Owning a dog is surely one of life’s great pleasures.
Deciding to get yourself a loyal canine of your own will set you on the path for years of unconditional love, licks and wonderful memories.
But first of all, you’ll need to decide upon the right name for your male pooch!
And when it comes to picking the perfect moniker, many new pup owners find it isn’t as easy as first thought.
Should you go for one of the traditional, top dog names like Rover? Or should you opt for a more edgy, cool or funny male dog name, such as Marlboro, Carlton or Muttley Crew?
Choosing the best male dog name can feel a little overwhelming. For the rest of your pooches life, you’ll be using their name a lot! When you’re in the park, at the beach or taking your new pooch to the Vet’s office – so you’ll want to make sure their name matches their personality!
But don’t panic! We’re here to help you pick the right name for your new boy pup.
We’ve compiled a HUGE list of more than 500 male dog names, so you can find the perfect match! Our list is split up into multiple sections to help you navigate all our suggestions. From popular male dog names, to tough or cute male dog names, we have it all.
So, let’s do this! Read on to find the perfect name for your new pooch!

Popular Male Dog Names
They may be commonly used, but popular male dog names are popular for a reason!
These classic boy dog names have stayed in fashion over the years because they make great names for male pooches.
Names like Max, Jasper, Jake and Buddy are well-loved by boy dog owners across the globe, and are just some of the reliable choices on our list for your new pup.
So, if you’re looking for a time-tested name for your lovable canine – check out our suggestions below!
- Abbott
- Abe
- Abraham
- Ace
- Albert
- Alden
- Alexander
- Alfred or Alfie
- Amos – Hebrew origin which means “Carried by God”
- Apollo – Greek god of truth and prophecy
- Archie
- Arthur
- Ashby
- Augustus – Latin name which means “great” or “magnificent”
- Bailey
- Baxter
- Bear
- Beau
- Benny
- Bertrand
- Blue
- Bo
- Boomer
- Broderick
- Brody
- Bruce
- Buddy
- Buster
- Butch
- Byron
- Calvin
- Cecil
- Cedric
- Chance
- Charles
- Charlie
- Chase
- Chester
- Chewy
- Chico
- Clarence
- Clement
- Coco
- Cody
- Conrad
- Cooper
- Copper
- Dexter
- Diesel
- Duke
- Earl
- Emmett
- Eugene
- Ezra
- Felix
- Finn
- Fletcher
- Frankie
- Frederick
- Fritz
- George
- Gunner
- Gus
- Harley
- Harold
- Harry
- Harvey
- Henry
- Hugh
- Hunter
- Jack
- Jake
- James
- Jasper
- Jax
- Joey
- Kobe
- Koda
- Langston
- Lawrence
- Leo
- Leonard
- Leroy
- Levi
- Lewis
- Loki – Nordic God, known for playing tricks
- Louie
- Lucky
- Luke
- Mac
- Marley
- Max
- Miles
- Monroe
- Moose
- Morris
- Murphy
- Murray
- Ned
- Norman
- Ollie
- Oreo
- Orson
- Oscar
- Otis
- Otto
- Peanut
- Percy
- Pierce
- Porter
- Prince
- Quincy
- Raymond
- Reed
- Rex
- Riley
- Rocco
- Rocky
- Romeo
- Roscoe
- Roy
- Rudy
- Rufus
- Rupert
- Rusty
- Sam
- Sammy
- Samson
- Saul
- Scout
- Shadow
- Sherwood
- Sigmund
- Smokey
- Stanley
- Sylvan
- Tank
- Teddy
- Toby
- Tristan
- Tucker
- Tyson
- Vincent
- Virgil
- Wallace
- Walter
- Warren
- Wesley
- Wilbur
- William
- Wilson
- Winston
- Zeke
Learn More: Top 400+ Female Dog Names

Unique Male Dog Names
Popular male dog names are great, but sometimes a pup’s personality calls for something a little more unique.
So, if you think your furball deserves an awesome male dog name that won’t be called every 5 minutes in the park – we have the perfect list for you.
We think names like Dusty, Diego and Shamus are great and unusual dog names for your new best friend – which will surely match their individuality!
Check out our list below for more inspiration!
- Aero
- Andy
- Bradford
- Brigham
- Carlton
- Corky
- Davis
- Diego
- Dodge
- Duffy
- Dusty
- Fonzi
- Foster
- Graham
- Hayes
- Igor
- Irving
- Jackson
- Jag
- Johnny
- Joseph
- Macbeth – Famous fictional character and Shakespeare play
- Overton
- Reuben
- Robert
- Sedrick
- Shamus
- Wheeler
Learn More: Top 250+ White Dog Names

Cute Male Dog Names
Even if your new pooch is a huge, lumbering St Bernard who drools uncontrollably – we think he’s still a right cutie!
In our eyes, cute boy dog names aren’t just for little Chihuahuas in sparkly handbags. Oh no. Every male dog has a soft center which is undeniably cute, right? And what better way to honor their heart-melting demeanor than with a cute male dog name.
Our list below includes sweet and fun-loving names such as Biscuit and Bubbles, which are sure to give you some great ideas for your new boy! We’ve also included some ironically cute names, like Rags, King and Pistol – which we think are sure to raise a smile!
- Aladdin – Story and cartoon star
- Albo
- Alfie
- Alpaca
- Andre
- Balboa
- Baldwin
- Baron
- Basil
- Bentley
- Benz
- Beowoof
- Berber
- Biscuit
- Blizzard
- Bobo
- Bogart
- Bookie
- Borat – Comedy film character
- Boris
- Brewster
- Bubbles
- Buckwheat
- Cameo
- Cappy
- Casey
- Caspian
- Chauffeur
- Chewbacca
- Clapton
- Conan Dog
- Crockett
- Dale
- Dane
- Diddley
- Dilbert – Cartoon character
- Dingo – Wild Australian dog
- Dingus – Silly person
- Divot
- Donner
- Donnie
- Doodle
- Dynamo
- Eddard
- Eddie
- Edison
- Edward
- Elvis
- Emerson
- Euphrates – Famous river
- Fabian
- Fender
- Fergus
- Fisher
- Fletch
- Frankie
- Gabe
- Gage
- Gannon
- Garrett
- Ginko – Type of Chinese tree
- Gizmo – Gadget
- Griswold
- Guinness
- Gulliver
- Gyro
- Hinkley – A town in the California
- Homer
- Horace
- Hugo
- Hyde
- Iggy (Iggy Pop)
- Indiana
- Jabba – Star Wars villian
- Jax
- Jay
- Jetta
- Jojo
- Jumbo
- Kahuna – A medicine man
- Kazoo
- King – Ruler
- Kirby
- Kite
- Kodak
- Lance
- Larry – A famous basketball player
- Lux – Short for “Luxury”
- Magee
- Malcolm
- Marco
- Melvin – Irish name which means “the chief”
- Merc
- Milo – Quiet and peaceful
- Monk
- Mugsy
- Mustafa – Chosen One
- Nacho
- Nike – Greek word for victory/Also a famous sportswear brand
- Nitro
- Noodle
- Odie
- Oliver
- Ozzie
- Paddington – Famous cartoon bear/ London train station
- Pagoda – A type of Asian temple
- Paladin – A chivalrous man
- Panda
- Picasso – A famous painter
- Pistol – A small hand gun
- Pixel – The tiniest piece of a digital image
- Popeye – Famous fictional sailor
- Quark – A particle in Physics
- Rags – Torn clothing
- Ramstein – German band
- Rascal – A naughty trouble maker
- Rasta – Jamaican origin
- Reece
- Remington
- Ringo
- Royce
- Scooter
- Seal
- Simba
- Sinatra – Famous musician
- Slicker
- Sonata
- Strider
- Tamale – Kind of Mexican food
- Taz
- Thumper
- Tiller
- Tonka
- Valentino
- Venga – means “hurry up”
- Vesper – The evening star
- Waddles
- Wanderer – Loves to explore
- Warhol – A famous artist
- Wicket – Small entryway
- Woodsy – Loves the outdoors
- Xander
- Xavier
- Xerxes
- Yo-Yo
- Yodel
- Zazu
- Zed
- Zephyr – Gentle breeze
- Zero
- Ziggy
- Zoomer
Learn More: Top 200+ Black Dog Names

Cool & Funny Male Dog Names
Looking for an uber-cool or funny male dog name for your pup? We have just the list for you!
These names are guaranteed to either make your pooch the coolest hound in the dog park, or make all your friends and family chuckle when they meet him. Either way, your pup will be unforgettable!
We particularly like Cookie Monster, Big Mac and Major Butt-Sniffer, but the choice is yours!
Check out our other suggestions below.
- Alabaster
- Anderson Pooper
- Ansel
- Artoo Dogtoo
- Atticus – Ancient philosopher
- Bacon
- Banksy – Elusive political graffiti artist
- Basquiat
- Beau Dacious
- Big Mac
- Blade – From the Vampire Movies
- Boba Fett – From the Star Wars Movies
- Bodhi – Sanskrit name which means “enlightened”
- Boo Radley
- Boone
- Brushy
- Buster Brown
- Buzz Pawldrin
- Canvas
- Charlie Brown
- Chiffon
- Chronic
- Cookie Monster
- Crayola
- Darth Vader
- Degas (Edgar)
- Diego (Rivera)
- Edgar
- Enzo
- Emoji
- Ernest Hemingway – Famous writer
- Fozzie Bear
- Francis
- Fresco
- George Michael – Famous singer and musician
- Goya (Francisco)
- Graffiti
- Gryffindor – A house in the Harry Potter stories
- Han Solo – A character from the Star Wars Movies
- Hashtag
- Hendrix (Jimmy)
- Huckleberry
- Indiana Jones – Famous fictional explorer
- Indigo
- Jack Jack
- Jazz
- Johnny Cash
- Jon Snow – Well-known character from the Game of Thrones series
- Judd (Donald)
- Kai
- Kingston
- Kylo Ren
- Leonardo (Leo)
- Luca
- Lucian (Freud)
- Luke Skywalker
- Lupin
- Major Butt-Sniffer
- Malteser
- Marlboro
- Marty McFly
- Mateo
- Matisse
- Michelangelo – Famous artist
- Miles Davis
- Muse
- Muttley Crue
- Obi-Wan – Character from the Star Wars movies
- Ochre – A type of red paint
- Onyx – A tough black mineral
- Optimus Prime – A character from the transformers movies
- Pawblo Picasso
- Pooh Bear
- Prince Pooper
- Raphael
- Reeses Puppycups
- Rembrandt – Famous Dutch painter
- Remy
- Romeo
- Rockwell (Norman)
- Salvador (Dali) – Famous painter which created weirdly disturbing pieces.
- Sativa – A type of Cannabis
- Sawyer
- Scooby Doo – Well-known cartoon dog
- Sir Dig-a-lot
- Silas
- Sitka
- Slate
- Tater Tot
- The Furry Fart Machine
- Theo
- Thor – A Germanic hammer-wielding god
- Tony Romo
- Topaz – A type of crystal
- Tyrion
- Ultra
- Vincent (Van Gogh) – A famous painter (who cut off his own ear!)
- Waggy Walker
- Weiwei
- WiFi
- Willie Nelson
- Yazzie
- Yeti
- Yogi Bear
Learn More: Top 800+ Dachshund Dog Names

Tough & Masculine Male Dog Names
Is your pooch a ferocious ball-catcher? Does he defend you from the dastardly mailman with his best scary bark?
If your new boy has a fearless personality no matter his size, he truly deserves one of our manly dog names!
Perfect for all breeds from German Shepards to Jack Russell terriers; our list of tough and masculine dog names is sure to have the ideal moniker for your attitude-filled pooch!
- Alcatraz – Famous prison in the USA
- Ajax
- Apex
- Atlas
- Axel
- Barbarian
- Bandit
- Bengal
- Brady
- Bruce Lee – Famous martial artist
- Bruce Wayne – Famous tough guy
- Bruno
- Brutus – Julius Caesar’s assassin
- Boa
- Bomber
- Bouncer
- Canyon
- Captain
- Cash
- Cassius
- Champ
- Chomp
- Clyde
- Crusher
- Courage
- Dante
- Dash
- Denver
- Diesel
- Dragon
- Doyle – Irish name that means “dark” and “stranger”
- Eliot
- Falcon
- Fang
- Frank
- Frankenstein – Famous zombie
- Gangster
- Genghis – Famous Mongolian leader
- Ghost
- Grinder
- Grover
- Hank
- Hogan – Famous wrestler
- Hooligan – Slang for troublemaker
- Huck
- Hulk – Like the superhero
- Jailbait
- Jagger
- Jinx – To bring bad luck or ill fortune
- Judge
- Kevlar – Type of armor
- Khan
- Kodiak
- Legend
- Maverick
- Muscles
- Neo
- Odin – Norse God of battle
- Pablo
- Paco
- Pharaoh – A ruler of Ancient Egypt
- Putin – Tough Russian leader
- Rage
- Ranger
- Rider
- Ronin
- Ryder
- Sergeant
- Slash
- Sting
- Tank
- Tempest
- Tiger
- Timber
- Titan
- Trooper
- Trojan – Trick horse used to invade
- Vaughn
- Victor
- Watson
- Warlock
- Wolf
- Wilder
- Wrangler
- Wyatt
- Vladimir – The Impaler
- Yukon – Wild region of Canada
- Zeus – Powerful Greek God of the sky and lightning
Learn More: Top 150+ Harry Potter Dog Names

Small Male Dog Names
Little dogs are so often the ones with the biggest personalities. Maybe it’s because they feel they have some making up to do, or perhaps it’s because what they lack in size, they gain in attitude.
Either way, small dogs are a tonne of fun – and they deserve a name that matches their individuality while honoring their small, yet mighty demeanor!
Our personal favorites are Napoleon, Junior, Biggie Smalls and Sir Barkley.
Which one will you choose? Check out our suggestions below!
- AJ
- Alistar
- Ash
- Austin
- Biggie Smalls
- Billy
- Blake
- Bryce
- Buck
- Caesar (Julius) – Roman leader
- Chip
- Coleman
- Drew
- Espresso – Short, strong coffee
- Evander
- Franklin
- Grommet
- Gargoyle
- Herbert
- Hilton (Paris)
- Hoover
- Junior
- Kilo
- Kona
- Liam
- Major Barkalot
- Marty
- Maxwell
- McKinley
- Meyer
- Mickey
- Micro
- Napoleon – A famously short French military leader
- Nero
- Nico
- Noah – Built the Ark in the Bible
- Oakley
- Radar
- Mr Scrappy
- Sir Barkley
- Stitch
- Stuart Little – Famous mouse character from the movie
- Squidge
- Squish
- Tiny
- TJ
- Yogi
- Whizzy
- Ziggy Stardust
- Zippy
Learn More: Top 300+ Black and White Dog Names
That’s a Wrap! Which Name Did You Pick?
We’ve reached the end of our Ultimate Guide to the Best Male Dog Names – there’s so much choice!
What do you think? Did you pick one of our suggestions for your new boy pup?
With more than 500 male dog names to choose from, we’re confident that you did! If so, please let us know in the comments below – we’d love to hear from you!