Looking for a Hawaiian-inspired name for your pooch? Then you’ve come to the right place! This ultimate list of dog names has plenty of island inspiration for your dog naming needs.
These names are perfect for showing off your canine’s aloha-spirit or celebrating your heritage. There are even a couple of Hawaiian dog breeds that these fitting names would be very suitable for.
Whatever your reason for searching out Hawaiian dog names, we’ve got you covered. Our huge list of names will provide all the inspiration and naming options you need.

Popular Dog Names in Hawaii
Most of the popular dog names in Hawaii aren’t actually Hawaiian at all. In many cases, they’re average, English dog names. Still, we’ve included this list of the most popular dog names in Hawaii. After all, what’s more Hawaiian than a dog name currently being used in Hawaii.
- Abby
- Ace
- Angel
- Annie
- Apollo
- Archie
- Aspen
- Athena
- Ava
- Axel
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Baxter
- Bear
- Beau
- Bella
- Belle
- Benji
- Benny
- Bentley
- Blue
- Bo
- Boomer
- Brady
- Brody
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bubba
- Buddy
- Buster
- Cali
- Callie
- Cash
- Chance
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chewie
- Chewy
- Chief
- Chloe
- Coco
- Cody
- Cookie
- Cooper
- Copper
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Dexter
- Diesel
- Dixie
- Dozer
- Duke
- Ella
- Ellie
- Emma
- Finley
- Finn
- Frankie
- George
- Ginger
- Gizmo
- Gracie
- Gunner
- Gus
- Hank
- Harley
- Harper
- Hazel
- Henry
- Holly
- Honey
- Hudson
- Hunter
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jake
- Jasper
- Jax
- Joey
- Josie
- Juno
- Kai
- King
- Kobe
- Koda
- Kona
- Lady
- Layla
- Leia
- Leo
- Lexi
- Lilly
- Lily
- Lincoln
- Loki
- Lola
- Louie
- Lucky
- Lucy
- Luke
- Lulu
- Luna
- Mac
- Macy
- Maddie
- Maggie
- Maka: a shortened form of many Hawaiian names.
- Marley
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximus
- Maya
- Mia
- Mila
- Millie
- Milo
- Minnie
- Missy
- Mocha
- Molly
- Moose
- Murphy
- Nala
- Nova
- Oakley
- Odin
- Olive
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Otis
- Paisley
- Parker
- Peanut
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Phoebe
- Piper
- Prince
- Princess
- Ranger
- Reese
- Remi
- Remington
- Remy
- Rex
- Riley
- River
- Rocco
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Rosie
- Roxie
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Rudy
- Rufus
- Ruger
- Rusty
- Ryder
- Sadie
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Sasha
- Scout
- Shadow
- Shelby
- Simba
- Sophie
- Stella
- Sunny
- Tank
- Teddy
- Theo
- Thor
- Titan
- Toby
- Tucker
- Tyson
- Walter
- Watson
- Whiskey
- Willow
- Winnie
- Winston
- Wrigley
- Xena
- Zeke
- Zeus
- Ziggy
- Zoe
- Zoey
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Hawaiian Female Dog Names
Now that we’ve looked at some dog names currently being used in Hawaii today, let’s have a look at some dog names inspired by the Hawaiian language. We’ve included the meaning alongside each name to help you make the best decision for your pup.
- Aineki: “holy”
- Akela: “noble”
- Akeneki: “holy”
- Alamea: “precious”
- Alani: “orange tree”
- Alaula: “dawn” or “light of daybreak”
- Aolani: “heavenly cloud”
- Apikapeka: “father rejoices”
- Elikapeka: “God is my oath”
- Ema: “whole”
- Ewa: “life”
- Halia: “remembrance of a loved one”
- Halina: “resemblance”
- Haukea: “snow”
- Heiki: “noble”
- Iekika: “one who beholds”
- Iolana: “soar”
- Ipo: “sweetheart”
- Kai: “sea”
- Kaia: “sea”
- Kaikala: “the sea and the sun”
- Kaila: “style”
- Kailani: “sea and sky”
- Kaimana: “diamond”
- Kaiolohia: “calm sea”
- Kakalina: “pure”
- Kala: “princess”
- Kalama: “flaming torch”
- Kalani: “the sky”
- Kalea: “bright”
- Kalei: “beloved”
- Kalena: “pure”
- Kali: “hesitation”
- Kamea: “the one”
- Kani: “sound”
- Keala: “the pathway”
- Keanna: “gracious”
- Keiki: “child”
- Kailani: “glorious chief”
- Kekepania: “crown”
- Kekona: “second-born”
- Keona: “God’s gracious gift”
- Kiana: “divine”
- Kiele: “fragrant blossom”
- Kilikina: “believer”
- Kona: “lady”
- Konani: “bright”
- Lahela: “ewe”
- Lala: “laurel”
- Lana: “calm as still waters”
- Lani: “sky”
- Leia: “child of heaven”
- Leilani: “heavenly flowers”
- Lilo: “generous one”
- Lokelani: “small red rose”
- Luana: “leisure”
- Luanna: “leisure”
- Mahina: “moon”
- Maile: the name of a vine used to make leis.
- Makala: “myrtle”
- Makelina: “of Magdala”
- Malana: “light”
- Maleah: “rebelliousness” and “rebellion”
- Malia: “their rebellion”
- Malie: “calm”
- Malina: “calming”
- Mana: “psychic gifts”
- Marama: the name of the Polynesian moon Goddess, translates to “moon.”
- Maylea: “wildflower”
- Mei: “pearl” and “rebellion”
- Meka: “eye”
- Mele: “song”
- Melika: “honey-sap”
- Mikil: “quick”
- Miliani: “gentle”
- Moana: “wide expanse of water”
- Nakine: “hope”
- Nalani: “the heavens” or “the sky”
- Nani: “beauty”
- Noe: “mist” and “misty rain”
- Noelani: “mist of heaven” and “heavenly girl”
- Okelani: “from heaven”
- Ola: “life”
- Oliana: “oleander”
- Olina: “joyous”
- Pele: Hawaiian goddess of dance, fire, lightning, and volcanoes. The name likely translates to “lava.”
- Pololena: “blossoming”
- Ulani: “happy”
- Wikolia: “conqueror”
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Hawaiian Male Dog Names
There are many different Hawaiian names that are suitable for boy dogs. Here were some of our favorite:
- Aalona: “light-bringer”
- Akamu: “earth”
- Akoni: “invaluable”
- Anakoni: “invaluable”
- Bane: “long-awaited child”
- Ekewaka: “long-awaited child”
- Iakopa: “supplanter”
- Ikaia: “God is salvation”
- Ikaika: “strong”
- Iokua: “God is salvation”
- Iukini: “well-born”
- Kai: “sea”
- Kaila: “style”
- Kaimana: “diamond” or “sea filled with psychic gifts”
- Kaimi: “the seeker”
- Kalani: “the sky”
- Kale: “man”
- Kaleo: “sound” or “voice”
- Kana: a Maui demigod who had the power to turn into a very stretchy rope.
- Kanoa: “the free one”
- Kapena: “captain”
- Kapono: “righteous”
- Keahi: “flames”
- Keanu: “the cool”
- Keaweaheulu: “cool breeze over the mountains”
- Kekipi: “rebel”
- Kekoa: “the brave one”
- Kelome: “holy”
- Keoki: “farmer” or “someone who works the earth”
- Kimo: “supplanter”
- Koi: “implore”
- Konani: “bright”
- Liko: “bud”
- Luka: “from Lucania”
- Makaio: “gift of God”
- Makani: “wind”
- Maleko: “defense”
- Moke: “drawn out”
- Nahele: “forest”
- Oke: “god spear”
- Peleke: “god spear”
- Peni: “blessed”
- Pika: “rock”
- Pilipo: “lover of horses”
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Cute Hawaiian Dog Names
After looking at some of the more traditional Hawaiian names, let’s take a look at some of the more modern variants you can use for your pooch. Many of these names are named after islands or places on Hawaii, giving you a Hawaiian-inspired, yet unique name.
- Ailani: “high chief”
- Aka: “shadow”
- Akamu: “red earth”
- Akela: “wisdom”
- Alamea: “precious child”
- Alana: “awakening”
- Alani: “orange fruit tree”
- Alaula: “light of daybreak”
- Alemana: “warrior”
- Aliikai: “queen of the sea”
- Alika: “truthful”
- Aloha: “hello” and “goodbye”
- Amana: “warrior”
- Amoka: “strong”
- Anakoni: “valuable”
- Analu: “manly”
- Anuenue: “rainbow”
- Aolani: “heavenly cloud”
- Asera: “lucky”
- Edega: “wealthy”
- Eleu: “agile”
- Etana: “strong”
- Ewalani: “heavenly woman”
- Ezera: “help”
- Hae: “to growl”
- Haimi: “seeker”
- Hanai: “lucky”
- Hilo: A large city in Hawaii county.
- Hiwa: “black”
- Hoku: “star”
- Honi: “kiss”
- Honolulu: The capital of Hawaii
- Hula: “dance”
- Ilio: “dog”
- Inoki: “devoted”
- Iolana: “soaring like a hawk”
- Kahili: “feather”
- Kahoku: “star”
- Kahuna “priest”
- Kaia: “the sea”
- Kailana: “adored one”
- Kailua: a popular tourist destination
- Kaimana: “man of the sea”
- Kaiolohia: “calm of the sea”
- Kaipo: “sweetheart”
- Kalama: “the light”
- Kalani: “royalty”
- Kalani: “the sky”
- Kale: “strong”
- Kalea: “bright”
- Kalei: “beloved”
- Kalena: “brightest start”
- Kaloni: “sky”
- Kalua: a type of cooking style used for pork.
- Kanaka: “human”
- Kane: “man”
- Kani: “sound”
- Kanuha: “sullen”
- Kapena: “captain”
- Kapono: “goodness”
- Kapua: “flower”
- Kauai: The oldest of the Hawaiian islands
- Keala: “pathway”
- Kealii: “the chief”
- Keanu: “cool mountain breeze”
- Kei: “dignified”
- Keiki: “child”
- Keiki: “child”
- Kekipi: “the rebel”
- Kekoa: “brave one”
- Kekona: “second”
- Keoki: Hawaiian version of George.
- Keona: “God’s precious gift
- Kiele: “precious blossom”
- Kikokiko: “speckles”
- Kimo: Hawaiian version of James.
- Koa: “bold”
- Kolohe: “little rascal”
- Kono: “invited”
- Lahela: “innocent lamb”
- Laka: “gentle”
- Laki: “lucky”
- Lalama: “daring”
- Lanai: Pineapple Island
- Laulau: pork wrapped in layers of taro root.
- Leilani: “royal child”
- Liko: “bud”
- Lilo: “generous one”
- Lokelani: “red small rose”
- Lolo: “crazy”
- Lomi-Lomi: a salmon dish popular in Hawaii
- Loni: “heaven” or “sky”
- Luana: “happy”
- Lupo: “wolf”
- Mahalo: “thank you”
- Mahina: “moonlight”
- Makana: “gift”
- Malia: “peaceful”
- Malina: “soothing”
- Malo: “winner”
- Mano: “shark”
- Mau Loa: “forever”
- Maui: The second-largest island
- Meka: “eyes”
- Meli: “honey”
- Melia: “plumeria”
- Miki: “quick”
- Molokai: Nicknamed “the friendly island”
- Nahoa: “bold”
- Nalani: “calm skies”
- Nani: “great beauty”
- Noe: “rainy”
- Noelani: “girl from heaven”
- Nohea: “handsome”
- Nohea: “lovely”
- Nui: “important”
- Oahu: the third largest of the Hawaiian islands
- Ohana: “family”
- Okalani: “heaven” or “sky”
- Oke: Hawaiian version of Oscar.
- Ole: “fang”
- Olina: “joyous”
- Palani: “free man”
- Palila: “bird”
- Paniolo: “cowboy”
- Pearl: as in Pearl city
- Pekelo: “stone”
- Pilikea: “trouble”
- Poi: a popular Hawaiian dish made from taro root.
- Poke: Hawaiian sushi
- Polo: “plump”
- Poluna: “chubby”
- Polupolu: “flabby”
- Pualani: “heavenly flower”
- Pualena: “yellow”
- Puanani: “beautiful flower”
- Pûkini: “pudding”
- Pupule: “crazy”
- Roselani: “rose”
- Uilani: “great beauty”
- Ululani: “inspiration”
- Waha Nui: “big mouth”
- Wahine: “woman”
- Waipahu: a former sugar plantation town near Honolulu
- Weuweu: “fluffy”
- Wiwi: “skinny”
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Now it’s Time to Choose a Name
As you can see, there are countless different Hawaiian dog names out there for you to choose from. However, the hardest part is certainly choosing just one name!
When selecting a name, it is important to choose one that is unique from anyone else’s name in the household. Otherwise, you might create some confusion, especially if you name your pets similar names. Plus, you should also avoid choosing names that sound like any commands you plan on teaching your canine. With Hawaiian names, this should not be a problem unless you’re planning on teaching your dog Hawaiian commands as well.
You should also ensure that the name can be easily pronounced by everyone in your household. Most Hawaiian names can be pronounced easily by most English speakers, but there are a couple of names that are somewhat difficult. If you have younger children in your household, this is something you should take particular care to keep in mind.