The best dog names are those that match our interests! If you’re a comic book collector or self-proclaimed Chemistry nerd, this list of dog names was made for you.
We’ve included names from a huge variety of nerdy topics – from Star Wars to Game of Thrones to science. Choose a simple name everyone will know, like Luke from Star Wars, or something a little more out there, like Radon from the periodic table of elements. Whatever your nerdy calling, you’ll find something to love here.

Nerdy Boy Dog Names
There are countless nerdy boy names out there, but this list includes some of the most popular ones around. We’ve included names from a variety of fandoms and science subjects. But, don’t worry. An explanation is included next to each name that might need one.
- Aerith: FFVII
- Agamemnon: Greek Mythology
- Ajax
- Albus: Harry Potter
- Algebra
- Algorithm
- Alpha
- Amaterasu: Okami
- Apex
- Apothem
- Apple
- Argos: The Odyssey
- Atticus: To Kill a Mockingbird
- Banjo: Banjo-Kazooie
- Beta
- Bisector
- Blue: The Sound and the Fury
- Bojack: Bojack Horseman
- Boot
- Bowser: Super Mario
- Brett: The Sun Also Rises
- Buck: The Call of the Wild
- Bunsen
- Cache
- Cait Sith: FFVII
- Cerberus: 3-headed dog of Greek Mythology
- Chi
- Chip
- Chroma
- Cid: Final Fantasy
- Cisco
- Codex
- Cujo: Cujo
- Dalton
- Dante
- Darcy: Pride & Prejudice
- Delta
- Diddy Kong: Donkey Kong
- Digit
- dongle
- Donkey Kong: Donkey Kong
- Dorian: The Picture of Dorian Gray
- dOS
- dot matrix
- Dr. Jekyll: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Ellipse
- Epsilon
- Gadget
- Gamma
- Gif
- Gizmo
- Glitch
- Goku: Dragon Ball Z
- Gregor: The Metamorphosis
- Hamlet: Hamlet
- Heathcliff: Wuthering Heights
- Hercules: Greek Mythology
- Hexagon
- Holden: The Catcher in the Rye
- Java
- Kappa
- Kelvin
- Kirby: Kirby’s Dream Land
- Kratos: God of War
- Kurtz: Heart of Darkness
- Lambda
- Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
- Link: Legend of Zelda
- Luigi: Super Mario
- Mac
- Mario: Super Mario
- Marlowe: The Big Sleep
- Matrix
- Megabyte
- Miles “Tails” Prower: Sonic the Hedgehog
- Moby: Moby Dick
- Mr. Hyde: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Mu
- Mulder: X-Files
- Nebula
- Node
- Nu
- Oblique
- Octagon
- Omicron
- Parabola
- Parzival: Ready Player One
- Pi
- Pikachu: Pokemon
- Pilot: Jane Eyre
- Pip: Great Expectations
- Polygon
- Quark
- Quixote: Don Quixote
- Raster
- Render
- Rho
- Rhombus
- Rory Williams: Doctor Who
- Ryu Hayabusa: Ninja Gaiden
- Samus: Metroid
- Sancho Panza: Don Quixote
- Santiago: The Old Man and the Sea
- Scout: To Kill a Mockingbird
- Scully: X-Files
- Sherlock: The Sherlock Holmes Series
- Sigma
- Sirius
- Snape: Harry Potter Series
- Sonic: Sonic the Hedgehog
- Sputnik
- Tan
- Tardis: Doctor Who
- Tau
- Theta
- Trapezoid
- Vector
- Widget
- Wysiwyg
- Yoshi: Super Mario
- Zip
Learn More: Top 250+ Beagle Dog Names

Nerdy Female Dog Names
For one reason or another, there are significantly fewer female nerdy names out there than male names. Perhaps it’s for the same reason that there are typically always more male superheroes than female. Or, it might just be because nerdy words, like “Ajax”, tend to sound masculine rather than feminine. Whatever the reason, here are some of our favorite nerdy girl dog names.
- Art3mis: Ready Player One
- Astro: Jetsons
- Bing
- Buffy: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Bug
- Clara Oswold: Doctor Who
- Cloud
- Dalloway: Mrs. Dalloway
- Donna Noble: Doctor Who
- Electra: Greek Mythology
- Fractal
- MacBeth: MacBeth
- Martha Jones: Doctor Who
- Nana: Peter Pan
- Pixel
- River Song: Doctor Who
- Rose Tyler: Doctor Who
- Ruby
- Sally Sparrow: Doctor Who
- Sarah Jane Smith: Doctor Who
- Star
- Xena: Xena Warrior Princess
- Yuna: FFX
- Zelda: Legend of Zelda

Comic Book Dog Names
It doesn’t get much nerdier than comic books. There are literally hundreds of comic books series, so we couldn’t possibly choose names from all of them. Still, here are some of our favorite comic book names that most people will recognize:
- Akira
- Bane
- Banshee
- Beast
- Bizarro
- Black Widow
- Buckey
- Captain America
- Clark
- Deadpool
- Doctor Strange
- Dr. Doom
- Drax
- Galactus
- Gamora
- Goku
- Groot
- Harley Quinn
- Hellboy
- Hulk
- Iron Man
- Joker
- Jubilee
- Kal-El
- Krypton
- Lex
- Loki
- Magneto
- Mimic
- Mystique
- Nebula
- Nightcrawler
- Oracle
- Pepper
- Professor X
- Raven
- Rocket
- Rogue
- Ronan
- Rorschach
- Sabertooth
- Sakamoto
- Sasquatch
- Slade
- Starfire
- Storm
- Taiga
- Thanos
- The Maxx
- Thing
- Thor
- Trigon
- Wolverine
- Yondu
- Zod
Learn More: Top 150+ Harry Potter Names

Science Dog Names
While science is becoming mainstream, it is still considered a pretty nerdy subject. Here are some perfect science-inspired names for your pooch, ranging from scientists to elements from the periodic table. Many of these names are unisex, so you’ll find something here for your pooch no matter their gender.
- Archimedes
- Argon
- Aristotle
- Asteroid
- Atom
- Axis
- Beaker
- Bernoulli
- Beryllium
- Big Bang
- Boron
- Bromine
- Buoyant
- Carbon
- Cobalt
- Copernicus
- Copper
- Coriolis
- Cosmo
- Da Vinci
- Darwin
- Decibel
- Dipole
- Edison
- Einstein
- Enzyme
- Faraday
- Fibonacci
- Galileo
- Gallium
- Geiger
- Hawking
- Helix
- Hubble
- Inertia
- Ion
- Isotope
- Joule
- Krypton
- Laser
- Leonardo
- Lithium
- Manganese
- Neon
- Neutrino
- Neutron
- Newton
- Nickel
- Osmium
- Pascal
- Photon
- Quark
- Radon
- Sagan
- Scandium
- Selenium
- Tesla
- Titanium
- Tycho
- Ultraviolet
- Xenon
- Zinc
Learn More: Top 300+ Disney Dog Names

Fandom Dog Names
This list contains names based on various fandoms, including Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Battlestar Galactica. While we couldn’t include names from every fandom out there, we tried to include a good variety, so you can find something to love no matter your tastes. Looking for other fandoms? You might find a suitable name in one of the lists above.
- Anakin: Star Wars
- Aragorn: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Balin: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Barclay: Star Trek
- Bard: Lord of the Rings Universe
- BB-8: Star Wars
- Bellatrix: Harry Potter
- Bilbo Baggins: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Boba Fett: Star Wars
- Bombur: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Boromir: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Boxey: Battlestar Galactica
- C3PO: Star Wars
- Captain Apollo: Battlestar Galactica
- Captain Janeway: Star Trek
- Captain Kirk: Star Trek
- Captain Picard: Star Trek
- Captain Sisko: Star Trek
- Chewbacca: Star Wars
- Commander Adama: Battlestar Galactica
- Commander Cain: Battlestar Galactica
- Commander Xavier: Battlestar Galactica
- Cylon: Battlestar Galactica
- Darth Vader: Star Wars
- Data: Star Trek
- Dobby: Harry Potter
- Doctor Zee: Battlestar Galactica
- Draco: Harry Potter
- Dumbledore: Harry Potter
- Elrond: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Enterprise: Star Trek
- Ewok: Star Wars
- Faramir: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Finn: Star Wars
- Frodo Baggins: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Galadriel: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Gandalf: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Geordi La Forge: Star Trek
- Gimli: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Gollum: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Grindelwald: Harry Potter
- Hagrid: Harry Potter
- Han Solo: Star Wars
- Harry: Harry Potter
- Hermione: Harry Potter
- Hobbit: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Jabba the Hutt: Star Wars
- Jacob: Harry Potter
- Jango Fett: Star Wars
- Jar Jar Binks: Star Wars
- Kira: Star Trek
- Klingon: Star Trek
- Kylo Ren: Star Wars
- Legolas: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Lieutenant Starbuck: Battlestar Galactica
- Luke Skywalker: Star Wars
- Lupin: Harry Potter
- McGonagall: Harry Potter
- Medtech Cassiopeia: Battlestar Galactica
- Meriadoc Brandybuck: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Moody: Harry Potter
- Neelix: Star Trek
- Neville: Harry Potter
- Newt Scamander: Harry Potter
- Nog: Star Trek
- Obi-Wan Kenobi: Star Wars
- Odo: Star Trek
- Peregin Took: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Princess Leia: Star Wars
- Q: Star Trek
- Queenie: Harry Potter
- R2D2: Star Wars
- Rey: Star Wars
- Rom: Star Trek
- Ron: Harry Potter
- Samwise Gamgee: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Serina: Battlestar Galactica
- Shadowfax: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Skywalker: Star Wars
- Spock: Star Trek
- Starfleet: Star Trek
- Stormtrooper: Star Wars
- Thorin Oakenshield: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Tina: Harry Potter
- Treebeard: Lord of the Rings Universe
- Voldemort: Harry Potter
- Voyager: Star Trek
- Wesley Crusher: Star Trek
- Wookie: Star Wars
- Worf: Star Trek
- Yoda: Star Wars
Learn More: Top 300+ Black Lab Names
Now It’s Your Turn
After sifting through our list of nerdy names, it is time to choose your favorite – or think up your own! We couldn’t possibly touch on every nerdy topic in this list of names. If we tried to, we’d soon have an ungodly list of thousands! Hopefully, this list provided plenty of inspiration for you to think of your own nerdy names.
When coming up with a nerdy name, it’s best to narrow things down to one or two topics. Do you love Harry Potter? Then look there for names. If you want to name your pooch after a famous scientist, history provides you with plenty of options.
There are very few rules you need to follow when naming your pooch. First and foremost, you should like the name (which is why you’re here – to find names you like!). Choosing a name you don’t like just because it sounds nice or because everyone else seems very adamant about it isn’t going to make anyone happy.
With that said, the name should be decently short. Longer names can be confusing for dogs and can take quite a while to say in some cases. If your dog runs off, you need to be able to say their name quickly. If you choose a longer name, consider choosing a nickname as well that you can choose for recall and training purposes.
Speaking of training, your name or nickname should be distinguishable from any commands your dog is going to learn, as well as all your other pets names. As you can imagine, this can cause some confusion!