Star Wars has a huge universe full of dog name ideas. If you’re a Star Wars fan yourself or just want something a little unusual for your canine, you’ll find plenty of ideas on this list.
We pulled names from nearly all the Star Wars movies and TV shows, even those that aren’t necessarily “canon”. On top of including the names of many different characters, we also drew inspiration from planets, war machines, and species.

Female Star-Wars Inspired Dog Names
While some names are either feminine or masculine, there are countless unisex names in Star Wars as well. This list includes some of the more feminine names, as well as a few unisex ones that belong to female characters. Of course, you don’t have to use your dog’s gender when picking out a name if you don’t want to. We included descriptions for some of the characters.
- Achitan: a female Togruta who lived on Taris during the Col War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. She appeared in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
- Alderaan: the home planet of Princess Leia’s before it was destroyed by the Death Star.
- Alecia Beck
- Amret Engell: a human female who served in First Order as a general. She took over the stormtrooper program after Captian Phasma was defeated.
- Anita B’ath
- Annabel Blaine
- Aola Blen
- Ara Barotta
- Areta Bell
- Auren Yomm Baobab
- Azarea Balawii
- Baeshana
- Bahlea
- Bajjo
- Bakkel
- Bakkel
- Balazausa
- Bansee
- Bansee
- Bara
- Bargu
- Baritha
- Barosk
- Barra
- Barratk’l
- Barrut
- Bartaph
- Bartokk Queen
- Barukka
- B’asia
- Bathari
- Bathos
- Bat’theria
- Bazalle Geskrond
- Beatonn
- Beckles
- Beebo
- Beena
- Beissa
- Belaya
- Belina
- Bella
- Bellan
- Bellana
- Bellava Parnadee
- Bellican
- Bellum
- Bellum
- Bemere
- Bene
- Benis (Rebel)
- Bera-Del
- Beraxil
- Bergola
- Bergon
- Bernil
- Berow
- Beruga
- Besha
- Beyele
- Beylyssa
- Bhoggihalysahonues
- Biabru
- Biala
- Bialy
- Biller
- Bina
- Binalu
- Bixene
- BK-298
- Blanco
- Blarg
- Blendri
- Bles
- Blessing
- Bley-San
- Camelle Barje
- Carasynthia Dune: a human who served as a shock trooper in the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the New Republic. She left her military discipline behind and then began working as a mercenary.
- Carh’la Bastra
- Chaney Barrow
- Cheiko Bes
- Cjaalysce Beal
- Dansra Beezer
- Deena Behar
- Deli Barl
- Depa Billaba
- Doman Beruss (Corellian)
- Drusil Bephorin
- Eisley: a small town on Tatooine that serves as a spaceport.
- Elsen Barthis
- Elta Besk
- Elta Besk
- Endor: a forest moon that is home to the Ewoks and the location of Death Star II’s shield generator. This planet played a large role in The Last Jedi when the Alliance forces destroyed Death Star II.
- Eppie Belden
- Eryl Besa
- Estalle Balis
- Farquil Ban’n
- Fema Baab
- Fiula Blay
- Gardulla Besadii the Elder
- Gelune Blankuna
- Halsia Banso
- Hannah Balmor
- Hermione Bagwa
- Herylcha Baakos
- Idryssa Barruck
- Itto Bipsmik
- Jaleela Bindoo
- Jantaa Binx
- Jhaka Bakarn
- Jonava Billane
- Jyn: a female soldier who appears in “Rogue One”. She stole the plans for the death star that were a key component in destroying it in “A New Hope”.
- Kaasha Bateen
- Kalda Biss
- Keri Belab
- Krellus Barzane
- Lana Beniko
- Leia: The Princess of Alderaan and one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance.
- Liiria Beldonna
- Lislot Bloodscar
- Lora Besh
- Lynnta Ballast
- Madame Baronis
- Mala Blen
- Malani Bardok
- Mari Amithest: a force-sensitive human who was a member of the Jedi Order as a child before it was destroyed. She successfully answers Yoda’s question.
- Maxine Baytor
- Merri Barlin
- Mrs. Bjornson
- Naboo: Home of Jar Jar Binks and a planet that is visited in Star Wars Episode I.
- Nana Bagwa
- Nari Beksen
- Naylyn Bashan
- Neesada Bari
- Ninora Birt
- Olivia Bain
- Padme (or Amidala): the love-interest of Anakin Skywalker who later dies in childbirth while giving birth to twins.
- Plure Barron
- Pookie Baobab
- Putten Beatus
- Rasha Bex
- Raxa Binn
- Reefa Been
- Reefa Been
- Reginna Bel Typolla
- Ress Batten
- Ress Batten
- Rey: the protagonist of the new Star Wars trilogy. She is force sensitive and was abandoned on Jakku when she was a child.
- Richta Blade
- Roxi Barl
- Ryn Biggleston
- Sadiki Blirr
- Sansia Bardrin
- Scarlet Bloodhawk
- Shara Bey
- Silaras Bey
- Sinissima Bel
- Sulen Belos
- Tatooine: a desert planet on the Outer Rim that comes up many times during the Star Wars movies. The native population includes Jawa and Tusken Raiders, both of which are not typically friendly towards the story’s protagonist.
- Thadlé Berenko
- Tirgee Benyalle
- Trae Baratha
- Trella Bare’Ah
- Tria Bartyn
- Trina Bek
- Tyla Bezzard
- Valk Beroya
- Vera Beroya
- Verls Belami
- Vitala Baize
- Yaddle: a force-sensitive female that belongs to the same species as Yoda. She was on the Jedi High Council for a time and trained Oppo Rancisis, who was later on the Jedi council.
- Yasinda Bardak
- Yavin: a gaseous planet that has 26 moons orbiting it. Three of those moons can sustain human life and one of them was home to a Rebel Alliance base.
- Yuthura Ban
- Yvana Bailer
- Zalin Bey
- Zari Bangel
- Zenn Bien
- Zorii Bliss
- Zoriis Bafka
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Male Star Wars Inspired Dog Names
Here are some Star Wars names for our male dog. While we included some all the common, memorable characters, we also included some of the more vague ones as well.
- Adega
- Aden
- Bantha: large furry mammals that live on Tatooine. They serve as mounts for Tusken Raiders.
- Bynder Zebb
- Carth Karnage
- Casus Sandral
- Dakkar the Distant
- Dakron
- Daksh
- Dar Zebbin
- Darth Bane
- Darth Congnus
- Darth Maul
- Darth Plagueis
- Darth Ramage
- Darth Sidious
- Darth Vadar
- Dav Taffral
- Devar Gann
- Devlor Samt
- Drenn Zebber
- Edbr Yamagh
- Emic Sandor
- Enton Adelmaa’j
- Estoric Sandskimmer
- Falco Sang
- Feldrall Okor
- Ganne
- Ganner
- Ganno
- Gannory
- Ga’ram
- Glen Taffral
- Hoth: a frozen, icy planet
- Jedi
- Joron Tal’vor
- Kaeden Ta’kor
- Kaird
- Kairn
- Kal
- Kruss Gaal
- Lactus Tadrin
- Lightningflare
- Linus Tadrin
- Lormus Tadrin
- Lugus Tadrin
- Lusubrin T’shkali
- Luthus Tadrin
- Mawz Dakko
- Mytus Adema
- Nevar Yalnal
- Nurik Sandral
- Okko
- Okkul
- Oklart
- Okma
- Oksan
- Okto
- Ol’ Sav
- Olaf
- Raklann
- Rako
- Rako
- Rakra
- Ranos Yalli
- Rodik Xern
- Roon Tac
- Sal Dakron
- Saluc
- Salus-Mok
- Salva
- Salyer
- Sam
- Saman
- Samar
- Sama-Ro
- Samdew
- Samels
- Samok
- Sampa
- Samsam
- Samston
- Sandro
- Sith
- Sturg Ganna
- Tabrugni
- Tal’dira
- Tal’kina
- Ta’rahg
- Ta’Sen
- Ta’Veel
- Toalar Yalom Yalom
- T’Seely
- T’sllth
- T’Teknulp
- T’un
- Ubrik Adelhard
- Utric Sandov
- Vaas Ga
- Vilardo Kaine
- Vin Tal’benes
- Viun Gaalan
- Wampa: the large, snowman creatures on Hoth
- Webb Taffral
- Xanda
- Xander
- Xando
- Xandral
- Xandyk
- Xern
- Xersko
- Xerxian
- Yalt
- Yamarus
- Yeb Yeb Adem’thorn
- Zeb
- Zebulun
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Ewok Names for Dogs
Ewoks are absolutely adorable and let’s be honest – many dog breeds look very similar to Ewoks. Of course, these creatures only really appear in one of the Star Wars movies, so there aren’t a whole lot of Ewok names out there. Plus, many Ewoks in the movies aren’t even named. Here is a list of all named Ewoks in the Star Wars movies as well as those that appeared as action figures:
- Chirpa: the wise and old Ewok who seems to lead the others. He also has a pet iguana who seems to advise him.
- Graak: a very smart Ewok who uses an ax. He helps capture the protagonist and bring them back to the village.
- Kazak: an important advisor to Chirpa.
- Leektar: an Ewok who wears a large skull as headgear. He isn’t technically part of the village.
- Logray: the shaman of the tribe who doesn’t initially believe that C-3PO has “magical powers”. However, when Luke tricks the Ewoks into believing that he does, Logray falls for it.
- Lumat: a chief woodcutter who is armed with a bow
- Nanta: the Ewok that gets killed in combat.
- Nicki: for a long time, no one really knew who Nicki was despite the fact that he was named in the end credits. However, it was eventually revealed that he is the one doing a cartwheel during the festival. He has grey fur and therefore looks a little different than most of the Ewoks.
- Nippet: a baby Ewok who is the daughter of Lumat.
- Paploo: a scout that goes with Wicket to reveal the secret passage to the strike team, which takes them directly to the shield bunker. He also lures three biker scouts away after stealing one of their bikes.
- Rabin: a loner who helps capture the heroes and bring them back to the village.
- Romba: The Ewok who mourns his fallen friend in Episode VI, whose name was Nanta.
- Teebo: A Ewok scout who brings the protagonist to the Ewok village as captives. He wears a skull on his head.
- Tokkat: Wunka’s brother
- Warok: Teebo’s father who is a very good warrior
- Wicket: the inquisitive Ewok who meets Princess Leia after she escapes from the Imperial biker scouts. He takes her to his village, where she meets the others. Wicket also talks to the other Ewoks about the trap the Empire left near the shield generator bunker.
- Widdle: one of the Ewoks who operates the AT-ST.
- Wunka: the other Ewok who operates the AT-ST. He also strokes Chewie in one of the scenes.
- Wuta: a scout who searches fallen trees and makes tools. He is one of Wicket’s friends.
Did You Find the Perfect Star Wars Dog Name?
Whether you want to name your dog after a “little furball” or name them after one of the lesser-known Star Wars characters, we hope you found something fitting on this list!