Boston Terriers are quite common in the United States today. According to the American Kennel Club, they currently rank 21 in terms of popularity out of all dog breeds in the United States. These dogs are instantly recognizable by the shortened snouts, tuxedo coloration, and compact body. They look similar to a compact bulldog with a brindle coloration.
Despite their appearance, they’re terriers in a true sense. They are quite energetic and fun-loving. They’re people-oriented dogs and are almost always friendly towards friends and strangers alike.
If you’ve recently adopted one of these unique dogs, you’re probably wondering what names work best for these canines. We’ve gathered a huge, comprehensive list of all the best names for Boston Terrier dogs.

Boston Terrier Girl Names
Names you would typically give to smaller dogs usually work for female Boston Terriers. However, because they are so fun-loving and blatantly hyper, fun, spirited names work well as well.
- Agate
- Amethyst
- Abby
- Ada
- Addie
- Adelaide
- Adeline
- Adelyn
- Adriana
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Alexia
- Alexis
- Alice
- Allie
- Alyssa
- Amari
- Amber
- Amelia
- Amelie
- Amina
- Angel
- Angelica
- Angie
- Aspen
- Athena
- Aubrey
- Autumn
- Bean
- Bella
- Bertha
- Bessie
- Betsy
- Betty
- Bianca
- Billie
- Bindi
- Birdie
- Biscuit
- Blair
- Blakely
- Blanche
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Bonnie
- Brandy
- Brielle
- Brooklyn
- Brownie
- Brynn
- Buffy
- Cadence
- Callie
- Cameron
- Camilia
- Camille
- Candy
- Carla
- Carly
- Carmela
- Carmen
- Carolina
- Carolyn
- Casey
- Cassie
- Cecelia
- Chance
- Chanel
- Charlie
- Charlotte
- Clarissa
- Clementine
- Cleo
- Clover
- Coco
- Cookie
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Demi
- Destiny
- Diamond
- Diva
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Dolores
- Dora
- Dorothy
- Dory
- Dot
- Dottie
- Duchess
- Eden
- Edie
- Edith
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Ember
- Erin
- Esmerelda
- Estelle
- Esther
- Etta
- Fannie
- Fantasia
- Faye
- Felecity
- Fern
- Frida
- Gabby
- Gemma
- Genesis
- Geneva
- Georgia
- Geraldine
- Gia
- Gidget
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Giselle
- Gloria
- Goldie
- Grace
- Greta
- Gretchen
- Gwen
- Gypsy
- Hadley
- Haley
- Halle
- Hallie
- Hannah
- Heidi
- Henley
- Hershey
- Holly
- Honey
- Hope
- Ibby
- Ida
- Imani
- Indigo
- Inez
- Ingrid
- Irene
- Iris
- Isabella
- Isla
- Ivory
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jackie
- Jada
- Jade
- Jamie
- Jane
- Janelle
- Jasmine
- Jenna
- Jersey
- Jessie
- Jewel
- Joan
- Jolene
- Jordan
- Josie
- Journey
- Joy
- Kamila
- Karina
- Karla
- Karma
- Kate
- Kay
- Kayla
- Kelly
- Kelsey
- Kendall
- Kennedy
- Kenya
- Kiara
- Kiki
- Kimmie
- Kinley
- Kinsley
- Lassie
- Layla
- Leia
- Lena
- Leona
- Leslie
- Lexy
- Liana
- Libby
- Liberty
- Lila
- Lily
- Liv
- Lizzy
- Lois
- Lola
- London
- Lorelai
- Loretta
- Lorraine
- Louise
- Lovely
- Lucia
- Madison
- Mae
- Maeve
- Maggie
- Maisie
- Makayla
- Malia
- Mallory
- Mandy
- Mango
- Maple
- Mara
- Margaret
- Margot
- Marianna
- Marilyn
- Mia
- Mika
- Mila
- Miley
- Miriam
- Missy
- Mitzi
- Mocha
- Molly
- Morgan
- Moxie
- Muffin
- Mya
- Myra
- Nadia
- Nala
- Nanette
- Naomi
- Nell
- Nellie
- Nettie
- Nia
- Nikita
- Nikki
- Nina
- Noel
- Nola
- Opal
- Oreo
- Paige
- Paisley
- Pandora
- Paris
- Parker
- Patsy
- Pebbles
- Phoebe
- Piper
- Pippa
- Pippy
- Pixie
- Polly
- Poppy
- Portia
- Raven
- Reese
- Regina
- Remy
- Riley
- Rio
- Rita
- River
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Ruth
- Ruthie
- Rylie
- Sadie
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Savannah
- Sawyer
- Scarlet
- Scout
- Selena
- Selma
- Serena
- Serenity
- Shadow
- Sheba
- Silvia
- Sissy
- Siti
- Skye
- Skylar
- Smokey
- Snickers
- Snookie
- Snowball
- Sookie
- Sue
- Sugar
- Suki
- Summer
- Sunny
- Susannah
- Susie
- Sweetie
- Sydney
- Sylvia
- Tabitha
- Talia
- Taylor
- Tessa
- Thea
- Theo
- Tiana
- Tilly
- Tootsie
- Trixie
- Trudy
- Twinkie
- Ursula
- Valentine
- Valeria
- Velma
- Venus
- Vera
- Victoria
- Viola
- Violet
- Virginia
- Vivi
- Vivienne
- Vixen
- Whitney
- Winter
- Wren
- Xena
- Yasmin
- Yvonne
- Zara
- Zelda
- Zia
- Zoe
- Zola
- Zuri
Learn More: Top 500+ Country Dog Names

Boston Terrier Boy Names
Here is a list of some of the more masculine names you might pick for a Boston Terrier. While these are small dogs, they often have big personalities. Plus, they’re fun personalities mean that sarcastic names like “Goliath” are sometimes just fitting.
- Abbott
- Abe
- Ace
- Achilles
- Alexander
- Alfie
- Alford
- Ali
- Alistar
- Alvin
- Amos
- Andre
- Andy
- Angus
- Apollo
- Augustus
- Austin
- Axel
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Barkley
- Barney
- Baron
- Barry
- Barton
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bryce
- Bubba
- Buck
- Bucky
- Buddy
- Buster
- Butch
- Buzz
- Captain
- Chewy
- Chico
- Chief
- Colby
- Coleman
- Colin
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corky
- Cornelius
- Cosmo
- Crawford
- Damien
- Dane
- Daniel
- Dante
- Darby
- Darius
- Davis
- Davy
- Denver
- Dexter
- Diego
- Diesel
- Dixon
- Doc
- Dodge
- Domingo
- Donnie
- Donovan
- Drew
- Dudley
- Duffy
- Duke
- Dusty
- Dylan
- Earl
- Easton
- Eddie
- Edgar
- Edison
- Edmund
- Edward
- Edwin
- Eldon
- Eli
- Eliot
- Elmer
- Elvis
- Elway
- Emerson
- Emmett
- Emory
- Ernest
- Eugene
- Evan
- Evander
- Everett
- Ezra
- Fabio
- Fang
- Farley
- Felix
- Felton
- Fenton
- Fido
- Finley
- Finn
- Fisher
- Freeman
- Fritz
- Gage
- George
- Gerald
- Ghost
- Gilbert
- Gizmo
- Goose
- Gordy
- Grady
- Graham
- Griffin
- Harold
- Harrison
- Harry
- Hart
- Harvey
- Hawkeye
- Hayes
- Heath
- Hector
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hilton
- Hogan
- Hudson
- Hugh
- Hunter
- Hyatt
- Iggy
- Igor
- Ike
- Indy
- Ira
- Irving
- Ivan
- Ives
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jag
- Jake
- James
- Jameson
- Jasper
- Java
- Jax
- Jefferson
- Jerry
- Jesse
- Jet
- Jethro
- Joey
- John
- Johnny
- Jonas
- Joseph
- Judge
- Junior
- Kane
- Kendrick
- Kent
- Kilo
- King
- Kobe
- Koda
- Kona
- Lambert
- Lance
- Lane
- Langston
- Lars
- Lawrence
- Lemuel
- Lenny
- Leo
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levi
- Lewis
- Liam
- Lincoln
- Linus
- Logan
- Loki
- Louie
- Lucky
- Marty
- Mason
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximillian
- Maximus
- Maxwell
- Mccoy
- McKinley
- Mercer
- Meyer
- Michael
- Mickey
- Milburn
- Miles
- Miller
- Milo
- Milton
- Moe
- Mojo
- Monroe
- Moose
- Morris
- Mort
- Morton
- Murphy
- Nelson
- Nero
- Newton
- Nico
- Niles
- Orson
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Overton
- Owen
- Ozzy
- Pablo
- Paco
- Parker
- Parley
- Patch
- Peanut
- Pepper
- Percival
- Percy
- Petey
- Phillip
- Pierce
- Piper
- Pogo
- Pongo
- Porter
- Prince
- Quincy
- Quinton
- Radar
- Ralph
- Rambo
- Randall
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Raymond
- Rebel
- Reed
- Reese
- Reggie
- Remy
- Reuben
- Rex
- Richard
- Ricky
- Rider
- Riley
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Robert
- Rocco
- Rockwell
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Roy
- Russell
- Rusty
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Sarge
- Saul
- Sawyer
- Sebastian
- Sedrick
- Shadow
- Shamus
- Sheldon
- Shelton
- Sherman
- Sherwood
- Shiloh
- Sigmund
- Silas
- Simba
- Simon
- Skip
- Smokey
- Snoopy
- Socks
- Sparky
- Spencer
- Spike
- Spot
- Stanley
- Stewie
- Stitch
- Storm
- Stuart
- Summer
- Sylvan
- Taco
- Tank
- Taylor
- Taz
- Teddy
- Tesla
- Thaddeus
- Theo
- Theodore
- Thor
- Thornton
- Tiller
- Titus
- TJ
- Tobias
- Toby
- Tripp
- Tristan
- Truman
- Tucker
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Ulysses
- Vaughn
- Vernon
- Victor
- Vince
- Vincent
- Vinnie
- Virgil
- Wade
- Wallace
- Wally
- Walter
- Warren
- William
- Wilson
- Winston
- Woody
- Wyatt
- Wylie
- Yogi
- Yoshi
- Yukon
- Zane
- Zeus
- Ziggy

Funny Boston Terrier Names
Boston Terriers are just funny-looking dogs. On top of their appearance, they also tend to be hyper and incredibly fun to be around. These dogs are always happy – no matter what life throws at them. Funny names are often extremely fitting for these dogs.
- Alfalfa
- Awesome
- Baloo
- Beans
- Biscuit
- Bruiser
- Butterball
- Butters
- Chalupa
- Cheeseburger
- Chompers
- Cujo
- Dobby
- Droolius Caesar
- Elmo
- Fluffernutter
- Franz Fur-dinand
- Frodo
- Fyodor Dogstoevsky
- Goober
- Gollum
- Hairy Paw-ter
- Hercules
- Jabba
- Jellybean
- Jimmy Chew
- Khaleesi
- Meatball
- Mister Miyagi
- Nacho
- Noodles
- Salsa
- Tater
- Waffles
Learn More: Top 500+ African Dog Names

Unique Boston Terrier Names
Sometimes, one of these unique dogs just deserves a unique name. In these cases, we recommend one of these monikers:
- Aero
- Aiden
- AJ
- Albert
- Alden
- Alex
- Basil
- Baxter
- Benny
- Benson
- Bentley
- Bernard
- Bertrand
- Beta
- Billy
- Bingo
- Blake
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bo
- Boomer
- Bowie
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Brady
- Braxton
- Brigham
- Brock
- Broderick
- Brody
- Brogan
- Bronson
- Brownie
- Byron
- Cadence
- Caesar
- Cain
- Calvin
- Carlton
- Carter
- Cash
- Casper
- Cecil
- Cedric
- Champ
- Chance
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chip
- Chips
- Cisco
- CJ
- Clarence
- Clark
- Clement
- Clifford
- Clyde
- Coco
- Cody
- Eudora
- Eva
- Evelyn
- Evie
- Faith
- Fancy
- Flash
- Fletcher
- Floyd
- Fonzi
- Forrest
- Frederick
- Harley
- Harlow
- Harper
- Harriet
- Hattie
- Haven
- Hazel
- Homer
- Hooch
- Hoover
- Hoss
- Huck
- Luigi
- Luke
- Luna
- Luther
- Lydia
- Lyla
- Lyric
- Mabel
- Mackenzie
- Macy
- Maddie
- Madeline
- Mario
- Marley
- Martin
- Mary
- Megan
- Melina
- Melody
- Millie
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Miranda
- Nora
- Nori
- Norma
- Nova
- Odessa
- Olive
- Olivia
- Payton
- Peach
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pearl
- Rosalie
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Rosie
- Rowan
- Sage
- Sally
- Sam
- Sammie
- Sandy
- Shelby
- Shiloh
- Shirley
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Wiggles
- Willa
- Willow
- Winifred
- Winnie

Cute Boston Terrier Names
Many people consider Boston Terriers to be cute, which is a large proponent of why they’re so popular. Here are some names that are more on the cute end of the spectrum:
- Amazon
- Annabell
- Annie
- Anya
- Ariel
- Artie
- Ash
- Ashby
- Ashley
- Asia
- Atlas
- Ava
- Avery
- Baby
- Bailey
- Bambi
- Basil
- Bea
- Bitsy
- Bonsai
- Cora
- Coraline
- Courtney
- Cricket
- Crystal
- Cuddle
- Fifi
- Fiona
- Flo
- Foxy
- Frances
- Doodle
- Lucille
- Lucinda
- Lucky
- Lucy
- Lula
- Lulu
- Murray
- Midget
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Nash
- Ned
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penny
- Pepper
- Perdia
- Phoenix

Famous Boston Terrier Names
Due to their appearance and personality, these little dogs stand out from the crowd. Here are some of the most famous Boston Terriers you could cosnider naming your dog after:
- Bruschi: World Record holder for dog with the largest eyes
- Bug: Owned by Rose McGowan
- Fester: Owned by Rose McGowan
- Harley: Owned by LeAnn Rimes
- Iggy: Dog from the manga series JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures
- Licorice: Owned by Famke Janssen
- Lulu: Owned by Joan Rivers
- Sergeant Stubby: Honorable war dog
- Winky: Owned by Allison Sweeny
Learn More: Top 900+ Yorkie Dog Names
Did You Find the Perfect Name?
With literally hundreds of names to choose from, we hope you found the perfect option for your new Boston Terrier puppy.
When it comes to choosing a name, there really isn’t much you need to keep in mind. The most important factor of any name is whether or not you like it. There is no reason to name your dog something you don’t like, even if it seems to fit them perfectly.
If you have family members, be sure it is a name they like as well. Older children should be involved in the naming process if possible. If you have lots of people in your household, direct everyone to look at this ultimate list and pick out their favorite names. Then, you can compare lists as a family and choose one.
If possible, the name you select should be short and sound different from any of the commands your dog knows. This prevents confusion on your dog’s part and can help with training.