of choices when it comes to naming your next dog.

Names of All Dogs in Harry Potter
Truthfully, there aren’t a lot of dogs mentioned in Harry Potter. Really, there are only about a handful throughout the whole series. However, you do have quite a few other pets. Here are names of dogs and other animals that show up in the Harry Potter series:
- Abraxan: a winged horse that only drinks single-malt whiskey
- Aethonan: a chestnut-colored winged horse
- Aragog: Hagrid’s giant spider
- Arnold: A purple Pygmy Puff owned by the Weasleys
- Bane: a centaur
- Banshee: a female spirit
- Bicorn: a cow-like creature
- Billywig: an insect whose stings cause levitation
- Bogrod
- Bowtuckle: a magical wooden creature
- Buckbeak: a hippogriff
- Chimaera: a creature with the head of a lion, body of a goat, and tail of a dragon.
- Chinese Fireball: a species of dragon
- Cockatrice: a rooster with a lizard tail
- Crookshanks: Hermione Granger’s Crookshanks
- Demiguise: orangutan-like creature
- Doxy: a small fairy
- Errol: a great grey owl
- Eurmpent: a rhino-like creature
- Fang: Hagrid’s bloodhound
- Fawkes: A phoenix that belongs to Dumbledore.
- Fawkes: Dumbledore’s pet phoenix
- Firenze: a centaur.
- Fluffy: the three-headed dog that belongs to Hagrid.
- Frank: a thunderbird who was kidnapped.
- Ghoul: a type of ogre
- Gnome: of which there are many in Weasleys’ garden
- Goblin
- Gornuk
- Granian: a particularly fast horse
- Graphorn: a common mount for mountain trolls
- Green: a species of dragon
- Grindylow: water demon
- Griphook: a goblin and employee of Gringotts
- Hebridean: a species of dragon
- Hedwig: Harry’s owl
- Hermes: a screech owl
- Hinkypunk: a one-legged creature that looks like smoke
- Hippogriff: a half-horse, half-bird creature
- Horntail: a species of dragon
- Imp: a creature similar to pixies, though more dangerous
- Ironbelly: a species of dragon
- Kappa: Asian river demon
- Kelpie: an aquatic horse
- Kneazle: a cat-like creature
- Longhorn: a species of dragon
- Lupin: A teacher at Hogwarts who is also a werewolf.
- Magorian: a centaur
- Mermaid
- Merman
- Moke: a lizard that is able to shrink at will
- Murtlap: hairless creatures that look like hairless rats
- Nagini: the giant snake Harry ends up killing
- Niffler: a mole-like creature that almost looks like a platypus
- Norbert: A baby dragon that belongs to Hagrid.
- Nunda: a large lion creature
- Occamy: a winged-snake creature
- Opaleye: species of dragon
- Padfoot: Sirius’ marauder name
- Phoenix
- Pigwidgeon: an owl
- Pixie: A tiny magical creature with wings.
- Puffskein: a round creature with soft fur
- Ragnok
- Ridgeback: a species of dragon
- Ronan: a centaur
- Scabbers: a brown rat
- Short-snout: a species of dragon
- Sirius: Dog who is actually Harry’s godfather.
- Skrewt: one of Hagrid’s pets
- Snidget: a small golden bird
- Thestral: a black, skeletal horse with wings
- Unicorn: I think we all know what a unicorn is.
- Veela: semi-humans that are very beautiful
- Vipertooth: a species of dragon
- Zouwa: elephant-sized cat

Harry Potter Inspired Boy Dog Names
There are many, many male characters in Harry Potter you could name your dog after, as well as quite a few potions and spells you can use as naming inspiration as well.
- Accio: a summoning charm
- Aconite
- Aguamenti: a spell that creates water
- Alastor
- Alberto: a spell that unlocks a door
- Albus
- Alihotsy
- Amortentia
- Amos
- Anthony
- Antioch
- Arthur
- Asphodel Root
- Augustus
- Bat-Bogey: a spell that causes a person to grow wings, which then attack them
- Blaise
- Broderick
- Bubble-Head: creates a bubble of air in someone’s mouth, allowing them to breathe underwater
- Bubotuber
- Cadmus
- Caterwauling: a spell that creates a loud screaming noise
- Cedric
- Charlie
- Cheering Charm: causes happiness
- Colloportus: used to magically lock a door
- Confringo: blasting charm. It basically sets things on fire.
- Confundo: causes the victim to become confused
- Confusing Concoction
- Cormac
- Crucio: causes the victim extreme pain and is one of the three Unforgiveable Curses banned by the Ministry of Magic
- Dean
- Descendo: causes something to move downwards
- Devil’s Snare
- Diffindo: causes an object to rip or tear
- Dittany
- Draco
- Dried nettles
- Dudley
- Edward
- Engorgio: causes an object to increase in time
- Episkey: heals minor injuries
- Ernie
- Evanesco: used to make items vanish
- Expelliarmus: disarms another wizard
- Fabian
- Fawkes
- Felix
- Felix Felicis
- Finestra: shatters glass, only appears in Fantastic Beasts
- Fred
- Garrick
- Geoffrey
- George
- Gideon
- Gilderoy
- Gillyweed
- Ginger
- Godric
- Harry
- Homenum Revelio: detects other human presences
- Hugo
- Impedimenta: prevents the victim from approaching the caster
- Imperio: removes a victim’s free will. It is one of the three Unforgivable Curses banned by the Ministry of Magic.
- Impervius: repels outside objects, incuding water. (aka. It’s a magical umbrella)
- Incendio: makes fire
- James
- Kingsley
- Leaping Toadstools
- Lee
- Levicorpus: causes the target to dangle upside down
- Liberacorpus: counters Levicorpus
- Locomotor: causes an object to rise
- Lucius
- Lumos: a beam of light comes from the user’s wand
- Mandrake
- Mandrake root
- Mimbulus mimbletonia
- Moly
- Monkshood
- Morsmordre: creates the Dark Mark
- Muffliato: fills the ears of those within hearing distance with a buzzing sound to prevent conversations from being overheard.
- Nicholas
- Nox: creates light out of the user’s wand
- Obliviate: used to hide memories from other spells
- Oliver
- Orion
- Patronus: a spell that guards against dementors
- Percy
- Peter
- Petrificus Totalus: temporarily makes the victim’s body unusable, binding them. It is also called the “full body-bind curse.”
- Pius
- Polyjuice
- Portus: turns items into Portkeys
- Pretego: counter-curse against minor hexes and spells.
- Quentin
- Remus
- Ron
- Rufus
- Salazar
- Seamus
- Severus
- Shrivelfig
- Sirius
- Skele-Gro
- Sleekeazy
- Sticking: a type of charm that, well, makes an object stick
- Tom
- Trevor
- Venomous Tentacula
- Veritaserum
- Viktor
- Wiggentree
- William
- Wolfsbane
- Wormwood
- Zacharias
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Harry Potter Inspired Girl Dog Names
Just like boy names, there are plenty of female dog names from Harry Potter to choose from. We’ve included the name of almost every character from the series as well as spells and other words that would make wonderful names for your canine.
- Alberta
- Alice
- Alicia
- Amelia
- Andromeda
- Angelina
- Arabella
- Arabella
- Ariana
- Augusta
- Aurora
- Avenseguim: turns an item belonging to a missing person into a “magnet” that tracks them down.
- Bellatrix
- Cassandra
- Cedrella
- Celestina
- Charity
- Daisy
- Diabolical: a spell that creates a protective circle that only certain people can pass.
- Eileen
- Elladora
- Emmeline
- Fleur
- Fleur
- Gabrielle
- Ginevra
- Ginny
- Helena
- Helga
- Hermione
- Hestia
- Kendra
- Lavender
- Leviosa: a charm that causes a chosen object to levitate.
- Lily
- Luna
- Lysandra
- Marietta
- Merope
- Minerva
- Molly
- Myrtle
- Narcissa
- Nebulus: creates a fog that can stretch out through a whole city.
- Nymphadora
- Olympe
- Padma
- Pansy
- Papyrus: a spell that repairs paper items, such as letters and postcards.
- Parvati
- Penelope
- Petunia
- Pomona
- Poppy
- Reducto: a spell that breaks objects.
- Relashio: causes someone to drop whatever they’re holding.
- Rennervate: revives those who have been hitting with a stunning spell.
- Reparo: used to repair things that are broken.
- Revelio: a “revealing spell.”
- Rictusempra: causes a tickling sensation that disables a victim.
- Riddikulus: a spell used when fighting a Boggart, which takes the form of the victim’s worst fear. This spell causes the Boggart to transform into something funny, therefore canceling out its scariness.
- Rita
- Romilda
- Rosalind
- Rose
- Rowena
- Scourgify: a spell that is used to clean objects.
- Sectumsempra: a spell that causes deep injuries on the victim.
- Septima
- Sibyll
- Silencio: makes someone unable to talk or make noise.
- Sonorus: a spell that magnifies someone’s voice. This would be a great option for a loud, noisy dog.
- Stupefy: stuns a victim.
- Surgito: counteracts a love spell.
- Taboo: places an alarm on a certain word. When the word is spoken, the magical alarm alerts the caster. A good option for a guard or watchdog.
- Tergeo: a spell that is used to remove substances, such as dirt, from an object.
- Ventus: a spell that causes a huge force of wind.
- Vestigium: a magical tracking spell. Shows the footsteps or magical traces of mystical animals and people. Used in fantastic beats to track beasts.
- Violet
- Vow: a spell that binds a wizard to a vow. If the vow is broken, the user dies.
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What Harry Potter Themed Dog Name Did You Choose?
Perhaps the most difficult part of choosing a dog name inspired by Harry Potter is choosing just ONE name. We’ve listed over a hundred names, so take your time sorting through them. Choose a name that you love that also fits your canine’s personality, breed, and coloration.
Try to get your family involved with the naming process as well. If you have small children, make sure they can pronounce whatever name you choose. Many character names are pretty straightforward. However, names inspired by spells and mystical creatures can sometimes be a little more difficult.