Beagles are one of the more popular breeds of hound. They’re best known for their floppy ears, loveable personalities, and unique bark. If you’ve adopted one of these curious canines, check out this ultimate list of dog names for your new pooch.
We’ve included names from a wide variety of origins, so you’re sure to find something for every beagle, no matter their personality. This huge list is divided into multiple sections, allowing you to skim for names that fit your particular dog’s appearance or personality.

Popular Beagle Names
Beagles are a somewhat popular dog breed. In fact, they ranked number six out of all dog breeds in 2017 according to the American Kennel Club. Here are some of the more popular Beagle names out there:
- Abby
- Alba
- Annie
- Astro
- Bagel
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Baxter
- Beau
- Beef
- Belle
- Benji
- Benny
- Bentley
- Blue
- Boomer
- Briar
- Buddy
- Cali
- Cherub
- Chloe
- Clifford
- Coco
- Cody
- Cookie
- Cooper
- Crush
- Delilah
- Dexter
- Dixie
- Eclipse
- Ella
- Ellie
- Emma
- Finn
- Frankie
- George
- Ginger
- Gus
- Hank
- Harper
- Hazel
- Henry
- Holly
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jake
- Jasper
- Jax
- Joey
- Josie
- Lady
- Layla
- Leo
- Lexi
- Lily
- Lola
- Louie
- Lucky
- Luke
- Lulu
- Luna
- Maddie
- Maggie
- Marley
- Maya
- Mia
- Millie
- Milo
- Minnie
- Minuet
- Mixie
- Molly
- Moon
- Murphy
- Nala
- Olive
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Orion
- Oscar
- Oswald
- Otis
- Peanut
- Piper
- Poet
- Remy
- Riley
- River
- Roscoe
- Rosie
- Sadie
- Sam
- Sammy
- Shiloh
- Sophie
- Stella
- Toby
- Trust
- Tucker
- Twister
- Twyla
- Ursa
- Wicker
- Winnie
- Winston
- Zoey
Learn More: Top 250+ Italian Dog Names

Male Beagle Names
This list of male names includes those on the more traditional side and a few oh-so-unique ones. Whatever sort of name you’re looking to give your new boy Beagle, this list has something for you.
- Acorn
- Ajax
- Albertus
- Alfie
- Alpha
- Andre
- Angus
- Aragog
- Arnie
- Arnold
- Ayden
- Barky
- Beethoven
- Ben
- Bill
- Boomer
- Brett
- Brownie
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bryan
- Bubs
- Bugs
- Captain
- Casey
- Casper
- Casper
- Chance
- Chase
- Curtis
- Dan
- Dandy
- Daniel
- Danny
- Dargo
- Dart
- Donny
- Dragon
- Drew
- Eagle
- Earl
- Eddie
- Egan
- Elon
- Emerson
- Fabian
- Falcon
- Falstaff
- Fang
- Flyer
- Frankie
- Gabe
- Galaxy
- Garry
- Gazer
- Gerry
- Goofy
- Gordy
- Growler
- Hamish
- Han
- Hank
- Hansen
- Happy
- Harry
- Henry
- Horace
- Ice
- Icon
- Iggy
- Imp
- Jabba
- Jago
- Jason
- Jayson
- Jeffrey
- Jeremy
- Jessie
- Joey
- Karl
- Katerina
- Kenny
- Kent
- Kermit
- Lancelot
- Laurie
- Legend
- Lemmy
- Lenin
- Lennon
- Levar
- Lolliepop
- Marlon
- Mars
- Mookie
- Nacho
- Nando
- Nano
- Napoleon
- Oats
- Obi
- Odin
- Pacino
- Paddy
- Parker
- Paulie
- Pavlov
- Quarz
- Quasimodo
- Quatro
- Quibble
- Quick
- Rafael
- Rags
- Raisin
- Rambo
- Raymond
- Richie
- Scottie
- Scout
- Scout
- Scrabble
- Simba
- Speedy
- Tacco
- Tarzan
- Teddy
- Tennyson
- Titan
- Trusty
- Tyra
- Uber
- Ukele
- Ulrich
- Ultrasonic
- Vagabond
- Valentine
- Vandal
- Vanish
- Wag
- Wally
- Warrior
- Watson
- Xanadu
- Xander
- Yani
- Yarrow
- Yeats
- Zack
- Zappo
- Zorro
Learn More: Top 400+ Hunting Dog Names

Female Beagle Names
Have a new, adorable female Beagle in your life? You might want to consider one of these more feminine names. While there is no need to rely on your dog’s gender when selecting a name if you don’t want to, many people will want a more delicate name for their female dog. Here were some of our favorite options:
- Adelaide
- Adele
- Adrianna
- Aja
- Alia
- Alice
- Amanda
- Amelie
- Anya
- Apple
- Aria
- Asia
- Astrid
- Ava
- Beans
- Beauty
- Beena
- Bellatrix
- Betty
- Blossom
- Bridget
- Bronwyn
- Candy
- Cara
- Carolina
- Carrie
- Catalina
- Catia
- Catie
- Cersei
- Chatty
- Chelsea
- Clementine
- Cleopatra
- Constance
- Cruella
- Dana
- Dani
- Davina
- Deena
- Delila
- Dolores
- Drusilla
- Elisha
- Ellie
- Emmy
- Estelle
- Faith
- Farrah
- Faye
- Felicia
- Fifi
- Fiona
- Flicka
- Florence
- Floss
- Frosting
- Gale
- Geneva
- Georgia
- Gothel
- Grace
- Gwen
- Harley
- Heather
- Heaven
- Hermione
- Hillary
- Hope
- India
- Isabella
- Ivy
- Jadis
- Jenny
- Jess
- Jewel
- Kaia
- Kala
- Katniss
- Lemon
- Leona
- Lilly
- Liz
- Lolly
- Lolly
- Loula
- Lucky Charm
- Lulu
- Madison
- Maleficent
- Malia
- Maria
- Martina
- Matilda
- Mavis
- Medusa
- Miranda
- Mocca
- Mochi
- Mooka
- Muffin
- Mystique
- Navia
- Nena
- Nevada
- Nugget
- Nyla
- Odessa
- Ophrah
- Peach
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Pickle
- Plum
- Polly
- Portia
- Pretzel
- Princess
- Priya
- Pumpkin
- Raven
- Reena
- Regina
- Rihanna
- Robyn
- Rosa
- Sahara
- Sally
- Sally
- Sara
- Sasha
- Savannah
- Scarlett
- Sheena
- Sicily
- Sofia
- Sweetie
- Sydney
- Tamara
- Thera
- Tremaine
- Truffle
- Trunchbull
- Ursula
- Valencia
- Verona
- Veruca
- Victoria
- Vienna
- Virginia
- Vivi
- Willow
- Yzma
- Zee
Learn More: Top 150+ Harry Potter Dog Names

Hunting Beagle Names
Beagles are made for hunting. Their noses are extremely sensitive and they’re mostly used to track rabbits, though they can track quite a few other animals as well. If you plan on taking your Beagle hunting or just want to give a nod towards their heritage, here are some names to keep in mind:
- Ammo
- Apollo
- Archer
- Arrow
- Artemis
- Aspen
- Athena
- Atlas
- BB
- Beast
- Benelli
- Beretta
- Bess
- Blaze
- Blitz
- Bolt
- Browning
- Bucky
- Bud
- Bullet
- Cabela
- Camo
- Copper
- Dakota
- Dash
- Dashiell
- Decoy
- Deringer
- Diesel
- Duke
- Echo
- Gauge
- General
- Glock
- Gunner
- Hammer
- Hercules
- Hunstman
- Huntington
- Huntley
- Huntress
- Jag
- Jet
- Justice
- King
- Kingsley
- Legend
- Liberty
- Logger
- Magnum
- Mauser
- Maverick
- Max
- Mulie
- Musket
- Muzzle
- Nyx
- Oakley
- Olympia
- Orion
- Outlaw
- Pistol
- Porter
- Powder
- Ranger
- Rebel
- Remmington
- Revolver
- Rex
- Rocky
- Ruger
- Ryder
- Sage
- Sarge
- Scooter
- Scout
- Shadow
- Sheriff
- Smith
- Sparta
- Spike
- Tally Ho
- Target
- Trigger
- Troy
- Walker
- Weatherby
- Wesson
- Wilder
- Winchester
- Wolverine
- Wyatt
- Ziggy
Learn More: Top 250+ Italian Dog Names

Blue Tick Beagle Names
A blue tick Beagle is a special coloration that involves lots of spotting around the legs and on the belly. Some Beagles have more blue ticking than others. If your furry canine has lots of ticking, you might want to name them after this unique appearance trait.
- Angel
- Baby
- Beatrice
- Bella
- Bismarck
- Boone
- Brawler
- Brawny
- Buffalo
- Burly
- Cassie
- Chaos
- Charlie
- Chunky
- Cleo
- Daisy
- Damien
- Dante
- Dinah
- Drachen
- Dragon
- Drakkar
- Dred
- Edge
- Frankenstein
- Genghis
- Gladiator
- Gnash
- Godzilla
- Gotham
- Gracie
- Grail
- Grendel
- Grizzly
- Hannah
- Heidi
- Honey
- Jaala
- Jada
- Jasmine
- Jaws
- Jett
- Jumbo
- Jupiter
- Kishi
- Kong
- Lael
- Leah
- Lincoln
- Lois
- Lucy
- Lurch
- Lydia
- Mac
- Mack
- Maddy
- Manley
- Mara
- Maxi
- Missy
- Misty
- Moose
- Muscles
- Nikki
- Olympas
- Penny
- Pepper
- Persis
- Pharaoh
- Phoebe
- Precious
- Princess
- Ragnor
- Raptor
- Rave
- Reba
- Rebecca
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Rugby
- Sable
- Sabre
- Samson
- Sasquatch
- Sassy
- Satan
- Satin
- Saturn
- Scarlet
- Sergeant
- Shark
- Sheba
- Shelby
- Sierra
- Siouxsie
- Sophie
- Stryker
- Sugar
- Sumo
- Talon
- Tank
- Tasha
- Tempest
- Tex
- Thunder
- Titan
- Tracker
- Trapper
- Trojan
- Twilight
- Ulysses
- Velvet
- Wolf
- Wookie
- Yukon
- Zephyr
- Zeus
- Zia
- Zima
- Zoe
- Zurie
Learn More: Top 400+ Hunting Dog Names
Famous Beagle Names
There have been a few famous Beagles to grace the world. You might want to consider naming your canine after one of them:
- Him and Her: these were two famous beagles owned by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
- Lou: the beagle from the Cats and Dogs film
- Odie: the Beagle who was often in the Garfield comic strip and later the TV show and movies.
- Porthos: from Star Trek Enterprise
- Shiloh: from the film of the same name
- Shoshine: from the Underdog movie
- Snoopy: from Charles Schulz’s famous comic strip and later TV show, this is perhaps one of the most famous beagles of all time. Snoopy belonged to Charlie Brown and was often seen with his yellow bird friend, Woodstock.

Funny Beagle Names
Funny names have their place and can be especially fitting for some canines. Here are some of the more funny dog names out there. Some are based around clever puns, while others are just funny choices for a Beagle.
- Archibald
- Babe
- Bacon
- Baloo
- Banjo
- Barney
- Big Guy
- Big Red
- Biggie Smalls
- Bilbo
- Billy the Kid
- Bimmer
- Bingo
- Biscuit
- Bobby
- Bond
- Bones
- Boss
- Brain
- Brian Griffin
- Brownie
- Bubba
- Buckaroo
- Buffalo Bill
- Bullseye
- Burger
- Buster
- Byte
- Caesar
- Chewie
- Chubby
- Chuck Norris
- Churchill
- Clark Griswold
- Clark Kent
- Cletus
- Clumsy
- Cookie Monster
- Copernicus
- Cupid
- Cyrano
- Deputy Dawg
- Dickens
- Dilbert
- Dino
- Donald Trump
- Doonesbury
- Dude
- Dynamite
- E.T.
- Einstein
- Elf
- Elmo
- Emo
- Ewok
- Fabio
- Farley
- Freud
- Frito
- Fuzzy
- Gandhi
- Goliath
- Hobbit
- Homer
- Hooch
- Jawa
- Jeckyll
- Jerry Lee
- Jethro
- K-9
- Kerouac
- Killer
- Macbeth
- Macgyver
- Marky Mark
- McFly
- McGruff
- Monet
- Mr. Muggles
- Mulligan
- Ninja
- Nixon
- OJ
- Ole
- Oreo
- Peanut Butter
- Pee Wee
- Picasso
- Rogue
Learn More: Top 350+ Pit Bull Dog Names

Cool Beagle Names
Looking for something cool and collected for your new dog? If your Beagle is more on the laid-back side of things, one of these names might be fitting.
- Amber
- Bambi
- Barkely
- Bauer
- Bear
- Blondie
- Boots
- Bourbon
- Brandy
- Buck
- Bugle
- Chocolate
- Cinnamon
- Colt
- Digger
- Fawn
- Fetch
- Flash
- Flatfoot
- Foxy
- Freckles
- Gabby
- Goose
- Growler
- Gumshoe
- Gunnar
- Hawkeye
- Hooter
- Hopper
- Howler
- Hunter
- Jabber
- Jagger
- Jumper
- Miss Marple
- Nosy
- Poirot
- Quizzer
- Radar
- Red
- Runner
- Rusty
- Sandy
- Scamper
- Scotch
- Scratcher
- Sherlock
- Sneezer
- Sniff
- Sniffer
- Snoops
- Snowflake
- Snuff
- Snuffles
- Sounder
- Spot
- Stalker
- Stinky
- Tanner
- Ticker
- Tritip
- Wader
- Wailer
- Whiff
- Whiskey
- Yeller
- Yip
And Now It’s Your Turn!
We’ve provided you with plenty of names to choose from, but now it is time for you to actually choose a name. This is often much more difficult than you might expect, especially if you have multiple people in your household who might have their own naming ideas.
Take plenty of time to choose your new Beagle a name. You want something that is on the shorter said or at least as a suitable nickname to go with it, as well as a name that is easy to pronounce. It should sound different from any other pet’s or human’s name in your household. Otherwise, things can get somewhat confusing. If should also sound different from any command your dog is going to learn. In other words, do not name your dog “Tally Ho” if you’re going to take them hunting.
Last but not least, have fun! You only get to name your dog once.