Whether you actually live in the country or not, sometimes Western names are just fitting for our dogs. Perhaps your dog belongs to a working breed that is common in the south, like a Beagle or Golden Retriever for instance. Or, maybe your dog is a Border Collie or Catahoula heeler, which were common with the cowboys.
Maybe you just like Western dog names!
Whatever the reason, we’ve gotten together some of the best country dog names out there for you to choose from.

Country Dog Names for Males
In many ways, country dog names really aren’t that much different from your average dog names. Names that are common in other parts of the country, like Bella, are also common in the country and southern areas of the U.S. Whether you live in the south or just love country music, you might find these names fitting. With that said, here are some dog names that are somewhat unique to the country areas:
- Abbott
- Abe
- Ace
- Achilles
- Aero
- Aiden
- AJ
- Albert
- Alden
- Alex
- Alexander
- Alfie
- Alford
- Ali
- Alistar
- Alvin
- Amos
- Andre
- Andy
- Angus
- Apollo
- Archie
- Aries
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Artie
- Ash
- Ashby
- Atlas
- Augustus
- Austin
- Axel
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Barkley
- Barnard
- Barney
- Baron
- Barry
- Barton
- Basil
- Baxter
- Beans
- Bear
- Beau
- Benji
- Bennett
- Benny
- Benson
- Bentley
- Bernard
- Bertrand
- Beta
- Billy
- Bingo
- Blake
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bo
- Boomer
- Bowie
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Brady
- Braxton
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Bryce
- Bryon
- Bubba
- Buck
- Bucky
- Buddy
- Buster
- Butch
- Buzz
- Byron
- Cadence
- Caesar
- Cain
- Calvin
- Captain
- Carlton
- Carter
- Chark
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chewy
- Chico
- Chief
- Chip
- Chips
- Cisco
- CJ
- Clarence
- Clark
- Clement
- Clifford
- Clyde
- Coco
- Cody
- Colby
- Coleman
- Cooper
- Corky
- Cosmo
- Damien
- Dane
- Davis
- Davy
- Dexter
- Diego
- Diesel
- Dixon
- Doc
- Dodge
- Domingo
- Donnie
- Donovan
- Drew
- Dudley
- Duffy
- Duke
- Dusty
- Dylan
- Earl
- Easton
- Eddie
- Edgar
- Edison
- Edmund
- Edward
- Edwin
- Eldon
- Eli
- Eliot
- Elmer
- Elvis
- Elway
- Emerson
- Emmett
- Emory
- Emory
- Ernest
- Eugene
- Evan
- Evander
- Everett
- Ezra
- Fabio
- Fang
- Farley
- Felix
- Felton
- Fenton
- Fido
- Fido
- Finley
- Finn
- Fisher
- Flash
- Fletcher
- Floyd
- Fonzi
- Forrest
- Foster
- Francis
- Frank
- Frankie
- Franklin
- Freddy
- Frederick
- Freeman
- Fritz
- Gage
- George
- Gerald
- Ghost
- Gilbert
- Gizmo
- Goose
- Gordy
- Gracie
- Grady
- Grady
- Graham
- Griffin
- Grover
- Gunner
- Gus
- Hamilton
- Hank
- Harley
- Harold
- Harrison
- Harry
- Hart
- Harvey
- Hawkeye
- Hayes
- Heath
- Hector
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herman
- High
- Hilton
- Hogan
- Homer
- Hooch
- Ike
- Indy
- Ira
- Irving
- Ivan
- Ives
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jag
- Jake
- James
- Jameson
- Jasper
- Java
- Jax
- Jefferson
- Jerry
- Jesse
- Jet
- Jethro
- Joey
- John
- Johnny
- Kobe
- Koda
- Kona
- Lambert
- Lance
- Lane
- Langston
- Lars
- Lawrence
- Lawrence
- Lemuel
- Lenny
- Leo
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levi
- Lewis
- Liam
- Lincoln
- Linus
- Llewellyn
- Logan
- Loki
- Louie
- Mack
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximillian
- Maximus
- Maxwell
- Mccoy
- McKinley
- Mercer
- Meyer
- Michael
- Mickey
- Milburn
- Miles
- Miller
- Milo
- Milton
- Moe
- Mojo
- Monroe
- Moose
- Morris
- Mort
- Morton
- Murphy
- Murray
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Nash
- Ned
- Nelson
- Nero
- Newton
- Nico
- Niles
- Noah
- Normal
- Ollie
- Oreo
- Orson
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Owen
- Ozzy
- Pablo
- Paco
- Parley
- Philipe
- Pierce
- Piper
- Pogo
- Pongo
- Randall
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Raymond
- Rebel
- Reed
- Reese
- Reggie
- Remy
- Reuben
- Rex
- Richard
- Ricky
- Rider
- Riley
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Robert
- Rocco
- Rockwell
- Rudolph
- Rudy
- Rufus
- Rupert
- Russel
- Russell
- Rusty
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Sarge
- Saul
- Sawyer
- Scooby
- Scooter
- Scout
- Scrappy
- Sebastian
- Sedrick
- Shadow
- Shamus
- Sheldon
- Sheldon
- Shelton
- Sherman
- Sherwood
- Shiloh
- Sigmund
- Silas
- Simba
- Simon
- Skip
- Smokey
- Snoopy
- Socks
- Sparky
- Spencer
- Spike
- Spot
- Stanlet
- Stanley
- Sterling
- Stetson
- Stewie
- Stitch
- Storm
- Stuart
- Summer
- Sylcan
- Sylvan
- Taco
- Tank
- Taz
- Tesla
- Thaddeus
- Theo
- Theodore
- Thor
- Thornton
- Thurston
- Tiller
- Tillman
- Titus
- TJ
- Tobias
- Toby
- Todd
- Tot
- Toto
- Trapper
- Tripp
- Tristan
- Truman
- Tucker
- Tyler
- Tyson
- Ulysses
- Vaughn
- Vernon
- Victor
- Vinc
- Vincent
- Virgil
- Wade
- Walter
- Walton
- Wesley
- Wheeler
- Willie
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Winston
- Woody
- Wyatt
- Wylie
- Yogi
- Yoshi
- Yukon
- Zane
- Zeus
- Ziggy
Learn More: Top 200+ Star Wars Dog Names

Badass Country Dog Names for Females
Most country-style female dog names are very feminine and dainty. However, some aren’t much different from other common dog names. Bella, one of the most popular dog names in the United States, is also very common in the south, for instance. Here are some of the more country-style female names that are quite common in some of the southern states:
- Abigail
- Ada
- Addy
- Adelaide
- Adeline
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Anna
- Anne
- Arabella
- Arlene
- Bernice
- Bertha
- Bessie
- Beth
- Betty
- Beverly
- Billie
- Blanche
- Bonnie
- Camille
- Carlotta
- Cassandra
- Chloe
- Claire
- Clara
- Cora
- Coral
- Daisy
- Darlene
- Delilah
- Dolores
- Doris
- Dorothea
- Dorothy
- Dot
- Dottie
- Edith
- Edna
- Effie
- Elaine
- Ella
- Ellamae
- Elsa
- Elsie
- Emily
- Emma
- Enid
- Esme
- Esmerelda
- Estelle
- Esther
- Ethel
- Etta
- Eudora
- Florance
- Frances
- Frida
- Gail
- Garnet
- Gemma
- Geneva
- Genevieve
- Gidget
- Ginger
- Gladys
- Gloria
- Glynn
- Harper
- Harriet
- Hattie
- Hazel
- Hedy
- Helen
- Holly
- Ida
- Irene
- Iris
- Isabella
- Isadora
- Ivy
- Jacqueline
- Jane
- Joan
- Jocelyn
- Josephine
- Joy
- Joyce
- Judith
- Julia
- Juliana
- June
- Katherine
- Kay
- Kitty
- Lady
- Lassie
- Layne
- Louise
- Lousia
- Lucia
- Lucille
- Lucinda
- Lucy
- Luella
- Lula
- Mabel
- Madeline
- Mae
- Maisie
- Mamie
- Mara
- Margaret
- Marge
- Marianne
- Marilyn
- Marjorie
- Maryella
- Matilda
- Maude
- Maura
- May
- Mazie
- Melanie
- Melissa
- Melody
- Meredith
- Minnie
- Miranda
- Missy
- Molly
- Norma
- Olive
- Olivia
- Opal
- Patsy
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Phoebe
- Polly
- Posey
- Rudy
- Ruth
- Sadie
- Samantha
- Selma
- Shirley
- Sophia
- Sophronia
- Stella
- Sue
- Susannah
- Susie
- Sylvia
- Tabitha
- Theresa
- Viola
- Violet
- Virgie
- Virginia
- Wanda
- Waverly
- Willa
- Wilma
- Winifred
- Yvonne
- Zelda
- Zora
Learn More: Top 600+ Brown Dog Names

Southern Dog Names
While those living in the south often use similar names as those who live elsewhere, there is a distinctive twang that you can occasionally find in their naming conventions. Names like “Annamae” are quite unique in other areas of the United States, but aren’t terribly uncommon in the Southern states. Check out these other names that are quite common in the South.
- Alice
- Amelia
- Anastasia
- Annabell
- Annamae
- Eva
- Evelyn
- Fannie
- Felicity
- Fern
- Grace
- Gracelyn
- Greta
- Gretchen
- Gwendolyn
- Luke
- Luther
- Mac
- Maguire
- Major
- Malcolm
- Marco
- Myra
- Myrtle
- Nanette
- Nellie
- Nettie
- Nora
- Porter
- Prince
- Quincy
- Quinton
- Radar
- Ralph
- Rambo
- Tillie
- Ursula
- Velma
- Vera
- Victoria

Rodeo, Farm, and Ranch Dog Names
Farms, rodeos and ranches seek to recreate the jobs that were common decades ago when the cowboys were still around. While rodeos involve horses most popularly, dogs are involved in some competitions as well. Whether your dog is actually going to be involved in the rodeo or you just love the rodeo yourself, here are some western-style names that might be fitting for your pooch:
- Annie
- Catherine
- Cecilia
- Celeste
- Celia
- Charlotte
- Dolly
- Eleanor
- Eleanora
- Eliza
- Elizabeth
- Eloise
- Norm
- Norman
- Norris
- Oakley
- Odie
- Odin
- Oliver
- Patch
- Peanut
- Pepper
- Percival
- Percy
- Petey
- Phillip
- Quinnie
- Rachel
- Reba
- Rebecca
- Regina
- Rhea
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Roselie
- Roy
- Vinnie
- Virgil
- Wade
- Wallace
- Wally
- Willy
Redneck & Hillbilly Dog Names
For all of those loyal, all-American dogs out there, here are some fitting redneck, down-home names:
- Clarabella
- Clarissa
- Clementine
- Cleo
- Constance
- Georgetta
- Georgia
- Geraldine
- Gertrude
- Hoover
- Hoss
- Huck
- Hudson
- Hugh
- Hunter
- Hyatt
- Iggy
- Igor
- Jonas
- Joseph
- Judge
- Junior
- Kane
- Kendrick
- Kent
- Kilo
- King
- Lucky
- Luigi
- Mario
- Marley
- Martin
- Marty
- Mason
- Phyllis
- Priscilla
- Prudence
- Queenie
- Quinn
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Roxy

Western Dog Names
Western names are somewhat similar to Southern names. However, they are unique in their own way, and therefore deserve their own section. If you live in the west or just love the idea of cowboys, check out these names for your new pooch:
- Ashlyn
- Astrid
- Audra
- Ava
- Averill
- Bea
- Beatrice
- Bella
- Bernadette
- Brigham
- Brock
- Broderick
- Brody
- Brogan
- Bronson
- Brownie
- Cash
- Casper
- Cecil
- Cedric
- Champ
- Chance
- Colin
- Conrad
- Cornelius
- Crawford
- Daniel
- Dante
- Darby
- Darius
- Denver
- Jonas
- Joseph
- Kendric
- Leona
- Lila
- Lilibeth
- Lizette
- Lois
- Lola
- Loretta
- Lorraine
- Michael
- Milburn
- Miles
- Miller
- Otto
- Overton
- Owen
- Park
- Parker
- Paisley
- Tammy
- Warren
- Watson
- Waylon
- Weldon
- Wesley
- Weston
- Wheller
- Wilbur
- William
- Willis
Learn More: Top 700+ Boxer Dog Names
Have You Decided On a Name?
Sometimes, a name immediately jumps out at us and we just know that’s the right name for our new furry friend. Other times, it takes seemingly forever to choose an outstanding name for our new dog.
Hopefully, you’ll in that first group and already know exactly what you’re going to name your new pooch. If you aren’t though, here are some tips that might help you along:
- Make a list of names. If there are many names that you love, write them all down on a list and then try each one on your pup for an hour or two. This won’t confuse your puppy since it often takes a week or two before a dog learns their name. Sometimes we just absolutely love a name, but it just doesn’t fit well on our canine.
- Involve others in the process. If there are multiple people in your family, be sure to invovle everyone in naming the new dog. If there are children in your household, be sure they can pronounce your dog’s name. The last thing you need is for your dog to get confused by the mispronunciation.
- Choose a shorter name if possible. Short names are easier for dogs to learn, especially in a training context. It is also easier for you to say a shorter name than one that is exceedingly long. It is especially important for dogs to have shorter names in recall situations, where being able to call them quickly can be life-or-death. If your dog is running to a busy road, you’re going to need to say their name quickly. You aren’t going to be able to do that if your dog’s name is “Amarantha”. If you’re in love with a longer name, give your dog a nickname to use for training purposes.