Rottweilers are known for being loyal and confident guardians. They’re a working breed that descended from giant mastiffs that once guarded Roman legions. After Rome collapsed, the Rottweiler’s ancestors began guarding the cattle herds of butchers, which earned them the name Rottweiler and led to them becoming the dog they are today.
Today, these dogs are best known for their search-and-rescue work as well as their loving disposition towards their family members. If you’ve adopted one of these calm and confident dogs, you should choose a name that suits their aloof yet playful demeanor.
We’ve created this ultimate list of Rottweiler dog names, allowing you to choose the best moniker for your canine.

Male Rottweiler Puppy Names
Many of the usual dog names work well for Rottweilers, especially names that are stronger and sound more confident. Of course, names relating to guarding and fighting are very suitable, since this is what these dogs were originally bred for. Here are some names we selected that we feel are the most suitable for these strong canines.
- Abbott
- Abe
- Ace
- Achilles
- Adrien
- Admiral
- Aero
- Aiden
- AJ
- Albert
- Alden
- Aldo
- Alex
- Alexander
- Alfie
- Alford
- Ali
- Alistar
- Alrik
- Alvin
- Amos
- Andre
- Andy
- Angus
- Apollo
- Archie
- Aries
- Arnold
- Arthur
- Artie
- Ash
- Ashby
- Atlas
- Augustus
- Baron
- Bane
- Bolt
- Barry
- Barton
- Basil
- Baxter
- Beans
- Bear
- Beau
- Benji
- Bennett
- Benny
- Benson
- Bentley
- Bertrand
- Beta
- Billy
- Bing
- Bingo
- Blake
- Blaze
- Blue
- Bo
- Boomer
- Bowie
- Bradford
- Bradley
- Brady
- Braxton
- Brigham
- Brock
- Broderick
- Brody
- Brogan
- Bronson
- Brownie
- Bruce
- Brutus
- Bryce
- Bubba
- Buck
- Bucky
- Buddy
- Buster
- Butch
- Buzz
- Bullet
- Byron
- Cadence
- Caesar
- Cain
- Calvin
- Captain
- Carlton
- Carter
- Cash
- Casper
- Cecil
- Cedric
- Champ
- Chance
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chewy
- Chico
- Chief
- Chip
- Chips
- Cisco
- CJ
- Clarence
- Clark
- Clement
- Clifford
- Clyde
- Coco
- Cody
- Colby
- Coleman
- Colin
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Corky
- Cornelius
- Cosmo
- Crawford
- Crash
- Damien
- Dane
- Daniel
- Dante
- Darby
- Darius
- Davis
- Davy
- Denver
- Dexter
- Diego
- Diesel
- Dixon
- Doc
- Dodge
- Domingo
- Donnie
- Edison
- Edmund
- Edward
- Edwin
- Eldon
- Eli
- Eliot
- Elmer
- Elvis
- Elway
- Emerson
- Emmett
- Emory
- Ernest
- Eugene
- Evan
- Evander
- Everett
- Ezra
- Fabio
- Fang
- Farley
- Felix
- Felton
- Fenton
- Fido
- Finley
- Finn
- Fisher
- Flash
- Fletcher
- Floyd
- Fonzi
- Forrest
- Foster
- Francis
- Frank
- Frankie
- Franklin
- Goose
- Gordy
- Grady
- Graham
- Griffin
- Grover
- Gunner
- Gus
- Goliath
- Hamilton
- Hank
- Hans
- Harold
- Harrison
- Harry
- Hart
- Harvey
- Hawkeye
- Hayes
- Heath
- Hector
- Henry
- Herbert
- Herman
- Hercules
- Hilton
- Hogan
- Homer
- Hooch
- Hoover
- Hoss
- Huck
- Hudson
- Hugh
- Hugo
- Hulk
- Hunter
- Hyatt
- Iggy
- Igor
- Ike
- Indy
- Ira
- Irving
- Jackson
- Jacob
- Jag
- Jake
- James
- Jameson
- Jasper
- Java
- Jax
- Jefferson
- Jerry
- Jesse
- Jet
- Jethro
- Joey
- John
- Johnny
- Jonas
- Joseph
- Judge
- Junior
- Justice
- Kane
- Kendrick
- Kent
- Kilo
- King
- Lane
- Langston
- Lars
- Lawrence
- Lemuel
- Lenny
- Leo
- Leon
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levi
- Lewis
- Liam
- Lincoln
- Linus
- Logan
- Loki
- Louie
- Luigi
- Lukas
- Luke
- Luther
- Mac
- Mack
- Maguire
- Major
- Malcolm
- Marco
- Mario
- Marley
- Martin
- Marty
- Mason
- Maverick
- Max
- Maximillian
- Maximus
- Maxwell
- Mccoy
- McKinley
- Mercer
- Michael
- Mickey
- Milburn
- Miles
- Miller
- Milton
- Moe
- Mojo
- Monroe
- Moose
- Morris
- Mort
- Morton
- Murphy
- Murray
- Nacho
- Napoleon
- Nash
- Ned
- Nelson
- Nero
- Newton
- Nico
- Niles
- Noah
- Norm
- Norman
- Norris
- Oakley
- Odie
- Odin
- Oliver
- Ollie
- Orson
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Overton
- Owen
- Ozzy
- Pablo
- Paco
- Parley
- Patch
- Pepper
- Percival
- Percy
- Petey
- Petra
- Phillip
- Pierce
- Pogo
- Pongo
- Porter
- Prince
- Quincy
- Quinton
- Radar
- Ralph
- Rambo
- Randall
- Ranger
- Rascal
- Raymond
- Rex
- Richard
- Ricky
- Rider
- Ringo
- Ripley
- Robert
- Rocco
- Rockwell
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Roy
- Rudolph
- Rudy
- Rufus
- Remington
- Sarge
- Scooter
- Scrappy
- Sebastian
- Sedrick
- Shamus
- Shelton
- Sherman
- Sherwood
- Sigmund
- Silas
- Simba
- Simon
- Spencer
- Spike
- Stein
- Tesla
- Thaddeus
- Theodore
- Thor
- Thornton
- Tiller
- Titus
- TJ
- Tobias
- Toby
- Todd
- Tot
- Toto
- Trapper
- Tripp
- Tristan
- Truman
- Tucker
- Tyler
- Victor
- Vince
- Vincent
- Vinnie
- Virgil
- Wade
- Wallace
- Wally
- Walter
- Warren
- Watson
- Wesley
- Wheeler
- Wilbur
- William
- Wilson
- Winston
- Wolfgang
- Woody
- Wyatt
- Wylie
- Yogi
- Yoshi
- Yukon
- Zane
- Zeus
- Ziggy
Learn More: Top 500+ Korean Dog Names

Female Rottweiler Puppy Names
Naming a female Rottweiler means toeing a fine line between dainty, elegant names and those that are stronger and more confident. You may want to observe your canine for a few days before settling on a name, which will give you time to get to know your dog and choose a more suitable name.
- Abby
- Addie
- Adelaide
- Adeline
- Adelyn
- Adriana
- Agatha
- Agnes
- Alaska
- Alexia
- Alexis
- Alice
- Allie
- Alyssa
- Amari
- Amber
- Amelia
- Amelie
- Amina
- Angel
- Angelica
- Andromeda
- Angie
- Aspen
- Athena
- Bess
- Bessie
- Betsy
- Betty
- Bianca
- Billie
- Bindi
- Birdie
- Blair
- Blakely
- Blanche
- Blondie
- Blossom
- Blizzard
- Bonnie
- Brandy
- Bridget
- Brielle
- Brooklyn
- Chloe
- Cinnamon
- Clara
- Clarissa
- Clementine
- Cleo
- Cleopatra
- Clover
- Cora
- Coraline
- Courtney
- Cricket
- Crystal
- Daisy
- Dakota
- Dallas
- Dana
- Daphne
- Darla
- Darlene
- Delia
- Delilah
- Demi
- Destiny
- Diamond
- Dixie
- Dolly
- Dolores
- Dora
- Dorothy
- Dory
- Dottie
- Duchess
- Diva
- Echo
- Eden
- Edie
- Edith
- Effie
- Electra
- Elena
- Eliza
- Ella
- Ellie
- Eloise
- Elsie
- Ember
- Emery
- Emma
- Emmy
- Enid
- Erin
- Esmerelda
- Estelle
- Esther
- Etta
- Fantasia
- Faye
- Felecity
- Fern
- Fiona
- Frances
- Freya
- Frida
- Gabby
- Gaia
- Gemma
- Genesis
- Geneva
- Georgia
- Geraldine
- Gertie
- Gia
- Gidget
- Gigi
- Ginger
- Giselle
- Gloria
- Goldie
- Grace
- Greta
- Gretchen
- Hallie
- Hannah
- Harlow
- Harley
- Harper
- Harriet
- Hattie
- Haven
- Holly
- Honey
- Hope
- Huntress
- Ibby
- Ida
- Imani
- India
- Indiana
- Indigo
- Inez
- Ingrid
- Irene
- Iris
- Isabella
- Isla
- Ivory
- Ivy
- Izzy
- Jackie
- Jada
- Jade
- Jamie
- Jane
- Janelle
- Jasmine
- Jenna
- Jersey
- Jessie
- Jewel
- Joan
- Jolene
- Jordan
- Josie
- Jinx
- Joan
- Justice
- Katniss
- Karla
- Karma
- Kate
- Kay
- Kayla
- Kelly
- Kelsey
- Kendall
- Kennedy
- Kenya
- Leia
- Lena
- Leona
- Leslie
- Lexy
- Liana
- Libby
- Liberty
- Lila
- Lily
- Liv
- Liza
- Lizzy
- Lois
- Lola
- London
- Lorelai
- Loretta
- Lorraine
- Louise
- Lovely
- Lucia
- Lucille
- Lucinda
- Lucky
- Mae
- Maeve
- Maggie
- Maisie
- Makayla
- Malia
- Mallory
- Mandy
- Mango
- Maple
- Mara
- Margaret
- Margot
- Marianna
- Marilyn
- Mary
- Matilda
- Maude
- Maya
- Mazie
- Mckenna
- Megan
- Melina
- Melody
- Mercy
- Mia
- Mika
- Mila
- Miley
- Millie
- Mimi
- Minnie
- Miranda
- Miriam
- Missy
- Mitzi
- Nola
- Nora
- Nori
- Norma
- Nova
- Nyx
- Odessa
- Olive
- Olivia
- Opal
- Oreo
- Olga
- Parker
- Patsy
- Payton
- Peach
- Peaches
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penny
- Perdia
- Phoebe
- Phoenix
- Piper
- Pippa
- Pippy
- Pixie
- Polly
- Poppy
- Portia
- Precious
- Princess
- Priscilla
- Queenie
- Raven
- Remy
- Rebel
- Riley
- Rio
- Rita
- River
- Rosalie
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Rosie
- Rowan
- Rogue
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Ruth
- Ruthie
- Rylie
- Sable
- Sadie
- Sage
- Sally
- Sammie
- Sandy
- Sasha
- Sassy
- Savannah
- Scarlet
- Scout
- Selena
- Selma
- Serena
- Serenity
- Shadow
- Sheba
- Shelby
- Shiloh
- Shirley
- Sienna
- Sierra
- Silvia
- Sissy
- Siti
- Skye
- Skylar
- Smokey
- Sunny
- Susannah
- Susie
- Sweetie
- Sydney
- Sylvia
- Starbuck
- Tabitha
- Talia
- Taylor
- Tessa
- Thea
- Theo
- Tiana
- Tilly
- Tootsie
- Trixie
- Trudy
- Twinkie
- Violet
- Virginia
- Vivi
- Vivienne
- Vixen
- Whitney
- Willow
- Winter
- Zia
- Zoe
- Zola
- Zora
- Zuri
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German Rottweiler Names
The Rottweiler’s history is somewhat complicated. They were originally bred by the Romans from Asian Mastiffs as guard dogs for their army, which was often after the modern-day German area at the time. After the fall of the Roman Empire, these dogs stayed in the area and were used to guard stores and cattle herds.
As you can see, these dogs do not belong to any one area. They’re from Asia and Rome and Germany. Still, in more modern times, these dogs are mostly associated with Germany, so here is a list of German names you might consider for your dog:
- Ada
- Alfred
- Alger
- Annika
- Arvin
- August
- Axel
- Beate
- Bernard
- Berta
- Bismarck
- Britta
- Bruno
- Cayden
- Clovis
- Dagmar
- Damian
- Dieter
- Donner
- Duxi
- Ellard
- Elsa
- Ferdinand
- Frauke
- Fräulein
- Frederick
- Frido
- Frieda
- Garin
- Gerda
- Gretchen
- Gunther
- Hamlin
- Harbin
- Heidi
- Helga
- Helmar
- Hendrik
- Hugo
- Hulda
- Ida
- Imre
- Irmalinda
- Jaeger
- Kaja
- Katrin
- Keene
- Leona
- Leopold
- Liebe
- Liesel
- Lorelei
- Lotti
- Luther
- Manfred
- Mareike
- Meyer
- Milla
- Milo
- Mozart
- Nadja
- Norberta
- Olinda
- Petra
- Raina
- Ritter
- Romey
- Rowland
- Sascha
- Schatzi
- Schatzie
- Sigrid
- Sonje
- Theobold
- Tilli
- Trudi
- Ugo
- Ula
- Ulrika
- Vala
- Vera
- Verner
- Waldo
- Wilfred
- Wilhelmina
- Winifred
- Winola
- Zelda
- Zelig
- Zenzi

Cool Rottweiler Names
Rottweilers are pretty cool dogs. They’re strong and confident. If you’re looking for a cool name, try some of these:
- Aubrey
- Autumn
- Ava
- Avery
- Bambi
- Bea
- Bella
- Bertha
- Eudora
- Eva
- Evelyn
- Evie
- Faith
- Fancy
- Fannie
- Freddy
- Frederick
- Freeman
- Gerald
- Ghost
- Gilbert
- Gizmo
- Kobe
- Koda
- Lambert
- Lance
- Lucy
- Lula
- Maddie
- Madeline
- Madison
- Mystique
- Naomi
- Nell
- Nellie
- Nettie
- Nia
- Snickers
- Snookie
- Snowball
- Suki
- Summer
- Tank
- T-Bone
- Trooper
- Tyson
- Ulysses
- Vaughn
- Vernon

Best Rottweiler Names
The best name is one that you love and that is fitting for your dog. Here were some of our favorite names:
- Austin
- Avalanche
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Barkley
- Barney
- Brynn
- Buffy
- Callie
- Cameron
- Carla
- Cecelia
- Donovan
- Drew
- Dudley
- Duffy
- Duke
- Dylan
- Earl
- Easton
- Eddie
- Edgar
- Mocha
- Molly
- Nikita
- Nikki
- Nina
- Noel
- Norbert
- Olympia
- Paige
- Paisley
- Pandora
- Paris
- Prinz
- Tiger
- Ursula
- Valentine
- Valeria
- Viola
- Wren
- Xena
- Yasmin
- Yvonne
- Zara
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Now It is Time for You to Select a Name!
After reading through our ultimate list, you need to narrow down your search to just a name or two. If you don’t know your dog well yet, you may or may not be able to select a suitable name just yet. Obviously, you could select a name based on your dog’s appearance, but if you’re trying to select a name based on personality, you may want to take a few days to get to know your pooch first.
You should also select a name that is shorter if possible, as these names are easier for dogs to remember. If you have more than just you in your household, you should also include them in the decision making.