Despite common misconceptions, there is actually no “Pit Bull” dog breed. Instead, Pit Bull is more like a group of breeds, though there is some argument over which dogs fit into that category. Instead, when most people think of Pit Bulls, they’re actually thinking of the American Staffordshire Terrier. However, there are some other common Pit Bull breeds as well.
Furthermore, most dogs identified in shelters as “Pit Bulls” are not actually Pit Bulls at all. According to one study, identifying dog breeds in a shelter is basically a guessing game.
With all this confusion, it can make naming your new Pit Bull somewhat complicated. We’ve gathered this list of names that would be suitable for nearly any Pit Bull-like canine. Because you can’t be sure about the breed, most of these names are based on appearance and personality.

Female Pit Bull Names
There are many popular, female Pit Bull names out there. You can name your new pooch something cute, or something a little on the serious side. This list includes both categories of names and everything in between, allowing you to choose the best option for your canine.
- Abbie
- Adira
- Alaska
- Anna
- Athena
- Aura
- Aurora
- Becs
- Bella
- Betsy
- Blair
- Cassie
- Chlo
- Clara
- Cleopatra
- Darla
- Dinah
- Diva
- Dixie
- Donna
- Edith
- Elle
- Ellie
- Eva
- Fawn
- Faye
- Fiona
- Florence
- Fortuna
- Frankie
- Freya
- Helena
- Hera
- Iris
- Isis
- Ivy
- Jade
- Kali
- Katie
- Katniss
- Khaleesi
- Kiki
- Lara
- Latitha
- Lexi
- Lola
- Maddie
- Maisy
- Mary
- May
- Moana
- Mulan
- Nala
- Nora
- Nova
- Olivia
- Penny
- Phoebe
- Piper
- Poppy
- Prada
- Queen
- Queenie
- Rachael
- Raina
- Roma
- Roxy
- Ruby
- Sally
- Sass
- Selena
- Suri
- Taya
- Tessa
- Vada
- Vega
- Venus
- Violet
- Vixen
- Wanda
- Willow
- Xena
- Zara
Learn More: Top 100+ Badass Dog Names

Male Pit Bull Names
Similarly to female names, there are countless male names available. Sorting through them all can be tough, so we did some of the leg work for you and picked out only the best. These names are suitable for a variety of Pit Bulls.
- Ali
- Andy
- Archer
- Archie
- Astro
- Axel
- Bacon
- Basil
- Beast
- Benji
- Bolt
- Boxer
- Brawler
- Bruce
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Buddy
- Carter
- Charlie
- Chip
- Chomp
- Chopper
- Cole
- Danny
- Dash
- Eddie
- Ezra
- Finn
- Freddie
- George
- Hank
- Harrison
- Heath
- Hercules
- Hulk
- Hunter
- Jack
- Jagger
- Jax
- Jet
- Joe
- Joker
- Jonny
- Kai
- Kane
- Karl
- Knox
- Kobe
- Kong
- Leo
- Leonard
- Loki
- Manny
- Mason
- Maximus
- Nixon
- Noah
- Obi
- Oscar
- Otto
- Pete
- Ranger
- Robin
- Rover
- Ryder
- Sammy
- Skeletor
- Sparta
- Thunder
- Tim
- Toby
- Trigger
- Tyler
- Victor
- Will
- Zack
- Zane
- Zeus
Learn More: Best 200+ Big Dog Names

Blue Nose Pit Bull Names
This list includes names that are extra-fitting for blue nose Pit Bulls. Most of these names mean “blue” or something of the sort. Because these names come from a variety of languages, many are very unique.
- Aoi: Japanese names meaning “blue.”
- Gorlois: French name meaning “above the blue”, aka “higher than the sky.”
- Hinto: Native American name meaning “blue.”
- Indigo: English word that translates literally to “blue dye.”
- Khajan: Armenian name meaning “blue-eyed.”
- Kishan: Hindi name meaning “the blue” or, alternatively “the black.”
- Odell: Old English word for the blue dye that comes from the woad plant.
- Shyam: Hindi name meaning “black” and “blue.”
- Sunil: Hindi name meaning “very dark blue.”
- Urdin: Basque word for “blue.”
- Viorel: Romanian name for the bluebell flower.
- Yahto: Native American name that means “blue.”
Learn More: Top 300+ Chihuahua Names

Red Nose Pit Bull Names
For Pit Bulls with red noses, you’ll find plenty of fitting options out there. We’ve included female red nose Pit Bull names on this list, as well as a few male ones.
- Aatami: Finnish word meaning “red” and “earth.”
- Adam: Hebrew name that means literally “the red earth.”
- Arura: A charioteer of the sun in Hindi mythology, which translates to “redness of the rising sun.”
- Braith: Welsh name that literally translates to “diversely colored”. However, it was used mostly to describe something that was red and white.
- Clancy: Irish surname that means “red warrior.”
- Eade: English name that means “red.”
- Phoenix: A Greek word meaning “crimson”. In mythology, this was an immortal bird that would be consumed in fire and then reborn from the ashes.
- Shani: Hindi name meaning “red.”
Learn More: Top 400+ Golden Retriever Dog Names

White Pit Bull Names
Did you adopt an adorable, white Pit Bull? If so, you’ve come to the right list. Check out these suitable names for your lightly colored canine.
- Adonis
- Alfie
- Angel
- Angelina
- Anjo
- Ariadne
- Arianna
- Aries
- Artemis
- Auberon
- Aurora
- Axel
- Bailey
- Bandit
- Bella
- Belle
- Benny
- Bernard
- Bertie
- Bianca
- Blake
- Blanca
- Bo
- Boo
- Buddy
- Buttercup
- Caesar
- Caitlin
- Casper
- Cassandra
- Celeste
- Chardonnay
- Charles
- Chico
- Christina
- Cliff
- Comet
- Connor
- Daisy
- Diamond
- Diesel
- Donald
- Dove
- Dude
- Duke
- Elle
- Elsie
- Falcon
- Fergus
- Fina
- Fiona
- Flash
- Flo
- Francis
- Freddie
- George
- Glimmer
- Haiku
- Hector
- Hermes
- Hermione
- Hugo
- Iris
- Ivy
- Jack
- Jasper
- Jonah
- Lily
- Lola
- Ludo
- Luna
- Marn
- Merlin
- Mia
- Milo
- Miran
- Misty
- Molly
- Noah
- Noelle
- Olive
- Olivia
- Orchid
- Orla
- Otis
- Pablo
- Pandora
- Pearl
- Periwinkle
- Pippa
- Remus
- Rhubarb
- Romeo
- Rosalba
- Roscoe
- Rose
- Sandra
- Scout
- Sebastian
- Sirius
- Snowflake
- Stanley
- Sydney
- Tabitha
- Tahani
- Timmy
- Titus
- Toby
- Walter
- Wesley
- Wilbur
- Winston
- Wren
Learn More: Top 250+ White Dog Names

Black Pit Bull Names
Black and gray-colored Pit Bulls are actually quite common. If you’ve recently adopted a canine with this striking coat color, you might want to consider choosing a name that emphasizes their dark coloration. Here are some of our favorites:
- Blake: English name meaning both “black” and “white.”
- Cham: Hebrew name meaning “blackness and “heat.”
- Ciara: Irish name meaning “little black one.”
- Colby: English name meaning “black coal.”
- Daiyu: Chinese name meaning “black jade.”
- Daven: Scottish name meaning “little black one.”
- Delaney: Irish name meaning “black challenger.”
- Doyle: Irish name meaning “black stranger.”
- Dubhan: Irish name meaning “black-haired.”
- Ferrer: Occupational name for a blacksmith.
- Kiaran: Irish name meaning “little black one.”
- Kolr: Old Norse name meaning “black.”
- Li: Chinese name with many meanings, including “black.”
- Melaina: Greek name meaning “black.”
- Merle: English name meaning “blackbird.”
- Nero: Roman name, likely meaning “black.”
- Sable: English name meaning “black.”
- Shyama: Hindi name meaning “black.”
- Tucson: English name meaning “black base.”
Learn More: Top 200+ Black Dog Names

Brindle Pit Bull Names
Brindle Pit Bulls are some of the most striking and popular Pit Bull markings. These Pit Bulls come from the American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier breeds, as these are the only Pit Bull-like breeds that have the genetics for this coat pattern. However, if you’ve adopted your new furry friend from a shelter or rescue, it is very possible they’re a mixed breed.
Either way, here are some of our favorite names for dogs with this coloration:
- Aqua
- Azure
- Blotch
- Blur
- Camo
- Cobalt
- Cyan
- Dapple
- Dash
- Dotty
- Fleck
- Flint
- Fog
- Freckles
- Grizzle
- Gunner
- Marble
- Marine
- Misty
- Mosaic
- Mottle
- Navy
- Patches
- Pebble
- Pepper
- Pip
- Pumice
- Sapphire
- Saxe
- Silver
- Sky
- Slate
- Smokey
- Smudge
- Soot
- Spatter
- Speckle
- Splat
- Spotty
- Sprinkle
- Stone
- Storm
- Streak
- Stripe
- Teal
- Tint
Learn More: Top 300+ German Shepherd Dog Names

Tough Pit Bull Names
Pit Bulls are known as a tough breed. While many are absolutely adorable and cuddly, they were originally bred to fight bulls, so they are often sturdier than other breeds. Luckily for you, tough names are not hard to come by.
- Admiral
- Apache
- Archer
- Argos
- Aslan
- Atlas
- Augustus
- Avalanche
- Axel
- Azlan
- Bandit
- Bane
- Bart
- Brick
- Brigadier
- Brock
- Bronson
- Bronx
- Bruiser
- Bruno
- Brutus
- Buck
- Buckeye
- Danger
- Darth Vader
- Debo
- Dempsey
- Denver
- Dickens
- Diego
- Diesel
- Hudson
- Justice
- K-9
- Khan
- Killer
- Sherman
- Tyson
- Ulysses
- Vinnie
Learn More: Top 150+ Japanese Dog Names

Strong Pit Bull Names
If you’re looking for a stronger name that really stands out, try some of these options. Many of these unique Pit Bull names are very fitting for these bull-fighting canines.
- Aella: greek name meaning “stormwind.”
- Agro: Celtic word for “battle.”
- Andi: English name meaning “warrior.”
- Andrea: Greek name meaning “warrior.”
- Aoife: The name of an Irish warrior princess.
- Armin: German name that means “army man.”
- Bandi: Hungarian name that means “warrior.”
- Bodil: Scandinavian name meaning “battle of revenge.”
- Bojan: Serbian word for “warrior.”
- Borya: Russian name that probably means “fighter.”
- Caden: Irish name that means “little battle.”
- Cael: One of the warriors in Irish mythology.
- Cay: Frisian name that means “warrior.”
- Cedric: English name that means “war chief.”
- Edith: English name meaning “rich battle.”
- Enyo: Greek name meaning “warlike.”
- Grizel: Scottish name meaning “grey battle maiden.”
- Gunda: Germanic name meaning “war.”
- Hilda: German name meaning “battle.”
- Laoise: French name meaning “famous warrior.”
- Luann: English name for “famous warrior.”
- Lulu: Innocent-sounding name that actually means “famous warrior.”
- Maeve: Warrior queen in Irish mythology.
- Matilda: English name meaning “mighty in battle.”
- Olivia: English name meaning “elf army.”
- Sigi: German name meaning “gentle battle.”
- Thyra: Old Norse name meaning “Thor’s warrior.”
- Zelda: German name that means “grey battle maid.”
Learn More: Top 300+ Spanish Dog Names
Time to Narrow Down the List!
After glancing through our huge list of names, it is time to narrow it down and choose one for your pooch. In some cases, this will be easy. If your dog has a unique coat, for instance, you can easily narrow the list down to include names that are only suitable for that coat color.
However, actually choosing a name can be tough, especially if you’re just beginning to get to know your canine. Our recommendation is to try a few names out. Sometimes, a certain name will just fit, while other seemingly fitting names will not.