When you decide to get a new pup, choosing the right name feels like a huge decision.
You may spend hours thinking up popular, well-known dog names and writing them down – before driving yourself crazy trying to pick the perfect choice for your furbaby’s personality.
But why not think outside the box a little? While the most popular dog names have certainly stood the test of time, many of them have become overused and overdone.
After all, everyone knows a “Rover”, a “Rex” or a “Rosie”. We think your pup is special, and deserves a unique name to match!
Love the idea but not sure where to start? Don’t worry! In this article, we’re bringing bring you a HUGE list of more than 450 unique dog names to choose from.
With choices like “Chinook”, “Presley”, “Cricket” and “Marmite” you’re sure to find perfect, quirky dog names for your pooch!
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your notepad and get stuck into our list. We can guarantee your pup will have the most unusual dog name on the block!

Strong, Tough, Unique Boy Dog Names
Got yourself a little boy pup but struggling to decide on his new name? This list is the place to start!
We’ve spent hours collecting some of the coolest, odd dog names for male pooches to help you find the perfect match for your new furry family member.
Move over “Charlie” and “Buddy”, we’ve got some of the best unique dog names for male dogs! Our favorites are “Bolts”, “Gadget” and “Grimsby” – but what will yours be?
Check out our list below to find out!
- Ainsley
- Arlo
- Ash
- Beauregard
- Bertram
- Bolo
- Bolts
- Brauts
- Cannoli
- Cerberus
- Chablis
- Chinook
- Cinder
- Clooney
- Coal
- Codex
- Conan
- Corky or Corks
- Damon
- Dibbs
- Dillinger
- Dino
- Doodle
- Dozer
- Drax
- Dredd
- Dutch
- Emery
- Espresso
- Exley
- Fabs
- Fenway
- Finn
- Fletcher
- Frex
- Gadget
- Giblet
- Granite
- Griffin
- Grimsby
- Hans
- Hunter
- Ink
- Jagger
- Jezzy
- Kane
- Kees
- Keke
- Kelby
- Kolpin
- Komet
- Kutcher
- Lamont
- Landon
- Latka
- Liquorice
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Panther
- Parker
- Presley
- Reese
- Sable
- Shadow
- Sirius
- Stealth
- Vanta
- Watson
- Wes
- Xander
Learn More: Top 100+ Badass Dog Names

Unusual & Unique Female Dog Names
Looking for a special name for your girl pup? We’ve got everything you need!
Whether your dog is a lovable little lady or a frisky furball, our list of unique girl dog names is sure to include the perfect moniker for their personality. We even have some unique female hunting dog names on the list!
We think names like “Autumn”, “Luna”, “Macaroni” and “Hobnob” are great, quirky choices for lady pups that deserve an unusual name which stands out from the crowd.
Check out our list below for more inspiration!
- Autumn
- Avalon
- Barley
- Blondie
- Cacao
- Caramel
- Cheddar
- Cricket
- Daffodil
- Ebony
- Etta
- Gail
- Godiva
- Harvest
- Hobnob
- Jasmine
- Kendall
- Lemon
- Luna
- Macaroni
- Marmite
- Moana
- Moon
- Morticia
- Ochre
- Ophelia
- Pickle
- Pimms
- Prairie
- Raisin
- Raven
- Ribena
- Sappho
- Saskia
- Sedge
- Sepia
- Shea
- Straw
- Vanilla
- Won Ton
- Wotsit
- Ziv
Learn More: Top 300+ German Shepherd Dog names

Unique Puppy Names
Puppies are undeniably cute little bundles of fun. But they’re also a tonne of work!
If you’ve welcomed a new furball into your home, you’ll likely be doing a lot of running around after them, calling their name. And that’s before puppy training classes start!
So, when it comes to choosing the right name for your pint-sized pup – it’s important to choose a name that truly honors their unique nature and lovable individuality.
Our list below includes super cute and interesting dog names such as “Bounce”, “Chaplin”, “Flash”, “Peanut” and “Pudgy” among many others.
We’ve also included some unique, funny dog names like “Pupperoni” and “Badger” which are sure to raise a smile from your puppy school classmates!
- Badger
- Banjo
- Bijo
- Binks
- Boots
- Bounce
- Bronco
- Brooklyn
- Bubbles
- Chaplin
- Chief
- Cherokee
- Clyde
- Coco
- Cookie
- Court
- Cutie
- Czar
- Dagger
- Dakota
- Dante
- Data
- Doc
- Eagle
- Echo
- Eddison
- Eddy
- Edmonton
- Elanor
- Eli
- Elroy
- Emmett
- Eric
- Ernie
- Eze
- Fadi
- Felix
- Fen
- Finch
- Flash
- Flynn
- Paws
- Peanut
- Puddles
- Pudgy
- Pue Dog
- Pumper
- Punky Pup
- Puplet
- Pupperoni
- Pursia
- Puschkin
- Qittee
- Quarter
- Qwerk
- Raianne
- Rain
- Rainbow
- Scruff
Learn More: Top 150+ Japanese Dog Names

Cute Unique Dog Names
Of course, ALL dogs are cute, but some of our furry friends suit a cute unique dog name more than others.
So, if you have a fluffball which deserves a heart-meltingly cute name, but you’re looking for something a little more unusual – you’re in the right place!
Our list below includes sweet and quirky names which are sure to be the perfect match for your adorable pup.
We particularly like “Parsnip”, “Porkchop”, “Sudoku” and “Bagel” – what are your favorites?
Read on to find out!
- Africa
- Bagel
- Baobab
- Button
- India
- Kai
- Muffin
- Oswald
- Paget
- Parsnip
- Peaque
- Pokemon
- Poker
- Polaris
- Policemutt
- Pollyanna
- Polo
- Pooh bear
- Poopsie
- Poppet
- Poppy
- Porkchop
- Porsche
- Port
- Portia
- Posey
- Pots
- Potter
- Puck
- Queso
- Quigley
- Radley
- Randle
- Reed
- Reginald
- Revis
- Ritz
- River
- Rolo
- Rooney
- Rusky
- Ryder
- Salem
- Samus
- Sasha
- Scout
- Sherwood
- Shrub
- Sinead
- Sniff
- Socrates
- Soho
- Sudoku
- Sweeny
- Talulah
- Thor
- Tippie
- Tito
- Tornado
- Tsunami
- Tumbleweed
Learn More: Top 400+ Female Dog Names

Quirky Dog Names
Looking for a cool and quirky name for your pooch which will make them truly unforgettable? This list of quirky dog names has everything you need!
Offering super-memorable names like “Anderson Pooper”, “Chewbacca”, “PepperPotts” and “Wolfgang” – your pooch will make a lasting impression upon everyone he meets!
Which is your favorite? Read on to find out!
- Ajay
- Alba
- Anderson Pooper
- Bear
- Blade
- Bruce Wayne
- Chewbacca
- Dzuwa
- Eastwood
- Harley Quinn
- Jackal
- Kal-El
- Knight
- Krypto
- Neo
- Ocean
- Orion
- Pepper Potts
- Princess Leia
- Riddick
- Sabre
- Shasta
- Spectre
- Tyrion
- Wolfgang
- Wonder Woman
- Yeti
- Zeus
Learn More: Top 200+ Big Dog Names

Interesting Dog Names
If you’re seeking an unusual name for your pooch, this list of interesting dog names is the perfect place.
We’ve gathered names such as “Ferrari”, “Chanel”, “Excalibur” and “Vienna” which are sure to turn heads when you call your pup!
Whether they’re the names of cool locations, such as “Paris”, “Vegas” and “Oslo”, or interesting characters such as “Mulder”, “Dickens” and “Jedi” – these unique dog names will make an exciting choice for your pooch.
Check out our other suggestions below!
- Bluegrass
- Carmel
- Cassidy
- Chanel
- Chaunce
- Chelsy
- Chevalier
- Clancy
- Claudius
- Comanche
- Cromwell
- Cypress
- Dallas
- Danica
- Delancey
- Desirae
- Devereau
- Dezi
- Dickens
- Domino
- Draco
- Dubya
- Eclipse
- Elton
- Ely
- Emo
- Enya
- Evita
- Excalibur
- Fabio
- Fawn
- Fergus
- Ferrari
- Geordi
- Gertrude
- Gaia
- Gidget
- Gildo
- Gimpie
- Jango
- Jedi
- Juno
- Khan
- Leia
- Macgyver
- Maverick
- McFly
- Meadow
- Milan
- Minne
- Mulder
- Oslo
- Paris
- Rio
- Tahiti
- Tex
- Vegas
- Venice
- Vienna
Learn More: Top 300+ German Shepherd Dog Names

Rare Dog Names
Looking for something completely off-the-wall? Our list of rare dog names has it all!
These options are for pup-owners seeking a name that is so unique, you’ll likely never meet another pooch with the same identity.
With choices like “Aristotle”, “Geisha”, “Tempo” and “Zenith” – this list is jam-packed with monikers like no other! Your pup is sure to feel super special!
Check out our selection below to find your ideal match.
- Ari
- Ariel
- Aristophanes
- Aristotle
- Arizona
- Gaby
- Gambler
- Gandalf
- Geisha
- Genesis
- Gimp
- Gin
- Ginny
- Ginx
- Gump
- Hado
- Halo
- Hamlet
- Harajuku
- Hariette
- Harper
- Hobbit
- Holt
- Laika
- Lampi
- Lancelot
- Leanora
- Leesha
- Liberty
- Lightning
- Limp
- Link
- Locale
- Loki
- Lone Star
- Lotus
- Magee
- Majic
- Mowglie
- Niathrium
- Nighthawk
- Nix
- Noah
- Note
- Novac
- Oakley
- Octavia
- Ogden
- Olive
- Oreo
- Ostia
- Otis
- Outlaw
- Ovall
- Ox
- Pagoda
- Palto
- Pandora
- Papi
- Para
- Pockets
- Polk
- Potus
- Sachi
- Sage
- Sahara
- Sake
- Salsa
- Sanka
- Sashimi
- Savannah
- Schnapps
- Schooner
- Targa
- Tempo
- Texas
- Thatcher
- Thyme
- Tirza
- Tissot
- Topaz
- Yogi
- Yorkie
- Yukon
- Yule
- Yuma
- Yummy
- Zenith
- Zephyr
- Zesty
- Zing
- Zion
- Zoom
- Zork
- Zuma
Learn More: Top 500+ Male Dog Names

So, Which Did You Choose?
Wow! We’ve finally reached the end of our long list of unique dog names – there’s so many to choose from!
What do you think? Did you pick one of our quirky dog names for your special furbaby?
If so, please let us know in the comments below – we’d love to hear from you!