Welcome to the ultimate list of German Shepherd names. Here, you’ll find the cutest, strongest, and most badass names out there for your German Shepherd.
Naming your new pet is probably the hardest part of adopting a new canine. There are countless options out there. Finding just the perfect name can be near impossible!
To help you choose a great name for your new German Shepherd, we created this extensive list of possible naming options. We’ve included police dog names, badass names, and even cute names that might be fitting for your new pooch.
Best Dog Names For German Shepherds
In the case of naming, following the crowd isn’t always a bad thing. While we might live in a society that currently favors unique names, the crowd usually knows what it’s doing when it comes to choosing the best names. Some of the most popular and fitting names for German Shepherds include:
- Apollo
- Bailey
- Bear
- Bella
- Bentley
- Biscuit
- Cooper
- Dakota
- Darcy
- Dexter
- Duke
- Finn
- Frankie
- Ginger
- Gracie
- Hank
- Harley
- Harper
- Hazel
- Henry
- Izzy
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jasper
- Jax
- Kona
- Lola
- Luke
- Luna
- Maddie
- Maggie
- Marley
- Max
- Mia
- Milo
- Moose
- Nelly
- Oreo
- Peanut
- Penny
- Pip
- Piper
- Riley
- Rocco
- Rocky
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Sadie
- Scout
- Sergio
- Shadow
- Sheba
- Sophie
- Stella
- Tank
- Teddy
- Willow
- Winnie
- Winston
- Zeus

Boy Names
There are lots of names out there for male German Shepherds. So many, in fact, that it can be difficult to choose between them all. We’ve narrowed down the search a little bit and have featured some of the top male German Shepherd names in this section. You can choose something common or a little more unique. Some of our favorite ones include:
- Ace
- Arlo
- Armageddon
- Arnold
- Atlas
- Bernard
- Caesar
- Caleb
- Casanova
- Comet
- Dedrick
- Dimitri
- Dino
- Epic
- Ernie
- Fido
- Fireball
- Flash
- Frank
- Franz
- Fudge
- Goliath
- Guther
- Hammer
- Hans
- Hawk
- Hercules
- Hudson
- Josh
- Keanu
- Kip
- Leonard
- Major
- Manfred
- Mister
- Monkey
- Neutron
- Newton
- Nova
- Omega
- Orion
- Otto
- Pluto
- Polo
- Popeye
- Prince
- Radar
- Renegade
- Rex
- Rolf Stein
- Romeo
- Rudy
- Scrappy
- Spud
- Tarzan
- Thor
- Ulf
- Viking
- Wilson
- Yang
- Yin
- Yogu
- Zodiac
- Zorro
Learn More: Top 300+ Black & White Dog Names

Girl Names
Female German Shepherds can be a little bit more difficult to name. On one hand, you want something feminine and cute. On the other hand, though, you want something that truly exemplifies the German Shepherd spirit of confidence and strength. Luckily, there are quite a few common female names out that that fit this bill. Some of the ones we like the best are:
- Aba
- Abey
- Angel
- Anya
- Asia
- Athena
- Autumn
- Belle
- Blair
- Blondie
- Breeze
- Brownie
- Cassia
- Champagne
- Charm
- Chocolate
- Cleopatra
- Cookie
- Coral
- Courtney
- Dawn
- Diamond
- Dixie
- Ella
- Erika
- Evita
- Finger
- Flower
- Foxy
- Gloria
- Gretel
- Hailey
- Hedi
- Helena
- Kasha
- Kiki
- Lady
- Lovey
- Maxie
- Meadow
- Mia
- Missy
- Muffet
- Mya
- Nora
- Pumpkin
- Rose
- Roxanne
- Ruby
- Ruby
- Sabrina
- Sage
- Sage
- Tamra
- Tamra
- Ursula
- Val
- Venus
Learn More: Top 300+ Disney Dog Names

Badass German Shepherd Dog Names
German Shepherds have a reputation for being strong and confident. These canines are intensly loyal and heavily involved in the military and police work. A dog like that deserves a badass name that truly describes their personality. Try some of these names on for size:
- Achilles
- Ada
- Agustine
- Alaric
- Apollo
- Aragorn
- Axel
- Bandit
- Beast
- Bench
- Bones
- Brock
- Bruiser
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Conquest
- Crush
- Diesel
- Django
- Dodge
- Dozer
- Earl
- Ethel
- Felisberta
- Gorilla
- Graham
- Gunner
- Hash
- Holle
- Jethro
- Khan
- Knuckles
- Kort
- Leon
- Luigi
- Mars
- Minne
- Napoleon
- Pistol
- Rambo
- Reaper
- Rita
- Sailor
- Sigmund
- T-Bone
- Wolfgang
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German Shepherd Police Dog Names
German Shepherds are commonly used as police dogs across the world. This breed excels at police work because they are confident, loyal dogs. They are easily trained and not excessively aggressive, though they are not friendly to the point that it would interfere with their work. Plus, these canines are also quite intelligent, which means they can learn more commands faster than other dogs.
All these traits make this breed common in the police and military across the world. If you’re trying to name a police or service dog, here are some names you might want to consider:
- Achtung
- Avalanche
- Badge
- Bane
- Baton
- Blitz
- Blue
- Bomber
- Bud
- Bullet
- Buzz
- Captain
- Chief
- Courage
- Crash
- Detective
- Donut
- Flash
- Fuzz
- Gator
- Gunner
- Holster
- Honor
- Joan
- Justice
- K9
- King
- Krypto
- Leia
- Liberty
- Lieutenant
- Major
- Moose
- Noble
- Officer
- Partner
- Prowler
- Ranger
- Rango
- Rifle
- Rogue
- Sarge
- Snoop
- Storm
- Thunder
- Tiger
- Tracker
- Unit
Learn More: Top 400+ Hunting Dog Names

Unique German Shepherd Names
Wanting to stand out from the crowd with a unique name for your new pooch? In today’s world, pretty much anything can be a name – opening the gate for a slew of one-of-a-kind, unique dog names.
Of course, just because a name is unique does not necessarily make it good. It is hard work coming up with a distinct name for your new German Shepherd! Take a look at some of these quirky names if you need some inspiration:
- Arizona
- August
- Baldwin
- Beethoven
- Berlin
- Bratwurst
- Cairo
- Fergie
- Frankfurt
- Frau
- Gunther
- Heinrich
- Herr
- Hund
- Indiana
- Kaiser
- Kaya
- Kentucky
- Leonard
- Ludwig
- Macchu
- Monet
- Montana
- Monticello
- Mozart
- Nevada
- Panzer
- Paris
- Rainer
- Spatzle
- Stein
- Taj
- Zelda
Learn More: Top 600+ Pug Dog Names

Black German Shepherd Names
It is possible for German Shepherds to have a black coat, though this is rarer than their usual coat pattern. Many puppies in this breed are born darker in color, but then lighten and assume their true coat pattern. However, black German Shepherds will be born black and stay black. If your dog has this rare coat, here are some names you might want to consider:
- Amaya
- Artemis
- Ash
- Bamboo
- Bean
- Black
- Blackberry
- Blackjack
- Bran
- Celeste
- Chocolate
- Cocoa
- Coke
- Cola
- Cosmos
- Darth Vader
- Deva
- Domino
- Dr. Pepper
- Dunkel
- Emery
- Espresso
- Flint
- Hersey
- Kodiak
- Licorice
- Luna
- Midnight
- Moon
- Night
- North
- Nyx
- Oliver
- Ophelia
- Oreo
- Oso
- Panther
- Pearl
- Pepsi
- Pirate
- Poppy
- Schwarz
- Selkie
- Shadow
- Sirona
- Smoky
- Star
- Steel
- Stella
- Storm
- Turtle
- Twilight
- Velvet
- Wilder
- Yukon
Learn More: Top 300+ French Dog Names

Strong German Shepherd Names
German Shepherds are known for their impressive work ethic and strong sense of loyalty. Stong names typically fit these canines very well, especially if your dog seems to be the strong, silent type. While many of the names we already mentioned can easily be considered “strong” names, here are some of our favorites that really stood out:
- Amber
- America
- Archer
- Boulder
- Bouncer
- Briana
- Brick
- Bridget
- Charlotte
- Dane
- Diablo
- Dragon
- Eisenhower
- Elk
- Fender
- Fighter
- Ghost
- Goblin
- Grant
- Graphite
- Griffin
- Heath
- Helm
- Helmet
- Holt
- Ike
- Jax
- Jet
- Kahlan
- Knox
- Leonardo
- Marine
- Marshal
- Matilda
- Navy
- Nina
- Ogre
- Preston
- Private
- Roxie
- Samson
- Sentinel
- Serpent
- Shield
- Soldier
- Specter
- Steak
- Stone
- Stump
- Tank
- Trigger
- Truck
- Ulysses
- Ursa
- Valkyrie
- Warden
- Wolf
- Wrath
Learn More: Top 250+ White Dog Names

Cute German Shepherd Names
Not all German Shepherd names have to be tough and strong. Depending on your dog’s personality, a sweet, cute name might be the way to go. Here are some sweeter names that are still quite fitting for a German Shepherd:
- Barkley
- Baxter
- Beau
- Benji
- Blossom
- Boots
- Bubba
- Buttons
- Captain
- Champ
- Chewy
- Chico
- Clover
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dash
- Dora
- Dory
- Dylan
- Eli
- Eloise
- Elsa
- Faye
- Fifi
- Finley
- Flash
- Gadget
- Goldie
- Gus
- Harley
- Hiccup
- Honey
- Jasmine
- Jesse
- Jewel
- Josie
- Kiwi
- Koda
- Lance
- Lenny
- Lexi
- Lilly
- Luna
- Mabel
- Mac
- Maisie
- Minnie
- Missy
- Mocha
- Mustard
- Nikka
- Niles
- Noodles
- Oakley
- Ollie
- Oscar
- Otis
- Rooster
- Socks
- Squirt
- Toby
- Todo
- Waffle

Cool German Shepherd Names
For some dogs, cool names are just the way to go. Of course, exactly what if cool is highly subjective. To keep everyone’s specific tastes in mind, we’ve included this long list of German Shepherd names that could easily be considered cool:
- Apache
- Atari
- Axl
- Bowie
- Bowser
- Buffy
- Chicago
- Clash
- Denver
- Doc
- Dre
- Escobar
- Floyd
- Gatsby
- Groot
- Hendrix
- Indie
- Java
- Jazz
- Jupiter
- Kenrick
- Khan
- Kobe
- Lennon
- Mars
- Payton
- Pixel
- Porter
- Quartz
- Queen
- Remy
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Rock
- Saffron
- Shaq
- Tex
- Thor
- Whiskey
- Winchester
- Wrigley
- Xena
Learn More: Top 600+ Brown Dog Names
Your turn! Which name did you pick?
The name you end up choosing for your new canine is completely up to you. We’ve listed plenty of names to help you find just the one that fits your new German Shepherd. Hopefully these names provided you with some ideas of your own and inspiration.
If your dog is going into any field that requires intense training, like police or rescue work, for example, we do recommend choosing a shorter name that doesn’t sound similar to any commands they will be learning. The last thing you need is a dog with a name it takes forever for you to say. You also don’t want you canine confusing their name with a command. If you have other animals, you should also make sure their names sound dissimilar enough so they aren’t confused when you yell for them from the other room.
Furthermore, if you have children in your house, be sure you choose a name they can pronounce! When we got my dog, we ended up having to change his name because my toddler just couldn’t pronounce it.
In the end, the name you choose should be fitting for both you and your dog. No matter what you pick, your dog will probably grow into it.