Chihuahuas are some of the smallest dogs in the world. This often leads to them being named after their small stature, such as Tiny, for example. However, there are plenty of other places to find inspiration for a good Chihuahua name, like their country of origin.
In this article, we’ve gathered together countless names that would be perfect for any Chihuahua. We’ve included some common ones as well as some truly unique names you probably won’t find anywhere else.

Female Chihuahua Names
Here are some of the best Chihuahua names for females. We’ve gathered these names from a variety of sources to give you plenty of naming options for your adorable new dog.
- Agate: a type of precious stone
- Amethyst: a purple crystal believed to protect the wearer from drunkenness in Greek mythology
- Angel
- Bell
- Bella
- Bibi: French word meaning “bauble”, often used as a term of endearment
- Brownie
- Cara: English name meaning “friend”
- Carita: English name meaning “friend”
- Charity
- Cherry
- Chip
- Chloe
- Coco
- Cookie
- Daisy
- Dot
- Ellie
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Hazel
- Hazelnut
- Honey
- Honey
- Ipo: Hawaiian name meaning “darling”
- Kalei: Hawaiian name meaning “beloved”
- Kebi: Egyptian name meaning “honey”
- Kiss
- Layla
- Lexi
- Lily
- Lola
- Lucy
- Lulu
- Luna
- Madhu: Hindi name meaning “honey”
- Maggie
- Mia
- Millie
- Missy
- Mocha
- Molly
- Nena: Chamoru term of endearment
- Olive
- Olivia
- Ollie
- Peach
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Petunia
- Phoebe
- Pixie
- Princess
- Roxi
- Sammy
- Sherry: a type of wine and an Englis name meaning “darling”
- Sigal: Hebrew name meaning “treasure”
- Sophie
- Stella
- Sugar
- Toya: Name derived from the word “toy” that is used as a term of endearment
- Zoe
Learn More: Best 400+ Female Dog Names

Male Chihuahua Names
Male Chihuahuas are somewhat more difficult to name than females. For whatever reason, there seem to be fewer naming options out there for these boy dogs. Luckily though, you’ve come to the right place for plenty of naming options for your new male dog:
- Adjo: Egyptian name meaning “treasure”
- Alfie
- Amado: Spanish name meaning “beloved”
- Amato: Italian name meaning “beloved”
- Asher
- Augie
- Avery
- Barkley
- Beau: Originally an English pet name meaning “handsome”.
- Bradley
- Bran
- Brandon
- Brewster
- Buddy
- Charlie
- Cole
- Cooper
- Corky
- Dai: Welsh name meaning “beloved”
- Danny
- Dar: Hebrew name meaning “marble”
- Dauid: Greek form of the Hebrew name David, meaning “beloved”
- Ethan
- Harper
- Jack
- Jacob
- Jasper: a type of green gem. The name translates loosely too “treasure bearer”.
- Jett: Another word for “lapis”, which is a type of precious stone
- Joe
- Kei: Japanese name meaning “blessed”, “lucky”, “wise”, and “jewel”
- Liam
- Logan
- Lucas
- Lucky
- Luke
- Marcus
- Mason
- Meeko
- Micah
- Mike
- Miles
- Noah
- Oliver
- Oliver
- Omar
- Oscar
- Oscar
- Otis
- Owen
- Rascal
- Raymon
- Rowan
- Ryan
- Ryder
- Samuel
- Teddy
- Thomas
- Tommy
- Tony
- Victor
- Vincent
- Will
- Wyatt
- Zack
Learn More: Top 500+ Male Dog Names

Unique Chihuahua Names
Looking for a name that’ll really help your pooch stand out? Try some of these names:
- Ai: Chinese name meaning “friendly” and “love”
- Aine: Celtic name meaning “radiance” as well as the name of the fairy queen
- Alden: Egyptian name meaning “friend”
- Amaterasu: Name of the Japanese sun goddess
- Amit: Hebrew name meaning “friend”
- Ange: French word for “angel”
- Anisa: Arabic name meaning “friendly”
- Ciel: French name meaning “sky”
- Darwin: English name meaning “dear friend”
- Di: Latin name meaning “divine”
- Fae: English word meaning “fairy”
- Isoke: African name meaning “hairy”
- Kara: English name meaning “beloved”
- Kayla: Yiddish name eaning “heaven”
- Kelpie: Celtic name meaning “the color of kelp.” In Celtic mythology, this was the name of a water-horse.
- Lani: Hawaiian name meaning “sky”
- Lieve: Dutch name meaning “dear friend”
- Mani: Hindi name meaning “jewel”
- Oberon: the king of the fairies in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
- Pari: Persian name for “fairy”
- Ratan: Hindi name meaning “jewel”
- Ravid: Hebrew name for “jewelry”
Learn More: Top 300+ Spanish Dog Names

Badass Chihuahua Names
Many Chihuahuas are actually very territorial and make great watchdogs. Just because they’re small doesn’t mean that you have to name them something pretty and dainty. If you want to name them something badass, feel free to. Here are some badass names we feel are pretty suitable for Chihuahuas:
- Ariel: Hebrew name meaning “lion of god.”
- Art: Irish Gaelic name meaning “bear champion”
- Arto: Finnish name meaning “bear-man”
- Bast: Egyptian name for a goddess often depicted as a lion defender the Pharaoh. The name translates to “lady of fire.”
- Bear
- Beowulf: Anglo-Saxon hero and monster-slayer
- Biggie
- Bjorn: Norse name meaning “bear”
- Boss
- Buster
- Butch
- Butch
- Caesar
- Chief
- Clyde
- Cujo
- Diesel
- Duke
- Espen: Swedish name meaning “divine bear”
- Fang
- Fang
- Fenris
- Goliath
- Gunner
- Harley
- Hercules
- Hulk
- Hunter
- Jaxon
- Lavi: Hebrew name meaning “lion”
- Lennard: English name meaning “lion-strong”
- Leo: Greek name meaning “lion”
- Leona: Latin name meaning “lion”
- Mack
- Mecho: Bulgarian name meaning “teddy bear”
- Moose
- Rambo
- Rex
- Rocky
- Rogue
- Sable
- Sarge
- Spike
- Tank
- Thor
- Tiger
- Xena
- Zeus
Learn More: Top 100+ Badass Dog Names

Famous Chihuahua Names
There are quite a few famous Chihuahuas in pop culture and through other outlets. Here are some of our favorite famous dog names for Chihuahuas”
- Bambi: one of Paris Hilton’s Chihuahuas
- Boo: The smallest living dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
- Bruiser: the small Chihuahua from legally blond.
- Coco: Cesar Millan’s dog on the dog series Dog Whisperer.
- Gidget: the famous Chihuahua from the Taco Bell commercials
- Mammoth Mutt: the Chihuahua from the hit animated series Krypto
- Tinkerbell: Paris Hilton’s other Chihuahua
Learn More: Top 150+ Japanese Dog Names

Spanish Chihuahua Names
Chihuahuas come from Mexico, which speaks Spanish today. These dogs were likely descended from the Techichi, which is an extinct breed of dog from South America. However, one study found that most modern Chihuahuas are not that closely related to this “original Chihuahua”. Still, there is no reason you can’t give your dog a Spanish name in celebration of their origin:
- Aaron: “light-bringer”
- Abelardo: “noble strength”
- Abella: “bee”
- Adalina: “little noble”
- Adan: “earth”
- Adora: “adoration”
- Agata: “good”
- Aina: “dawn”
- Alarico: “all-powerful”
- Alberto: “bright nobility”
- Alejo: “defender”
- Aleta: “winged”
- Alfonso: “defender”
- Amado: “beloved”
- Ambessa: “lion”
- Ana: “grace”
- Andres: “warrior”
- Arnaldo: “eagle power”
- Babieca: “a simpleton”
- Balduino: “brave friend”
- Benita: “blessed”
- Benito: “blessed”
- Berenguer: “bear-spear”
- Blanca: “white”
- Bolivar: “meadow mill”
- Camila: “attendant”
- Cande: “candle”
- Caridad: “dear”
- Carlos: “man”
- Carmela: “garden”
- Carmen: “song”
- Casilda: name of a Spanish saint
- Casimiro: “commands peace”
- Catalina: “pure”
- Cayo: “lord”
- Celio: “heaven”
- Cenobia: “life of Zeus”
- Charo: “rosary”
- Chickie: “little one”
- Clarisa: “fame”
- Cleto: “called back”
- Corazon: “heart”
- Custodia: “guardian”
- Delfina: “woman”
- Desideria: “longing”
- Dimas: “sunset”
- Dolores: “sorrows”
- Donica: “sweet”
- Dulce: “candy”
- Eberardo: “strong as a boar”
- Edelmira: “famous”
- Eduardo: “protector of prosperity”
- Eduardu: “guardian of prosperity”
- Elena: “torch”
- Eloisa: “healthy”
- Enrique: “home-ruler”
- Ernesta: “battle”
- Ernesto: “battle to the death”
- Esmerelda: “emerald”
- Estavan: “crown”
- Estela: “star”
- Eusebio: “pious”
- Evita: “life”
- Faustino: “lucky”
- Feliciana: “fortune”
- Felipe: “lover of horses”
- Fons: “noble”
- Gabriela: “warrior of God”
- Gasper: “treasure bearer”
- Gervasi: “spear servant”
- Gil: “shield of goatskin”
- Goito: “watchful”
- Goyo: “watchful”
- Gracia: “pleasing”
- Guadalupe: “river of the wolf”
- Gustavo: “meditation staff”
- Heriberto: “bright army”
- Herminia: “army man”
- Ibbie: “God is my oath”
- Idoya: “pond”
- Imelda: “all warrior”
- Isabel: “God is my oath”
- Ivette: “yew”
- Jacinta: “hyacinth flower”
- Jacinto: “hyacinth flower”
- Jaime: “supplanter”
- Jenaro: “January”
- Jimena: “hearkening”
- Jovita: “god”
- Leandro: “lion-man”
- Leta: “winged”
- Lita: “sorrows”
- Lucia: “light”
- Lupe: “wolf”
- Lupita: “little wolf”
- Luz: “light”
- Macaria: “blessed”
- Maite: “rebellious”
- Marisol: “rebellious sun”
- Neva: “snow”
- Nohemi: “my delight”
- Nuria: “wisdom”
- Paloma: “dove”
- Pastora: “shepherd”
- Peppi: “everlasting”
- Perla: “pearl”
- Pia: “pious”
- Raimunda: “wise protector”
- Reina: “queen”
- Reyna: “queen”
- Rita: “pearl”
- Rocio: “dew”
- Salud: “health”
- Sara: “princess”
- Sence: “holy”
- Sofia: “wisdom”
- Sol: “son”
- Tere: “harvester”
- Tonia: “invaluable”
- Valentia: “power”
- Veronica: “bringer of victory”
- Violeta: “violet color”
- Xenia: “well-born”
- Yazmin: “jasmine flower”
- Zarita: “princess”
Learn More: Top 300+ Spanish Dog Names

Teacup Chihuahua Names
Teacup Chihuahuas are even smaller than their normal counterparts. Their small stature means they deserve a name that goes along with their tiny size. Try one of these names for your extra-small pooch:
- Alexa
- Angelo
- Ava
- Baby
- Bean
- Bev
- Bitty
- Button
- C.C.
- Calisto
- Elf
- Felix
- Gabby
- Half Pint
- Hobbit
- Inigo: Spanish name meaning “my little one”
- Jordi
- Levi
- Little
- Liz
- Maxi
- Melanie
- Mini
- Minnie
- Missy
- Morsel
- Munchkin
- Nina
- Nugget
- Papi
- Paulino: Spanish name meaning “small”
- Peanut
- Peanut
- Peewee
- Penny
- Pixie
- Puny
- Runt
- Shorty
- Shrimp
- Silas
- Silvia
- Sissy
- Smalley
- Squirt
- Teensy
- Tina
- Tiny
- Vera
- Videl
Learn More: Top 250+ White Dog Names
Now It’s Time for You To Choose a Name!
After exploring our list of Chihuahua names, it is time for one of the most difficult steps of all – actually choosing one! Obviously, this is easier said than done. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be looking through our list.
We recommend narrowing the possible names down as much as possible. Then, throw out names that sound similar to any commands you plan on teaching your canine or the name of any member of your household. Next, consider what names the members of your family can actually pronounce, especially if you have children.
With your remaining list of names, spend a little time trying each one out. Some names just aren’t going to fit with a certain dog’s personality or appearance, and that’s okay.
In the end, the name you choose is completely up to you. Select one that you love!