Deciding what to name your new pooch is a big decision, there’s no doubt about that!
Not only do you need a name which easily rolls off the tongue, but you’ll want to make sure that your pup has a name which honors their individuality, without being too predictable, right?
Well, if you’ve been struggling to find the best cool dog names for your pooch, all your dreams are about to come true!
In this article, we have created a MASSIVE list of more than 500 of the coolest dog names you can imagine!
Whether you’re looking for cool male dog names, pokemon dog names, superhero dog names or anything in between, our list has you covered.
With amazing dog names like “Houndoom”, “Chanel”, “Elvis” and “Captain America”, your pup will be the coolest canine in town!

Cool Male Dog Names
If you’re looking for a super-cool name for your new boy pup, we’ve got you!
We have spent hours researching epic dog names like “Abstract”, “Spider”, “Atom” and “King” – which are sure to make your pup memorable!
Need more inspiration? Check out our full list of cool male dog names below!
- Abstract
- Ace
- Acid
- Anode
- Argon
- Ash
- Atom
- Axel
- Bane
- Blaze
- Brick
- Bruce
- Carbon
- Charge
- Chase
- Cheetah
- Coke
- Connor
- Cooper
- Core
- Crumbs
- Dexter
- Dezi
- Don
- Dragon
- Duke
- Felix
- Fetch
- Finn
- Flint
- Fly
- Goal
- Gold
- Grass
- Grey
- Gunner
- Jail
- Jax
- Jet
- Joke
- Kali
- Kane
- King
- Lead
- Mack
- Magma
- Mika
- Mitch
- Mock
- Nebula
- Phoenix
- Radon
- Ranger
- Reach
- Rocky
- Scrapper
- Slate
- Spider
- Tanner
- Target
- Taz
- Tracker
- Trigger
- Xenon
- Zed
- Zeke
- Zinc
Learn More: Top 350+ Nerdy Dog Names

Cool Female Dog Names
Cool names aren’t just for the boys! If you have a special girl pooch, why not give her a name to be proud of by picking one from our list of cool girl dog names?
Our favorites are “Angel”, “Harley”, “Eva” and “Dior”.
Whichever name you choose, she’s sure to be the envy of all her pals at the dog park!
- Angel
- Armani
- Blaire
- Boss
- Britt
- Carolina
- Cassie
- Chanel
- Clara
- Cleo
- Coco
- Daphne
- Dash
- Dior
- Donna
- Eva
- Fara
- Flame
- Flare
- Harley
- Ingrid
- Isabel
- Kahlan
- Kate
- Leda
- Lila
- Loki
- Lola
- McQueen
- Nel
- Phoebe
- Piper
- Prada
- Rebel
- Rumor
- Sage
- Satin
- Serena
- Silk
- Sophia
- Stella
- Tory
- Trixie
- Vera
- Versace
- Yves
Learn More: Top 400+ Female Dog Names

Musical Dog Names
Are you looking for cool music inspired dog names for your furry pal? You’re in the right place!
Whether it’s your favorite song or a chart-topping band, naming your pooch after your love of music is a fantastic way to choose an uber-cool moniker for your new pup.
If you have eclectic taste and don’t know where to begin – check out our list of amazing dog names inspired by music below!
- Amadeus
- Amber
- Angela
- Anthrax
- Aretha
- Axl
- Bach
- Beethoven
- Beth
- Blondie
- Bob
- Bono
- Bowie
- Brahms
- Buddy
- Capricorn
- Charlotte
- Charlotte the Harlot
- Chopin
- Chrissie
- Chuck
- Clash
- Clef
- Consonance
- Courtney
- Crescendo
- Debussy
- Dissonance
- Domino
- Dvořák
- Echo
- Elton
- Elvis
- Eric
- Floyd
- Fortissimo
- Freddie
- George
- Glitter
- Händel
- Harmony
- Haydn
- Hayley
- Hendrix
- Iggy
- Iron Maiden
- Janis
- Jarvis
- Jeff
- Jerry
- Joni
- Judas Priest
- Kiss
- Kurt
- Lacey
- Legato
- Liam
- Libretto
- Lita
- Lyric
- Madonna
- Mahler
- Major
- Medusa
- Melody
- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy
- Metallica
- MJ
- Moonchild
- Morrissey
- Motif
- Mötley Crüe
- Motörhead
- Mozart
- Music
- Note
- Pat
- Pianissimo
- Pink
- Poco
- Polyphony
- Presley
- Prince
- Puccini
- Queen
- Rainbow
- Rainbow Eyes
- Rhythm
- Ringo
- Rocka
- Rocka Rolla
- Rosie
- Rossini
- Shandi
- Shine
- Sonnet
- Sonority
- Stevie
- Sting
- Strauss
- Stravinsky
- Stretto
- Strutter
- Sweet Amber
- Tarot
- Tarot Woman
- Tchaïkovsky
- Teaser
- Tempo
- Tina
- Treble
- Tyler
- Vivaldi
- Wagner
- Whole Lotta Rosie
Learn More: Top 250+ Beagle Dog Names

Cool Anime Dog Names
If you’re an anime fan, you have a wealth of super-cool names for your pooch to choose from.
This incredibly popular Japanese media features many hero canines, all with their own special powers, useful traits and undeniably cute demeanors!
If your new pup shares his looks or personality with your favorite animated hound, giving them a cool anime dog name is the perfect way to ensure they stand out from the crowd.
Check out our favorite anime dog names below for inspiration!
- Akamaru – Akamaru is the loyal partner and companion of Kiba in Naruto. This anime dog has a kooky appearance, but he also boasts incredible wisdom and indispensable abilities. He helps out his partner by tracking down bad guys and transforming into a clone of his master during combat.
- Apo – Apo is Hibito’s pudgy pet pug in the series Space Brothers. He likes to eat hot dogs and wakes up Hibito with sloppy kisses in the morning.
- Armageddon – Armageddon stars in Hayate no Gotoku! He is the companion of the main character ‘Fumi’ and often tries to eat a female characters’ curly hair because it looks like tasty chocolate cornets.
- Black Hayate – Black Hayate is a special pooch from ‘Full Metal Alchemist:Brotherhood”. He is a very smart and protective dog who belongs to the character ‘Riza’. Black Hayate is very well-trained and boasts a repertoire of impressive tricks.
- Ein – Ein is the super-smart “data dog” of the Bebop team in ‘Cowboy Bebop’. He is incredibly intelligent, but cannot speak like some other anime animal characters. Instead, he manages to effectively communicate with sweet little barks and body language.
- Gin – Gin is a courageous Akita who is one of the main characters in Ginga Nagareboshi Gin. Gin plays the role of pack leader in a group of wild dogs who plan to kill an evil bear called Akakabuto.
- Guts – Guts stars in Kill la Kill as the greedy pet pug of the Mankanshoku family. Guts may be cute, but he will steal your food from under your nose in the blink of an eye!
- Heen – Heen stars in Howl no Ugoku Shiro (Howl’s Moving Castle). Although he is rather lazy and unable to get up the stairs, he tries his best to assist his master Madam Sulliman when trouble comes knocking.
- Kazuhito Harumi – In the series “Dog & Scissors”, Kazuhito Harumi is reincarnated as a Daschund after dying while protecting a girl from danger. As a human, he loved to read; as a Daschund, he finds himself being purchased by his favorite author!
- Koromaru – In Persona 3: The Movie, Koromaru is a talented albino Shiba Inu who is cared for by Fuuka and Yukari. Unlike other dogs that would use their claws and teeth in battle, Koromaru uses daggers to fight.
- Maru – Maru is the starring pooch in Kimi ni Todoke. He is an adorable stray who is found and adopted by two characters on their way to school. Once they bring him into the classroom, their teacher nicknames him Pedro Martinez after a famous baseball player.
- Pakkun – Pakkun is a ninja dog with a deep voice from the series Naruto. He is incredibly loyal and enjoys using his owners shampoo to keep his coat glossy and fragrant!
- Potato – Potato is a sweet little fluffball from the Anime series Air. Originally a stray, he follows Yukito and Kano everywhere they go and loves to steal Yukito’s toys!
- Sadaharu – Sadaharu is a canine god who stars in Gintama as Yorozuya’s pet. He loves to eat strawberries and milk, sleep a lot and play rock, paper, scissors! Shiro – Shiro is a fluffy, white pooch who belongs to Momotaru in Hoozuki no Reitetsu. He is responsible for punishing animal abusers in hell after death. Tadakichi-san – Tadakichi-san is a beautiful Great Pyrenees in Azumanga Daioh who boasts a stunning fluffy white coat. He is so large, that his owner, Chiyo, can ride around on him like a horse.
- Tetsuya – Tetsuya is the starring pup in Kuroko no Basket. He shares his name with his owner. He loves basketball and enthusiastically cheers on the Seirin Team in all their matches.
- Tobimaru – Tobimaru is a stunning Shiba Inu from Stranger: Mukou Hadan (Sword of the Stranger). He is incredibly smart and faithful, playing a critical role in helping his companions to escape from their enemies.

Cool Pokemon Dog Names
So many cool trends have originated in Japan. Just like anime, Pokemon is a phenomenon which has reached all corners of the world.
If you’re looking for unforgettably cool dog names, the huge variety of fantasy Pokemon characters offer an amazing array of choices!
Whether you choose your favorite battle character, or a powerful Pokemon pooch such as “Houndoom”, “Growlithe” or “Arcanine” – you are sure to find a great Pokemon dog name in our list!
- Abra
- Arcanine
- Arceus
- Articuno
- Beedrill
- Blastoise
- Blaziken
- Braviary
- Brock
- Bulbasaur
- Celebi
- Chansey
- Charizard
- Charmander
- Charmeleon
- Cubone
- Cyndaquil
- Darkrai
- Deoxys
- Dialga
- Diancie
- Diglett
- Ditto
- Dragonair
- Dragonite
- Eevee
- Electabuzz
- Electivire
- Empoleon
- Entei
- Espeon
- Feraligatr
- Flareon
- Flygon
- Gabite
- Garchomp
- Growlithe
- Gyarados
- Haunter
- Houndoom
- Hypno
- Infernape
- Ivysaur
- Jirachi
- Jolteon
- Jynx
- Kabutops
- Kadabra
- Keldeo
- Kingdra
- Krabby
- Kyogre
- Kyurem
- Lapras
- Latias
- Latios
- Lucario
- Lugia
- Luxray
- Machamp
- Magnemite
- Manaphy
- Meganium
- Meloetta
- Metagross
- Mew
- Mewtwo
- Milotic
- Misty
- Moltres
- Muk
- Nidoking
- Ninetales
- Oddish
- Onix
- Palkia
- Pidgeot
- Pikachu
- Quilava
- Raichu
- Raikou
- Rapidash
- Rayquaza
- Reshiram
- Rhydon
- Salamence
- Samurott
- Sceptile
- Scizor
- Scyther
- Seel
- Serperior
- Shaymin
- Slowpoke
- Snorlax
- Squirtle
- Steelix
- Suicune
- Swampert
- Sylveon
- Torterra
- Typhlosion
- Tyranitar
- Umbreon
- Vaporeon
- Venusaur
- Victini
- Vulpix
- Wartortle
- Weedle
- Zapdos
- Zekrom
- Zoroark
- Zygarde
Learn More: Top 150+ Harry Potter Dog Names

Cool Superhero, Marvel Dog Names
When it comes to “coolness”, Superheroes and Marvel characters never fail to disappoint.
Whether you’re a Marvel movie buff, or your pup has a personality reminiscent of the Hulk, Marvel dog names are guaranteed to make an impression on your friends!
We particularly like “Captain America”, “Beast”, “Flash” and “Oracle”.
Which one will you choose? Check out our list below to pick your favorite!
- Arrow
- Atlas
- Barbara
- Barry
- Beast
- Blade
- Bucky
- Captain America
- Colossus
- Cyclops
- Dinah
- Flash
- Fury
- Gambit
- Gypsy
- Hal
- Hank
- Hawkeye
- Hellboy
- Hulk
- Ironman
- Jean
- Jubilee
- Kitty
- Logan
- Luke
- Nova
- Oracle
- Punisher
- Reed
- Rita
- Robin
- Rogue
- Rorschach
- Scott
- Storm
- Tula

Strong Female Dog Names
Looking for a cool, edgy name for your feisty female pooch? We’ve got the perfect strong female dog names for you!
Ideal for tough lady pups with strong personalities, our top picks are “Attitude”, “Zelda”, “Flame” and “Ninja”.
Which is your favorite? Check out our list below for more awesome ideas!
- Akira
- Akita
- Attitude
- Avril
- Bear
- Boss
- Britt
- Ebony
- Echo
- Elektra
- Flame
- Flare
- Harley
- Liberty
- Ninja
- Punky
- Pyro
- Queenie
- Rebel
- Rita
- Rogue
- Rumor
- Storm
- Supernova
- Vixen
- Zelda
Learn More: Top 500+ Bulldog Names

Tough Male Dog Names
If your adorable boy is a badass at heart, he deserves one of our tough male dog names to truly honor his fearlessness!
By choosing one of these names for your pooch, there’s no doubt he’ll be the coolest pup in the neighborhood!
Our favorite badass dog names for boy dogs are “Axel”, “Bouncer” and “Taser” – what are yours?
Read on to find out!
- Acid
- Ajax
- Apex
- Ash
- Atom
- Axel
- Bandit
- Bane
- Barbarian
- Bomber
- Bouncer
- Bruce
- Core
- Flint
- Gunner
- Jail
- Lead
- Mack
- Magma
- Ranger
- Rocky
- Scrapper
- Slate
- Target
- Taser
- Trigger
Learn More: Top 350+ Russian Dog Names
That’s a Whole ‘Lotta Cool
There you have it, our ultimate list of cool dog names!
What do you think? Did you choose one of our selections for your awesome pup?
If so, please let us know in the comments below – we’d love to know which one you picked!