If you’re looking for an energetic and intelligent dog then the Border Collie is a great pick. These dogs can make great companions; they just need an ideal name. The following list will give you plenty of options and help you narrow down your pick for the perfect name!
Border Collies are known as being some of the best herders around. Not only are they intelligent but they’re extremely fast. Because of this, a name like Zippy might be a great name for your little herder.

Male Border Collie Names
The following list of names includes some of the most popular ones around for Border Collies. If your pup is a little boy then check it out and see if there’s one to fit his personality.
- Ace
- Archie
- Barney
- Billy
- Buddy
- Charlie
- Duke
- Freddie
- Gunnar
- Jake
- Jax
- Lenny
- Leo
- Marley
- Max
- Murphy
- Ollie
- Oscar
- Ozzy
- Ranger
- Rex
- Shep
- Theo
- Toby
Learn More: Top 300+ Chihuahua Names

Female Border Collie Names
If you’re searching for a name for your little lady then get ready to look no further. This list includes 25 of the most popular female Border Collie names. There is sure to be one just right for you.
- Abby
- Bailey
- Bella
- Chloe
- Coco
- Daisy
- Dotty
- Fiona
- Franny
- Ginny
- Izzy
- Libby
- Lola
- Lucy
- Maggie
- Molly
- Nala
- Penny
- Piper
- Rosie
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Sadie
- Sally
- Zoey
Learn More: Top 500+ Bulldog Names

Cute Border Collie Names
Even though Border Collies were bred to be working dogs there’s no denying that they’re extremely cute. Their soft brown eyes and gorgeous coat make them a stunner and they need a name to match.
Included below are 40 of the cutest names around, categorized by gender, sure to fit your pooch.
Cute Border Collie Girl Names
- Buffy
- Cricket
- Cupcake
- Evie
- Kiki
- Kiwi
- Lady
- Nellie
- Olive
- Pebbles
- Petunia
- Polly
- Poppy
- Precious
- Sunny
- Taffy
- Trixie
- Trudy
- Willow
- Winnie
Cute Border Collie Boy Names
- Alfie
- Astro
- Bacon
- Barkley
- Bernie
- Boomer
- Burger
- Chewie
- Dexter
- Dino
- Duncan
- Fozzy
- Gordy
- Gus
- Lenny
- Percy
- Pickles
- Rusty
- Skippy
- Ziggy
Learn More: Top 500+ Korean Dog Names

Famous Border Collie Names
Because of their intelligence and ability to be easily trained, Border Collies are often used in movies or TV shows. Below is a list of some of the most famous Border Collies seen on the big screen.
- Fly (The dog from the movie Babe)
- Murray (The dog from the TV series Mad About You)
- Nana (From the movie Snow Dogs)
- Bandit (One of the pets from the TV series Little House on the Prairie)
- Jessie (The Border Collie in the movie Animal Farm)
Pop culture can also play a big role in naming your precious little pet. Names of celebrities, musicians, and even presidents can influence what you call your pooch. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some good names you can use if you’re into movies, music or books.
- Agatha
- Apollo
- Aslan
- Atticus
- Billie
- Charlotte
- Chewbacca
- Clapton
- Dre
- Elton
- Elvis
- Ferris
- Fiona
- Forrest
- Frodo
- Gandalf
- Gatsby
- Harry
- Hemingway
- Indiana
- Jackson
- Joni
- Katniss
- Lennon
- Madonna
- Mozart
- Neo
- Orwell
- Presley
- Prince
- Rambo
- Rocky
- Salinger
- Scarlett
- Seuss
- Sherlock
- Simba
- Skywalker
- Sly
- Sparrow
- Springsteen
- Twain
- Vader
- Zappa
- Zorro
Learn More: Top 500+ Cool Dog Names

Unique Names for Border Collies
Look, not everyone wants to name their dog Max or Bella. Those are some of the most popular names around. If you’re looking for something that isn’t as common, check out this list of unique names – you might find the rare gem you’ve been searching for.
- Ariel
- Becker
- Bernice
- Blaze
- Blossom
- Bootsie
- Curtis
- Dallas
- Delta
- Dixon
- Ellie
- Elsa
- Eugene
- Foster
- Gemma
- Grover
- Ivan
- Ivy
- Jinx
- Kaia
- Kirby
- Lolly
- Lottie
- Merlin
- Mookie
- Nova
- Opal
- Orion
- Otis
- Popeye
- Priya
- River
- Scout
- Shaggy
- Titan
- Twyla
- Yuri
- Zelda
- Zeus
Learn More: Top 800+ Clever Dog Names

More Border Collie Dog Names
While the most well-known coloring of the Border Collie is black and white, there are various colorings out there. Other color assortments can range from red and white to tricolor (black, white and tan). Border Collies can also come as red or blue merles, but that might not be as common.
Sometimes the coloring of the dog may give you a clue to the perfect name. Our list continues below with names based on the different colorings of Border Collies.
Black and White Collie Names
- Checkers
- Cruella
- Domino
- Dotty
- Felix
- Magpie
- Oreo
- Patches
- Pongo
- Shamu
- Spade
- Sylvester

Red Collie Names
- Amber
- Auburn
- Chestnut
- Cheyenne
- Cinnamon
- Copper
- Crimson
- Curry
- Elmo
- Garnet
- Merida
- Paprika
- Rusty
- Sienna
Blue Merle Collie Names
- Blue
- Calypso
- Cobalt
- Denim
- Grover (blue Sesame Street character)
- Hinto (Native American name for blue-haired)
- Indigo
- Jay (short for the Bluejay)
- Levi (based on the brand of jeans)
- Skye
- Sulley (blue monster in the movie Monsters, Inc.)
- Topaz

Tri-Color Collie Names
- Cali (short form of calico, which is a tricolored cat)
- Marble (marbling of colors)
- Motley (multicolored)
- Prism
- Rainbow
- Sundae
Learn More: Top 400+ Scottish Dog Names
Best Border Collie Names
Since your Border Collie is your best friend you may want a name that has more meaning. There are loads of dog names that will not only fit your pal but also have the deep meaning you’re looking for.
Listed below are 80 great dog names along with their meanings – see if any of these are perfect for your pooch.
- Ada (serene and noble)
- Angus (one strength)
- Asher (means happiness)
- Audie (noble strength)
- Baron (a title of nobility)
- Beau (French for handsome)
- Bolt (exit quickly – may be a good name due to Border Collie’s speed)
- Bonnie (English in origin, the name means pretty girl)
- Boone (means good or blessing)
- Boss (the one in charge)
- Bronx (NYC borough)
- Caleb (loosely translates to faithful or loyal)
- Casey (steadfast)
- Cato (intelligent or shrewd)
- Chaos (unpredictable or random behavior)
- Chief (leader or head of the tribe)
- Conrad (stems from a Germanic word meaning brave)
- Cora (maiden)
- Cyrus (Greek meaning king or lord)
- Dante (everlasting)
- Darwin (name means dear friend)
- Devan (French name meaning divine)
- Elke (of noble birth)
- Faith (confident; trust and belief)
- Fifi (means faithful)
- Finn (means fair or white)
- Flash (the speedy superhero from the DC comic books)
- Frank (free one or open and honest)
- Fury (wild or violent)
- Gideon (Hebrew for mighty warrior)
- Greta (pearl in Swedish)
- Harley (of wild spirit)
- Hector (Greek for steadfast)
- Ida (German for hardworking)
- Jasper (bringer of treasures)
- Jayce (Cherokee name meaning strong)
- Jayden (of Hebrew origin meaning thankful)
- Joli (pretty in French)
- Juliet (full of youth)
- Juno (important goddess of the Roman state)
- Kane (means fighter in Irish)
- Kova (tough in Finnish)
- Laddie (Scottish for a young man)
- Lexy (Greek name meaning defender of mankind)
- Loki (a mischievous god)
- Luca (Italian for bringer of light)
- Lucky (means fortunate)
- Maizie (means pearl in Latin)
- Millie (German for strength or labor)
- Milo (means merciful)
- Minnie (wished or hoped for)
- Mitzi (beloved, rebel)
- Nitro (explosive)
- Noah (means comfort)
- Norah (means honor in Latin)
- Oliver (symbol of peace)
- Otto (means wealth and prosperity)
- Pandora (full of random surprises)
- Pax (peaceful)
- Phoebe (brilliant and shining)
- Pippa (lover of horses)
- Quinn (intelligent and wise)
- Ree (to captivate or blind in Hebrew)
- Reiko (courteous child)
- Sage (English for wise one)
- Sasha (helper and defender of all)
- Sheena (translates to Jane which means God is good)
- Shiloh (name means peace)
- Shiva (deity in the Hindu religion)
- Silas (Latin origin meaning of the forest)
- Sprite (elf or fairy)
- Stein (stone in German)
- Talia (strong and beautiful)
- Teagan (means good looking)
- Teddy (means wealthy guardian)
- Toryn (Irish for chief)
- Winston (old English meaning kind town or a friend’s estate)
- Wyatt (French name meaning guide)
- Xerxes (great Persian king)
- Zander (man warrior)

Your turn! (time to pick a name)
Bringing home a new pup sure can be exciting; there are so many things to look forward to! Taking the time to pick out the perfect name will be worth it for the many years to come. Hopefully, this list made it easy for you to find the best match for your pet and now you can both live happily ever after!