Siberian Huskys have become increasingly popular, especially after the popularity of shows like Game of Thrones. These beautiful dogs were ranked 14 out of 191 breeds in popularity by the American Kennel Club. With these dogs’ beautiful eyes and wolf-like appearance, it is no wonder why they are so popular.
However, these dogs are known for being mischievous and quite stubborn. If you’ve recently adopted one of these adorable canines, you might want to consider choosing a name that embodies their unique appearance and independent personality.
We’ve collected some of the best husky names on this list. Whether you want something traditional or unique, you can find an appropriate moniker on this list.

Husky Dog Names Male
Luckily, male husky dog names are not hard to find. In fact, nearly any masculine name would work for a male husky. Of course, you should take your dog’s personality and appearance into account when naming them. The name “Blue” might be a great option for a husky with stunning blue eyes but probably won’t work very well for grey husky with brown eyes.
Consider some of these male dog names for your new husky. We’ve included some of the most popular names on this list, as well as a few that are a little more unique.
- Apollo
- Archie
- Atlas
- Bailey
- Balto
- Bandit
- Banshey
- Baxter
- Bear
- Beau
- Benji
- Benny
- Bentley
- Blue
- Bo
- Boomer
- Boris
- Brady
- Brody
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Buddy
- Buster
- Cash
- Chance
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chewy
- Chico
- Coco
- Cody
- Comet
- Cooper
- Cooper
- Cosmo
- Dante
- Dash
- Dexter
- Diesel
- Duke
- Echo
- Fable
- Finn
- Frankie
- Fritz
- George
- Gizmo
- Gunner
- Gus
- Hank
- Harley
- Henry
- Houdini
- Huck
- Hunter
- Ivan
- Jack
- Jackson
- Jake
- Jasper
- Jericho
- Joey
- Kai
- Kobe
- Koda
- Leo
- Lobo
- Louie
- Lucky
- Luke
- Mac
- Mako
- Malakai
- Marley
- Maverick
- Max
- Milo
- Moose
- Murphy
- Neo
- Niko
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Oreo
- Orion
- Oscar
- Otis
- Peanut
- Prince
- Rex
- Riley
- Rocco
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Rudy
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Simba
- Smokey
- Tank
- Teddy
- Theo
- Thor
- Toby
- Togo
- Tucker
- Tyson
- Winston
- Zeke
- Zeus
- Ziggy
Learn More: Top 300+ Border Collie Names

Female Husky Dog Names
Looking for an elegant and beautiful name for your female husky? Then this is the list for you. Female Huskies are known or being graceful and strong. However, they can also be quite clumsy and truthfully, not as smart as they look.
We handpicked this huge list of husky names to help you choose one for your new female husky. Many of these names are incredibly unique, while others are on the more popular side. Either way, these were some of our favorite names.
- Akira
- Alina
- Anastasia
- Anya
- Arya
- Astra
- Babushka
- Bailey
- Bella
- Bianca
- Celeste
- Cheyenne
- Empress
- Freya
- Genesis
- Hera
- Indigo
- Irina
- Elke
- Espirit
- Kira
- Kyra
- Mika
- Mischa
- Misty
- Mya
- Nala
- Nikita
- Nova
- Pearl
- Quinn
- Ripley
- Sadie
- Sasha
- Sava
- Scout
- Shasta
- Sheba
- Shiloh
- Star
- Tasha
- Willow
- Zia
Learn More: Top 400+ Scottish Dog Names

Best Husky Dog Names
Not all names divide easily along masculine and feminine lines, especially those names that relate to geography or other natural features. Of course, these nature names are some of the best Husky names you can find. We’ve included many natural names for you to choose from on this list, as well as a couple of other unisex options.
- Acacia
- Aerie
- Alaska
- Alder
- Alpine
- America
- Angora
- Ash
- Aspen
- Aurora
- Autumn
- Avalanche
- Badger
- Bayou
- Bengal
- Birch
- Bison
- Blizzard
- Bluff
- Boa
- Boulder
- Briar
- Buck
- Butternut
- Caldera
- Canyon
- Cascade
- Cedar
- Cheetah
- Chestnut
- Cinder
- Cliff
- Clover
- Coral
- Creek
- Cricket
- Cypress
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dale
- Dandelion
- Delta
- Denali
- Dusk
- Dusty
- Eagle
- Elm
- Ember
- Fargo
- Fern
- Flint
- Forest
- Frosty
- Gaia
- Glacier
- Hawk
- Hawthorn
- Holly
- Ice
- Ivy
- Jackal
- Juneau
- Juniper
- Kenai
- Kodiak
- Linden
- Lion
- Luna
- Lynx
- Maple
- Meadow
- Mesa
- Midnight
- Moss
- Nome
- North
- Oak
- Oasis
- Ocean
- Otter
- Phoenix
- Polar
- Quetzal
- Rain
- Ranger
- Raven
- Ravine
- Redwood
- Reed
- River
- Sable
- Sage
- Scout
- Sequoia
- Shadow
- Shark
- Siberia
- Sierra
- Sky
- Snow
- Spruce
- Storm
- Summit
- Tempest
- Terra
- Thorn
- Tiger
- Timber
- Tor
- Tundra
- West
- Windy
- Winter
- Yeti
- Yukon
Learn More: Top 900+ Australian Shepherd Dog names

Good Siberian Husky Names
Perhaps the most suitable husky names are those in Inuit, which is the language spoken in the area huskies were originally bred. Here are a few dog names in Inuit for you to choose from:
- Adlartok: “clear sky”
- Ahnah: “a wise woman”
- Akna: “Inuit goddess of fertility”
- Amaruq: “grey wolf”
- Aput: “snow”
- Chinook: “warm wind”
- Cupun: “coal”
- Ikiaq: “red spruce”
- Kavik: “wolverine”
- Miki: “small”
- Miska: “little bear”
- Nanuk: “polar bear”
- Neko: “woman”
- Sakari: “sweet”
- Siku: “ice”
- Silla: “god of sky”
- Suka: “fast”
- Tatuk: “morning”
- Uki: “survivor”
- Ulva: “wolf”
- Yuka: “bright star”
- Yura: “one who is beautiful”
Learn More: Top 500+ Greek Dog Names

Badass Husky Names
Huskys are considered to be medium to large canines. However, their loud bark and muscular stature can make them seem much larger than they actually are. Here are some badass names for your big, bad dog.
- Ace
- Anarchy
- Apache
- Blaze
- Bolt
- Bundy
- Forrest
- Fury
- Khan
- King
- Lash
- Legend
- Loki
- Magnum
- Magnus
- Major
- Meansy
- Meteor
- Metroid
- Mosaic
- Nitro
- Odin
- Outlaw
- Ozzy
- Puma
- Rebel
- Rocky
- Saber
- Scorpio
- Solus
- Steamboat
- Surge
- Thunder
- Trapper
- Ulysses
- Walker
- Wesker
- Whither
- Wolf
- Wrangler
Learn More: Top 300+ Disney Dog Names

Cool Husky Names
Huskys are known for withstanding cold weather. Their coat and eyes are designed for these colder environments, which makes them great sled dogs and working dogs in cold climates. Why not consider giving them a “cool” name to go with their love for a cooler climate.
- Agate
- Annie
- Belle
- Cali
- Chief
- Diamond
- Dixie
- Dune
- Ella
- Emma
- Fang
- Geo
- Granite
- Grizzly
- Havoc
- Izzy
- Jax
- Jet
- Kona
- Lady
- Layla
- Leopard
- Lexi
- Lulu
- Maddie
- Maya
- Millie
- Montane
- Olive
- Oso
- Panther
- Pearl
- Plum
- Princess
- Rosebud
- Sasha
- Surf
- Willow
- Winnie
Learn More: Top 400+ Golden Retriever Dog Names

Cute Husky Names
Huskys aren’t traditionally thought of as cute. However, anyone who has been around one knows that they can be quite adorable when they want to be (like right after they sneak a cookie off the counter). Even these larger canines can sport a cute name.
- Beans
- Blackberry
- Blueberry
- Bok Choy
- BonBon
- Butterscotch
- Cabbage
- Candy
- Caramel
- Cherry
- Cotton Candy
- Endive
- Gumball
- Honeydew
- Huckleberry
- Jalapeno
- Jujubee
- Kaffir
- Kale
- Kiwi
- Kumquat
- Leek
- Lychee
- Marshmallow
- Mushroom
- Nashi
- Okra
- Parsnip
- Peaches
- Pepper
- Pez
- Pixie
- Pumpkin
- Shallot
- Skittle
- Sprout
- Taffy
- Tic-Tac
- Twizzlers
Learn More: Top 200+ Black Dog Names

Red Husky Names
Red huskies aren’t terribly common, but they are out there. The red colorations genes are not dominant, which means red huskies that are bred with huskies of other coat patterns won’t have as many red puppies. Most dogs with red coats come from specialty breeders who focus on producing these unique dogs. With that said, you can find red huskies throughout the United States. They’re uncommon but not exceedingly rare, though they might cost a little bit more than a grey or tan husky. These special dogs deserve a particularly fitting name.
- Amaryllis
- Amber
- Apple
- Auburn
- Azalea
- Beets
- Begonia
- Berry
- Brandy
- Brick
- Burgundy
- Cabernet
- Calla Lily
- Cardinal
- Carenne
- Cerise
- Cheddar
- Chili
- Cinnamon
- Clifford
- Copper
- Cranberry
- Crimson
- Current
- Curry
- Dahlia
- Finch
- Flamingo
- Fox
- Ginger
- Hazel
- Hibiscus
- Ketchup
- Lobster
- Malbec
- Mango
- Marigold
- Maroon
- Merlot
- Orangutan
- Pansy
- Paprika
- Peony
- Peppermint
- Pepperoni
- Poinsettia
- Poppy
- Radish
- Raspberry
- Rhubarb
- Rose
- Russet
- Rusty
- Saffron
- Sandy
- Sangria
- Scarlet
- Shiraz
- Sienna
- Strawberry
- Sweet Pea
- Tomato
- Tulip
- Twizzler
- Verbena
- Zinfandel
Learn More: Top 100+ Badass Dog Names

What Did You Name Your Husky?
There are literally hundreds of names for you to choose from on this list. While they share many common traits, huskies are known for having very distinctive and unique personalities. The name you choose should mirror this.
Of course, if you just adopted your new pet, you might not know their personality very well. If you want to choose a name based on their personality, you might want to wait a few days before making a final decision on a name. During this time, get to know your new pooch so you can pick the perfect name to suit them.
With that said, not all names need to be based on personality. Many names are more suited to appearance than a dog’s behavior. Plus, dogs tend to grow into the names you give them. There is no need to wait to choose a name if you don’t want to.
However, even if you decide to give your pooch a new name right away, you will probably find yourself switching in between names for a day or two after adopting your new dog. While your dog probably won’t get confused after just a few days of name-switching, jumping from name to name over a long period can cause significant confusion. Eventually, you will have to decide on only one name!
If there are multiple people in your household, we recommend selecting a name as a team effort. Otherwise, you might find that not everyone in your household likes the name you choose. Or, even worse, some of the younger members might not even be able to pronounce the selected name, which can cause confusion for everyone involved, including your new canine.
Preferably, you should choose a short name with clear pronunciation. This will help your canine learn their name and prevent any confusion between family members. If you select a longer name, you should choose a nickname for training and recall purposes, as it is very important for names to be short and distinct in these situations.